So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1980: Big oolong

The first thousand nine hundred and eighty chapters of the big oolong

"You peeked at my text message?" Lan Ling asked Yang Ming, and asked with anger.

"Hey... I just watched the text message that I just sent, and I couldn’t help but look at the other ones..." Yang Ming explained with a bit of shame.

"Call... It’s really tiring to get angry!" Lan Ling blinked his eyes: "The eyes must be smashed out, sore, forget it, don't get angry with you!"

"Oh!" Yang Ming knows that Lan Ling will not be really angry. This little Loli has almost never furious with herself. From now on, she has always been very obedient.

"You said that the text message sent by Rong Gege, which one? What kind of association did you cause? I will explain it to you one by one..." Lan Ling laughed.

"Hey... this glory brother, who is it?" Yang Ming asked.

"Rong brother, naturally my cousin, and our blue Miao people, live in the blue Miao Village." Lan Ling said.

"That is, at Yanjing Airport, the man who is very masculine around you?" Yang Ming asked.

"Yeah, Yang Ming, are you monitoring me?" Blue Ling was a little surprised.

"I came back from abroad, after the Yanjing Airport was down, when I was on the plane, I saw you get off the plane, it seems very intimate..." Yang Ming said with a bitter smile: "Where am I specifically monitoring you?" ”

"Ah...not specifically, people think that you are very nervous, so disappointed!" Lan Ling was a little discouraged.

“Hey?” Yang Ming listened to Lan Ling’s words, but he widened his eyes: “Do you want me to monitor you?”

"Of course! You monitor me, you said that you are very nervous me!" Lan Ling nodded: "Actually, I was not angry at all, I am very happy, you care about me, I am very excited, but you put I suspect that it is so bad, I am not too angry, I have to express my dissatisfaction!"

"Oh!" Yang Ming heard Lan Ling say so, suddenly relieved.

"He is my cousin. We haven't seen it for a long time. It's naturally very close!" Lan Ling smiled. "It's what you see, it's Rong brother."

"Oh..." Yang Ming picked up Lan Ling's mobile phone, then opened the text message he saw before, pointing to a "How are you today? Come to me at night?" and "I am going to find you at night..." Two text messages, asked: "You go to each other at night..."

"Refining! In order to deal with the evils of the right elders, we must also take countermeasures as soon as possible. So, I and Rong brother decided to refine our blue Miao people, a kind of shackles that have been lost for a long time. ""

"Strong God? What is that?" Yang Ming listened to the name and thought it was a bit weird, but since it was awkward, the weirdness was normal, but Yang Ming asked some questions: "But why do you want to go to the evening?" System?"

"This kind of cockroaches can't see the sun. If you see the sun, it's easy to die." Lan Ling said: "After the merits of the right elders, after you have achieved it, you can have the body of King Kong, and you have to deal with it. It’s not easy! And this powerful god, as the name suggests, is to let the sinners have the strength of the Hercules so that they can cope with the right elders!"

"This way!" Yang Ming seemed to understand and nodded. He didn't understand the smelting, but he also understood why he had to look for each other at night...

“What about this text message?” Yang Ming asked another text message on the phone. The text message was “Can your body get it? Or tomorrow?”.

"This, smelt is going to be tested. Let's test the refining mites into their own bodies!" Lan Ling explained: "Although it is a little reckless, but time is too late, we must use our own The body tests, and sometimes, when the mites enter the body, they will mutate or die, and they must be repeated and repeated..."

"Hey, what about this one? Is that what it means?" Yang Ming pointed out, "How is the body? It has been made several times yesterday, and is it still going today?" asked the short message.

"Yeah, I put the locusts into the body and tried it. Without success, I naturally continued the next day..." Lan Ling nodded.

"Hey, what about this?" Yang Ming pointed out, "You are so powerful, I can't hold it anymore..." asked, but at this moment, Yang Ming's heart has no doubt about it, he completely believes The explanation of Lan Ling.

"This is also true. I have my heart in my body. It can be said that it is not poisonous. Even if it is countered by locusts, it will not cause too much damage. However, Rong brother is different. When he tries it, he is guilty... Lan Ling grinned.

"Oh... he is also bad luck!" Yang Ming shrugged and said, "What about this one? How is it bleeding?"

Yang Ming refers to "I'm sorry, Ling Ling, I didn't mean it, but still bleeding?" asked this text message.

"He overturned the mites' petri dish, licked my foot, and bleed..." Lan Ling looked at these all-in-one text messages and couldn't help but sneer: "I didn't think much before." But it’s so coherent, it’s really a misunderstanding! Haha, but, do you think I’m bleeding somewhere?”

"I..." Yang Minggan said with a smile: "You don't know why?"

"You only know why, I have been bleeding once, how can you bleed again? You stupid!" When Lan Ling spoke, looking at Yang Ming with his eyes, it made Yang Ming feel a move. Some hearts are ups and downs...

Every time, I can't stand the temptation of Lan Ling... However, Yang Ming thought that this was on the outside table, but I couldn't think of something else, or I would be ugly, and laughed and said: "I thought he had tried hard. ......"

"Go to death!" Lan Ling snorted.

"Well, that one... oh, this one doesn't need to be explained, I understand... I won't do it tonight, isn't it going to be an experiment?" Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "You, this glory brother is really I don’t know how to send a text message all over, how many words will die? If you don’t do it, who knows what he is going to do?”

Yang Ming refers to "I will not do it tonight, I am exhausted, and still sleepy... Why are you not sleepy? Energy is so strong?" This text message.

"Oh..." Lan Ling laughed and laughed even more! Lan Ling also found out that these text messages are connected together. It’s really not that Yang Ming’s association ability is so powerful: “SMS, long hair, or text message?”

"Hey... what about this one?" Yang Ming pointed to the last text message he saw and asked. The text message is "Don't forget to take medicine. I was really sorry yesterday...".

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