So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1969: Too bad

The first thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine chapters are too bad luck.

Fan Jinzhe was not good at the spot, and the handcuffs of the mouse could hardly move.

"I rely on, how so fierce?" Fan Jinzhe wants to cry, tears, he did not expect that things will be so big, completely out of his control, think of this, Fan Jinzhe quickly smashed the plan to slip out now!

After calming for a while, Fan Jinzhe continued to look at the posts on the forum. However, in the second article, it was his "wanted order" by Fan Jinzhe!

After the test, Fan Jinzhe did not appear, so after watching the game at the stadium, the angry students began to find Fan Jinzhe, asking him to fulfill his promise and streaking on campus!

However, I found no one for a long time, so the wanted order was issued!

Fortunately, Fan Jinzhe is living in a separate room in the graduate building. He knows that there are very few people living here. The students in the graduate building are also divided into different departments, and there are very few exchanges. However, no one can find it at one time. Graduate residence hall this luxury apartment!

However, it can't be found now. It doesn't mean that you can't find it in the future. You must know that the students' ability to search for human flesh is very powerful. Fan Jinzhe feels that he is not safe in the dormitory. Besides, can't he always go out?

However, he did not dare to go out now, because it is also very dangerous outside, everyone is waiting for him to perform streaking! If you go out now, I am afraid that I will be caught by the students who are waiting to see him.

Therefore, Fan Jinzhe feels that it is better to wait for the first time, wait for the limelight to pass, and go again at night! In a short period of time, students will not be able to find graduate dormitory buildings!

However, Fan Jinzhe underestimated the perseverance of these students. There are many students who simply do not go to sleep at night. They spontaneously formed a patrol of Fan Jinzhe in the school and walked around the school!

After Fan Jinzhe saw the online tracking report, he was lucky and lost himself. Otherwise, if someone slips out in the middle of the night, I am afraid that I will be caught as a suspicious target. These people are also very patience, and come out to catch themselves at night!

Fan Jinzhe took a few words and simply shut down the computer and went to sleep the next day.

Anyway, no one can find a graduate luxury apartment now, and he is not very worried.

After a night, Fan Jinzhe turned on the computer and checked the latest news on the Internet. The results did not seem to know, and I was shocked!

In the search for his human flesh, some people have already said that Fan Jinzhe lives in a graduate luxury apartment building! Although it is only a reply, it has not attracted the attention of others, but Fan Jinzhe is very clear, and if I continue to do so, I will be picked up sooner or later!

Therefore, Fan Jinzhe did not dare to wait any longer. He was prepared to take a look at the crowd during the day and make up the school.

Thinking of this, Fan Jinzhe did not delay, and directly came up with some props that were not used before, such as sunglasses, caps, and the like. These things were originally bought and played. I didn’t expect this time to play. Use it!

Fan Jinzhe disguised himself as a spy head, and “嗖嗖” slipped out of the graduate luxury apartment building.

Fortunately, although there are many self-organized folk patrols searching for Fan Jinzhe, after all, Fan Jinzhe is not a public figure. Before posting, there is no public appearance. There are not many people who know him!

Before, everyone didn't think he could win. In fact, he did not win. So on the flyers of him and Yang Ming, only Fan Jinzhe had a photo. Now those who search for Fan Jinzhe rely on each People go to Fan Jinzhe with a leaflet!

Therefore, Fan Jinzhe, wearing sunglasses and a cap, easily escaped these people's searches and successfully walked to the school gate!

Fan Jinzhe’s heart is stunned, you guys, idiots make up, see what do you do? You are looking for it, exhausted you, I have already left!

Seeing that the parking lot at the entrance of the school is getting closer and closer, Fan Jinzhe’s heart is so beautiful! When you get on the bus, no one can catch him!

Three hundred meters... two hundred meters... one hundred meters! Fan Jinzhe saw his Honda Accord car. He subconsciously stepped up his pace and ran to his car quickly...

Chen Mengyu came to the school with Zhou Jiajia and Lin Yuyun, and was preparing to park the car in the parking lot at the school gate. She just found a parking space and was ready to listen to the car. She didn’t want to drill a person from the left side. Pounced on a black car next to the parking space that Chen Mengyu wanted to stop!

Chen Mengyan was shocked. She had seen this person before, but according to the speed of this person, it is impossible to meet Chen Mengyu. Whoever thought that this person suddenly accelerated the speed and ran to this place...

Chen Mengxi stepped on the brakes subconsciously, but it was too late, because the people in front of it were too close, or the "砰" to withstand the coming, and gave him a big heel!

Fan Jinzhe slammed and slammed out, not only was the pain in the top of Chen Mengying's car, but also the **** fell!

Fan Jinzhe is not angry, how can I drive? Didn't you see anyone? If you change to normal, he has to jump up to make the driver of this car fat, but now, he is afraid of revealing his identity, he does not dare to have more theory with the owner, can only admit that it is unlucky!

Fan Jinzhe crawled up from the ground, not much to say, limping to his car.

However, he believes that he is unlucky, but some people do not think so!

Chen Fei is an upright person. Chen Mengxi was born under the influence of his father. His character is also very upright. When she hits someone, she will not care, and will not shirk her responsibility!

When Chen Mengxi saw that he had hit someone, he was shocked first, but after reacting, he quickly got out of the car and ran to the victim. "How are you? Is there anything? You don't mess. Action, can I help you call an ambulance?"

"Hey?" Fan Jinzhe stunned. He did not expect that the person who hit him actually knew him. It was Yang Ming’s girlfriend, Chen Mengyu! This can not help but let Fan Jinzhe scream for bad luck, his grandmother's leg, who is not good, but it happened to meet Chen Mengyu, but don't let her give it out!

For those students who searched for him with flyers, Fan Jinzhe was not afraid. After all, they only had one photo. Once they disguised themselves, they would not recognize it. Isn't it now? Wearing a pair of sunglasses and a cap, I successfully deceived those patrols!

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