So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1970: Endless?

The first thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven chapters are over?

However, this is only for those who are not familiar with not knowing themselves. If you know someone who is familiar with Fan Jinzhe, I am afraid that I can't see it when I am far away, but when I look at it from a close distance, I will see the flaws coming!

Fan Jinzhe was in contact with Chen Mengyu. In the resort, he also took Chen Mengyu to **** him! Therefore, Fan Jinzhe suddenly felt a little scared. This Chen Mengyu must not recognize himself. If he recognizes himself, can he not run away?

He believes that Chen Mengyu definitely wants to let himself go streaking! After all, Chen Mengxi is Yang Ming’s girlfriend. It must be in support of the students in the school. Where does he know that Chen Mengxi left the school very early yesterday, and there is no follow-up.

And Chen Mengxi, I don’t know that the students in the school are searching for Fan Jinzhe!

However, Fan Jinzhe was guilty. When he saw Chen Mengxi, he was a little scared by instinct. So he looked down and didn't dare to look at Chen Mengxi. She was afraid that she would recognize it. She just said vaguely: "I am fine, I am fine..."

In fact, if he showed his identity, then he said that he had nothing to do. Maybe Chen Mengxi really let him go. After all, Chen Mengxi hit him, out of jealousy, and would not mention those unpleasant things!

But Fan Jinzhe didn't think so. He thought that Chen Mengyu knew everything, so he was dodging and didn't want to let Chen Mengyu continue to struggle.

"I can't do this. I have knocked you down. I have to go and see it. Even if I don't call an ambulance, I will go to the school hospital to see it. Don't hurt the bones or something..." Chen Mengxi did not expect Fan Jinzhe to be The limping of the collision also said that nothing was wrong, and suddenly there was some doubt.

"I said no need, I don't have to, no problem, you let me go, I am in a hurry!" Fan Jinzhe is anxious, this Chen Mengying is also true, he said that it is all right, you hit the people What anxious?

"You see, you are limping when you walk, how can you be fine?" Chen Mengxi's heart is very kind. Seeing Fan Jinzhe limping, how can he let him go, then she herself The conscience will be uneasy.

"My grass!" Fan Jinzhe is really impatient: "You fuck. Endless? I said nothing, you still ink, you have problems?"

"How do you talk about this person? The dream sister is also concerned about you. After all, we are not right, but why don't you appreciate it?" Zhou Jiajia and Lin Yuyun also got off the bus at this time, just to hear Fan Jinzhe's words, Zhou Jiajia was not worried. Said.

"Grass, I said that I am fine, you still manage? Is it finished?" Fan Jinzhe was so anxious that the dispute between the two people has attracted many students' onlookers. He just wants to leave quickly, otherwise If you have any problems, maybe there will be problems!

"What's the matter? Who knows what's going on?" The security guards of the two schools crowded over and watched some of the lively students.

"It’s these girls who drove the boy!" An onlooker said to the security guard.

"Oh, you guys have a reason to deal with people? Even if it is a girl, you can't be unreasonable. Hurry and send the injured to the school hospital to see a doctor!" The security guard saw a few beautiful girls driving the car, sighing in my heart. And it is a child of a wealthy family, but you can’t be arrogant when you hit someone?

"We didn't care!" Chen Mengyu listened to the security guard and suddenly laughed and said: "We really want to take him to the school hospital to see a doctor, but he has to go, say nothing... you see, he has limped... ..."

“Hey?” The security guard immediately listened to Chen Mengxi’s words and looked at him. He made a mistake. Isn’t these little girls unreasonable, but the problem of the injured side? However, he could not listen to the words of one party, but turned to look at Fan Jinzhe: "Is that the case?"

"Yes, I am fine, let me go!" Fan Jinzhe is not angry, this Chen Mengzhen is really a lot of things, he knows that there is nothing, but she is not eager to bring herself to see a doctor, who? !

"Classmates, you see that you are not stable. You still have to check it out? After all, this kind of thing is better to say clearly in person. Otherwise, if you find the problem again, is there no place to talk about it?" Kindly persuaded.

"No need is not! Mom. I don't want to take care of you if I die! Let me go, I am in a hurry!" Fan Jinzhe pushed away the security guard who stopped him and walked to his car.

"Classmates, you are arrogant! You can't be young, or you can see that each other is a few beautiful girls, so you can face personal heroism. That's not right! You still have to check it out!" Security thought Fan Jinzhe Want to carry forward the style, so I went to pull Fan Jinzhe and didn't want him to go.

"Get out of the way!" Fan Jinzhe's lungs must be blown up. These people are always dressed up with bad people. It's really nothing to do! Fan Jinzhe waved his hand and wanted to push the security guard away. However, because of the severe pain in his legs, he did not stand still. A cockroach gave his body a flash, and the hat and glasses on his head all fell to the ground!

Fan Jinzhe’s subconscious mind is going to go, but fortunately, the classmates did not recognize him at once. Everyone’s mind is on the matter itself, and no one would have thought that this person is Fan Jinzhe!

However, some people are familiar with Fan Jinzhe. This person is Chen Mengyu!

After she saw Fan Jinzhe, she could not help but be a little surprised. The subconscious mind: "Fan Jinzhe? How are you?"

After Fan Jinzhe listened to Chen Mengxi’s words, he suddenly said that he was not good. He said, this stinky girl is really discouraged. I also hit me. I don’t care about you. It’s too awful to poke my identity. Now!

Of course, Fan Jinzhe also knows that Chen Mengxi is purely unintentional. Otherwise, Chen Mengxi would not send him to the hospital with good intentions before!

"I am not, do you admit the wrong person?" Fan Jinzhe shook his head and denied his identity: "I don't know what Fan Jinzhe is not Fan Jinzhe, I have never heard of it!"

If Fan Jinzhe only said that Chen Mengqi admits the wrong person, or comes up with a sentence, "What do you say?" Pretending not to hear clearly, then everyone will not doubt him, but Fan Jinzhe actually has no repetition of silver. Once again, "I don't know what Fan Jinzhe is not Fan Jinzhe, I have never heard of it!" This is a bit of a problem!

Fan Jinzhe can be described as a hot figure in the school. It is no less than Yang Ming’s popularity. Especially in yesterday and today, Fan Jinzhe’s name has been resounded throughout the school. Everyone is searching for him, even the canteen Aunt is asking, is there a student named Fan Jinzhe who is causing public outrage?

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