So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1979: You doubt me?

The first thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine chapters do you doubt me?

Listening to the blue Lingkou, I am sorry for these three words, Yang Ming’s heart is suddenly uncomfortable like a knife!

Yang Ming smiled a little bit, and looked at Lan Ling unbelievably: "Then you..."

"Reassured, I will not be infected, I have to do security measures!" Lan Ling smiled and said to Yang Ming.

"Safety measures..." Yang Ming’s mouth has been smashed twice. Is this also the innocent blue Ling said?

At this moment, Yang Ming did not quite believe in watching Lan Ling, she, or Ling Ling in her memory? How suddenly, some strangers?

"Yeah, in fact, even if you don't do security measures, there is nothing!" Lan Ling said with a smile: "You can't remember that I told you that the heart of our body is activated once it is activated. In fact, it is a hundred. The virus does not invade the realm! Although the hiv virus is very powerful, but for the mysterious anti-drug, it is not a big deal! Many of the nourishment of the nourishment is the virus, the more powerful, the stronger the ability to devour the virus! Even if I have this kind of HIV virus in my body, I have already been swallowed up. You have not found out that your body is very good now? Almost no disease!"

Yang Ming frowned and carefully thought about his body. It seems that since he met Lan Ling, he really did not have any disease!

However, there is no disease, what is the use? Yang Ming’s current thinking is not at all whether he is sick or not. Even if he is immortal, what can he do? Losing the love of the blue Ling, Yang Ming will not want to live.

"I am really sorry, Yang Ming, let you worry about me! But I will not get sick..." Lan Ling thought that Yang Ming was unhappy because he was afraid that he would be infected with AIDS. So he said: "But we In the heart, your worry is really superfluous!"

"..." Yang Ming is speechless. What she is worried about now is whether she has been infected with AIDS? What I really care about is her relationship with that Rong brother! As for AIDS, it is secondary!

My heart is right... Right, my heart! The heart is not to be both men and women. Do you have to be faithful to love? Otherwise, it will happen to the heart, and the body will die. That being the case, how is Lan Ling still...

However, Yang Ming suddenly thought of his own situation. Isn’t he also having a relationship with other girls? But what about that? That doesn't mean that you don't love Lan Ling. The position of Lan Ling in his heart is consistent, so Yang Ming is really sad...

Is it that Lan Ling is just like himself, and he likes himself at the same time, but he likes others... Or, just to vent his physical needs, so what relationship does he have with that brother?

"Yeah... heart, but what's the use... You are not..." Yang Ming smiled bitterly, didn't say it.

"?" After listening to Yang Ming's words, Lan Ling looked at Yang Ming with some doubts: "Yang Ming, what the **** are you doing? What do you say, how strange is it? How can the heart be useless? At least you can always love me!"

"Yeah... I have always loved you..." Yang Ming shook his head and sighed, saying: "But you... Do you still love me? I am really uncertain, you love me or not... ”

"Of course I love you!" Lan Ling is a little weird looking at Yang Ming: "How come you suddenly asked such strange questions? What is going on?"

"Do you still love me?" Yang Ming did not dare to believe the words of Lan Ling, looking at Lan Ling, some awkward.

"Of course, you don't know, the tradition of our blue Miao nationality, our woman, only one man in a lifetime, if it is determined, it will not change." Lan Ling said with a bitter smile: "My mother gave me a kneel down." When I said this to me..."

"Only one man?" Yang Ming listened to Lan Ling's words and then whispered, and quickly asked: "But, the text message on your mobile phone..."

"SMS on the phone?" Lan Ling stunned, and took a look at the text message on his mobile phone, then looked at Yang Ming's expression, and suddenly wanted to understand something... suddenly, Lan Ling has some air drums The drum looked at Yang Ming: "Yang Ming, you should not think that I have a relationship with others, is it infected with this disease?"

"Don't you... isn't it?" Yang Ming saw the expression of Lan Ling at the moment, and he was somewhat uncertain. Isn't the text messages true?

"What is it! I am mad at me!" Lan Ling screamed at Yang Ming: "Well, you doubt me! I have no doubts about you, but you doubt me first... so sad!"

"This..." Yang Ming knows that Lan Ling may be really angry at the moment, but he is not really angry. He just pretends to look like it. "But the short message on this phone, who is it, will be Misunderstood..."

"What is wrong with this! The blood can also infect AIDS. How is your thought so complicated?" Lan Ling was still angry and looked at Yang Ming: "You are in the heart, as long as you love me, there is no Things, as long as you keep my heart unchanged, and then go to other girls, it will not be affected, but if I am tempted by others, or have something with others, you will not see me now! The heart in my body is actually more like a kind of chastity, and there are some differences with you..."

"Hey..." Yang Ming listened to Lan Ling's explanation, and suddenly there was a feeling of relief! However, correspondingly, Yang Ming also feels guilty. He himself doubts Lan Ling unreasonably, but Lan Ling has not doubted himself. He thinks of her as the bad girl who wants to be unsatisfied for desire. child……

Love needs to trust each other! For a time, Yang Ming really got a little up! It turned out that Lan Ling did not have any relationship with others at all. Her heart, that is, the cleanliness she said, did not allow her to do so at all!

The reason why Lan Ling said before I was sorry, is that Lan Ling mistakenly thought that after she saw the text message, she worried about her! And what I think is actually two things, and I suspect that she is derailed... I think Yang Ming feels embarrassed.

"But those short messages..." Yang Ming knew about the innocence of Lan Ling, but it was a bit strange about those short messages! I don't blame Yang Ming for skepticism. Those short messages are really awkward. Isn't that text message not meant?

And who is that glory brother?

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