So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1963: Let us go!

The first thousand nine hundred and sixty-three chapters let us go!

Is it... a sultry thought emerges in my mind. When this thought comes out, he continues to be alarmed without control. Is Yang Ming a master of martial arts, the means just now, is the acupuncture? Thinking of this possibility, the short robbers screamed and screamed: "The heroes are forgiving, the heroes I know are wrong!"

Although Yang Ming heard his words, but at the moment he did not have time to say anything to him, but looked at the tall robber who was going to run away. The random hand shook, and a flying needle shot out and directly fell into the high. The body of the robber, let him mourn, and slammed into the sea, screaming and pouring a stomach.

Yang Ming walked over and grabbed his back neck collar directly. He took him out of the sea and threw it on the beach. "How? Still want to run? But unfortunately, I never intended to let You ran."

The tall robber was stunned by Yang Ming, like an eagle catching a chicken. He suddenly shivered and shivered: "The hero is dying, we blinked. I don't know the heroes. Please, please bypass me?"

"..." Yang Ming is speechless about the tall robbers. Do the two robbers seem to have a high IQ?

Yang Ming kicked the tall robber to the scorpion and fell to the side of the short robber: "You have done a long time in this trip. After so many years, I have not entered the classroom, then I wish you Let's play in the classroom with a hand."

"Ah?" The tall and short robbers were a little dumbfounded after listening to Yang Ming’s words. They didn’t expect Yang Ming to send them to the police station: “Good guys are dying, we’re going all the way, you’re already Let us know a lesson, let us go..."

"Oh, if you don't say it, I still can't think of it. If you say this, I think I haven't played enough of you. I have to work hard!" Yang Ming said, and he fell on the beach. Two electric batons said: "I haven't played the electric roasting people yet. You just gave me inspiration. I want to see what kind of electric roasting people are!"

"Don't! Don't!" The short robbers watched Yang Ming pick up the electric baton, and suddenly he was scared. He was just tasted by the electric baton. He just tasted it. It was really dead. If he was to be Electric, it is better to die!

"Good man is alive, good man, don't charge me, I have a heart attack, and the electricity is dead. When you can't get rid of it, you become a murderer!" The tall robber yelled. He was afraid that Yang Ming really called him, only to scare Yang Ming.

"Oh..." After Yang Ming listened to the words of the tall robber, he fell into meditation: "I killed you, I can't take it off?"

"Yeah! You think, then you just deliberately murdered!" The tall robbers thought that Yang Ming was afraid, and nodded quickly.

"Oh, I know." Yang Ming nodded. "Unfortunately, I killed two robbers a year ago. Not only was I not involved, but I was also commended and said that I am just a defense!"

"Ah?" The tall robbers sneaked, but then quickly said: "It's not the same, it must be that the two robbers are doing it to you, and you are killed, so you are fine, you belong to legitimate defense. But the two of us have surrendered, and if you kill us again, it is not a legitimate defense!"

"Oh, what you said makes sense." Yang Ming nodded, looking at the tall robber like a smile: "Do you know quite a lot?"

"Of course, we are robbed, but also very proficient in the law!" The tall robbery nodded smugly.

"Oh, this way." Yang Ming smiled. "But it's useless. If I was a year ago, I might be afraid of killing you, but now, if I die, I will die."

"Ah?" The tall robber took a trip and didn't understand what Yang Ming said.

Yang Ming did not answer, directly opened the electric baton to the tall robber: "Your brother has tasted this taste, this time it is your turn!"

"Ah--" The tall man screamed and began to tremble with the current: "Hey--"

After a while, Yang Ming found that the tall robber was not electrocuted. When he felt bored, he handed the electric baton to Suya: "Do you play without playing?"

"Don't play, it doesn't mean anything..." Suya shook her head, she was not violent.

"Oh, then I will turn the voltage a little bigger and see if I can kill them!" Yang Ming began to study the electric baton.

"Ah, ah, no!" The short robber screamed: "Don't you want to send us to the police station? You know a little bit, if you hurt us, send it to the police station, you must also It’s not good, you can’t escape the responsibility! If you dare to call us, let us leave, otherwise our brothers will tell you to intentionally hurt!”

"Yes, yes!" The tall robbers had a reason to say that the short robbers said that they were quick to echo: "You have to let us go now, or our brothers will fight in jail, but also tell you to intentionally hurt." !"

"You are really embarrassed." Yang Ming put the electric baton into the mouth of the tall robber, pressed the button, and instantly, there was a smell of something burnt.

The tall robber directly rolled his eyes and was stunned by the corona.

The short robbers didn't expect Yang Ming to be unscrupulous. They dared to teach them with electric batons. They were a little anxious: "If you dare to get us, I will call you and arrest you!"

"Oh, okay, then you can call the police, just as I am tired of playing, you can call yourself and save me some phone bills." Yang Ming said.

"Hey, do you have the ability to call the police? We call our own police? Isn't that a fool?" The short robber said: "If you don't dare to call the police, let us go, lest you get into trouble! You will get us now. In this way, you can't eat it when you get there!"

"Forget it, don't talk nonsense with you, let me call the police." Yang Ming shook his head and dialed Xia Xue's phone.

Xia Xue has not contacted Yang Ming for a while. For Yang Ming, Xia Xue does not know what kind of mentality should be faced...

From the initial hostile tensions, to the subsequent friendships, and then to the task together, the two developed a somewhat better friend relationship than ordinary friends...

However, since the New Year and Yang Ming had some small flaws in the Wang family's base, after Xia Xue returned safely, the relationship with Yang Ming became weaker... The intersection of two people was less and less...

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