So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1981: You can't go!

You can't go to the first thousand nine hundred and eighty-one chapters!

"The foot was smashed, the utensil was too long, and Rong brother was afraid that I would get a tetanus. I explained to him that I have no heart to take medicine. He is not at ease, and keeps reminding me to take medicine..." Ling Xiao's front and back: "Wow, you don't think that I eat the kind of emergency contraceptive? Just like the one you wanted to give me before? I didn't say, I don't have to eat? You stupid !"

"Hey..." Yang Ming was sweating... He found that he was wrong and wrong.

How can a small Xiao Ling betray himself? I am really damn, actually misunderstood the blue Ling!

Oh, really, if you like someone, you have to have confidence in her, not just doubt!

During the talk, the waiter has put the food up, and every dish is mouth watering, full of color and flavor.

"Well, eat first, I am hungry!" Lan Ling deliberately no longer mention this matter, but also afraid that Yang Ming will be awkward, put the phone aside, take the lead in picking up chopsticks, taste the front dish……

"Well, eat first, talk while eating!" Yang Ming was also a little hungry, so he nodded and picked up the chopsticks and ate it.

"Right, how can your glory brother get infected with AIDS? He won't have a problem with his life style?" Yang Ming asked strangely.

"How is it possible? He can't break his shackles, or he will die!" Lan Ling shook his head.

"Hey? How did he get it?" Yang Ming stunned. He didn't expect this glory brother to be a good tragedy. If he had AIDS, he would accept his life, but he didn't mess with it, but he got AIDS. It was a bit sad. It is.

"When I was doing the experiment, I was rumored by the mites, and I was bleeding. When I took my grandmother’s swallowing mother, and swallowed the anti-phagocytic mites in his body, he had already lost too much blood...” Lan Lingdao: “So He went to the mountain to find a blood transfusion in Lang, and as a result, the medical conditions there were not, and he was infected..."

"Hey..." Yang Ming didn't know what to say. The life of this man is a tragedy! Can't help but smile: "How can he be afraid of infecting you?"

"When you put your armpit into the body, you will drop blood on the mites. He is afraid of the hands that are cut by each other, and there is blood transmission..." Lan Ling said.

"So, what can he do? He is sick..." Yang Ming smiled bitterly.

"Nothing, refining people, how can there be no virus in the body? After a long time, it will be swallowed up by the mother-in-law who is major in his body. It doesn't matter." Lan Ling said with a smile.

"Oh, that's not bad!" Yang Ming suddenly envied: "But, in this case, why is he still afraid of transmitting to you? You should be fine?"

"I am not coming to see you? He is afraid that I will infect you!" Lan Lingbai Yang Ming glanced: "He does not know that your heart is also in my heart, so I am afraid, when we are there, It’s passed on to you, it’s not good...”

"..." Yang Ming looked at Lan Ling's charming and feminine style, and even had an impulse to hold her to the hotel immediately!

"What do you think of me?" Lan Ling suddenly looked up and greeted Yang Ming's hot eyes and was shocked.

"Oh...nothing, eat first!" But Yang Ming can control his emotions very well. He smiled and put a little food into his mouth: "Yes, then yours. Hey, is the refining successful?"

"No..." Lan Ling shook his head. "Where is it so easy? It is a vicious drug that is lost. We are also in the experimental stage! Just like the evil spirits of the right elders, he is constantly exploring. And the means of drinking human blood is nothing more than a means of his exploration. In fact, no one knows how to sculpt the shackles in his hands! Only he has some evil spirits, and he is called evil. ......"

"It turned out to be like this!" Yang Ming nodded. "Then you said before, go to Yunnan and your grandmother to practice the exercises, this powerful god?"

"No, that is the kind of family theory of our blue family. Although it is very powerful, it does not outweigh the grasp of the right elders, because the right elders have improved his own exercises. His The evil spirits should be better than our family's heart, so there is no way for my grandmother to let me and Rong brother start the refinement plan of the great god..." Lan Ling sighed: "I originally said that one year. In the period, after practicing the family biography, you can solve the problem of the right elders and come back to you, but now it seems that it is impossible! So this is the reason why I came back earlier this time! On the one hand, I also I miss you, I really want to think about it! I want to see you... On the one hand, this time, after returning to Yunnan, it may be extremely dangerous. After one year, can you come back, can you see me again, it’s hard to say... I must see you..."

"This..." Yang Ming did not expect that Lan Ling is not very good!

"This is also what I said at the airport before. You can't live in the future. It's hard to say... We are blue Miao, we are not sure that we can deal with the right elder. He is getting more and more powerful..." Lan Ling smiled bitterly. .

"You can rest assured, I will fight alongside you! This time, go to Yunnan, can come back, then we will come back together, can't come back, I will die with you!" Yang Ming nodded and looked at Lan Ling. Said firmly.

"Ah!?" After listening to Yang Ming's words, Lan Ling suddenly burst into surprise: "You want to accompany me to Yunnan? How can this be!"

However, although Lan Ling said so, but the eyes are showing a lot of surprises and moving eyes, Yang Ming for himself, actually want to accompany him to Yunnan?

Lan Ling is very happy, very touched, very satisfied! However, Yang Ming has this intention is enough, Lan Ling will not let Yang Ming accompany himself!

Although Lan Ling knows that Yang Ming’s skill is good, but this time he went to Yunnan, it is a real life and death battle. It is very likely that he will lose his life if he is not careful. Yang Ming is just an ordinary person. How can he be a right elder? opponent?

"Why not? I will kill the right elder with you!" Yang Ming nodded and smiled.

"No, you can't go!" Lan Ling shook his head and directly rejected Yang Ming.

Yang Mingyi, I don’t know how Lan Ling suddenly refused himself. It is reasonable to say that Lan Ling should be very happy, why should he refuse to do it?

"Why?" Yang Ming asked with some doubts.

"You are different from me, Yang Ming, my dear lover, you can't die!" Lan Ling looked at Yang Ming with a deep affection and said: "I only have a boyfriend, but you are not only me, but also There are so many girlfriends, this time, Chen Mengxi has already told me everything about you, although I am a bit jealous, but the same, I feel happy and gratified!"

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