So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1988: Say care

The first nine hundred and eighty-eighth chapter says a care

However, although Yang Xin felt a little uncomfortable, she also knew that she was Yang Ming’s sister. Some things Yang Ming and her own confidentiality are normal!

It’s just that it’s not so good.

"However, who is confidential, and can not be kept secret with Yang Xinjie!" Yang Ming smiled again: "Yang Xinjie is my sister, naturally I have to tell her about these things!"

Yang Xin listened to Yang Ming’s speech and gasped. He couldn’t help but scream, “噗嗤” smiled and said: “Yang Ming, how do you breathe?”

"Haha, make a joke!" Yang Ming said: "But Yang Xin, this thing, you have to keep it secret for me, you know it will be fine, others will not say it!"

"Your brother-in-law Wu Yunsheng can't say?" Yang Xin asked.

"He can say it, but the outsiders will be fine." Yang Ming thought about it, but did not care. After all, Wu Yunsheng is also a member of the army, knowing that there is nothing inside, and Yang Ming is now a member of the army.

"Okay, I know!" Yang Xin said this time, he solemnly nodded.

Yang Ming took out a document from his pocket and handed it to Yang Xin. This is the military's certificate. As for the documents of the Mystery Bureau, Yang Ming did not take it out. After all, the mysterious investigation bureau Yang Ming is not prepared and As Yang Xin elaborated, only the identity of this unit can be said.

"Yang Xinjie, this is my certificate." Yang Ming said.

Yang Xin took Yang Ming's certificate and opened it to look at it. Her husband Wu Yunsheng came out of the army, and her father-in-law is also the chief of the army, so she naturally recognizes that this document is true, not forged!

Yang Xin was a little surprised. Yang Ming was a young man and actually worked in the special department of the army! You know, he only went to the first year of college!

If the age is a little bigger, it is understandable, but now... And, judging from what Yang Ming is saying, this is not a virtual position for job posting, but a real job that requires a task. It is not simple. Now!

"I didn't expect that my brother is also alive!" Yang Xin exclaimed: "What is your mission this time?"

"Specific confidentiality, Yang Xinjie, I can't say this." Yang Ming said with a smile: "This is confidential discipline, you should understand! Although you are my sister, but this is specific, I still can't say of."

"Nothing, this I know!" Yang Xin understands that Wu Yunsheng is the person who came out of the army. Then she naturally knows that some things are kept secret, even if they are close, they can't talk nonsense! So she won't think much more: "In this case, I don't ask much! You have to be careful!"

"Oh, of course, I have to be careful." Yang Ming smiled and said: "But the time for this task may be longer. When I come back, I may have to be defamed!"

Yang Xin gave a slight glimpse, but then he understood Yang Ming’s words. He couldn’t help but smiled. “Yes, my brother-in-law and I plan to have children at the end of this year. You are back, are you not directly guilty?”

"Hah, it seems that I really have to work hard to come back soon, or I can't see my nephew!" Yang Ming also laughed.

The topic of Yang Ming’s mission is basically just around the corner. Several people talked about other topics and talked about their recent situation. Until the waiter brought the food up, everyone ate.

After the meal, Yang Ming and Sun Jie and Yang Xin confessed that Sun Jie did not leave Yang Ming. After all, she also knew that Lan Ling and Yang Ming had not seen each other for a long time. Today, Lan Ling rushed back, it is natural to meet Yang Ming. Something, and Yang Ming will be on the journey tomorrow, so Sun Jie does not take up much of Yang Ming’s time.

Out of Liuweiju, Sun Jie glanced at Yang Ming’s car and smiled: “You are going back to Songjiang City soon?”

Since Yang Ming is driving, naturally he will not stop in Donghai City. Sun Jie has some regrets.

"Well... Xiao Jie, or do you want to go back with us?" Yang Ming saw the reluctance of Sun Jiemei's eyes, so he invited him.

"I don't go... I still have work here!" Sun Jie is also a person who understands things. At this moment, Yang Ming's time is limited. Where will she and Lan Ling grab time?

"Sister Sun Jie, or do you want to go back together? I don't mind..." Lan Ling also saw Sun Jie's disappointment, so he said.

Lan Ling is actually not a jealous girl. From the beginning of Yang Ming’s pocket, she saw Yang Ming’s and Chen Meng’s shopping ticket to the supermarket. She always maintained a kind of tolerance for Yang Ming. She cares only. Yang Ming’s love for her!

As long as Yang Ming’s love for her remains the same, then Lan Ling is satisfied! Because Lan Ling knows a side effect of palpitations, although Yang Ming has a heart, his body has become better and better, but the ensuing, but also the desire has become very strong. Yang Ming’s side, she could not ask Yang Ming to keep her body as jade. She is not such a person, so if she wants to open it, she will not be entangled in these little things.

"Oh, no, wait for Yang Ming to return smoothly, let's get together again!" Sun Jie said with a smile: "I will treat you when you are, let's go out and have fun!"

"Alright!" Lan Ling saw Sun Jie insisted not to go back to Donghai City, but also nodded, no longer insisted and reluctantly! Because she also knows that Sun Jie is kind, and does not want to bother her and Yang Ming's brief gathering.

"Xiaojie, take care!" Yang Ming looked at Sun Jie deeply, and then got on the bus with Lan Ling!

Yang Ming knows that this eye may be the last glance, so he wants to print Sun Jie's appearance in his own heart. This is one of his beloved women. Yang Ming will always remember her appearance.

Sun Jie was also the same thought as Yang Ming. She looked at Yang Ming with deep affection and only left Liu Weiju with Yang Xin.

Yang Ming drove Lan Ling and drove to Songjiang City.

"Ling Ling, let's go see the cognac and the godmother for a while?" Yang Ming said.

“Dry? Dammam?” Lan Ling was a glimpse, and some doubts looked at Yang Ming, who did not know who Yang Ming said.

"Right, you still don't know what to do with your godmother!" Yang Ming suddenly thought that Lan Ling didn't know that he recognized Liu Weishan's cognac, so he quickly explained: "After you left, I recognized Liu Weishan. Professor Liu was dry and recognized Chu Yuer as a godmother."

"Ah, this way? You recognize him doing the work..." Lan Ling knows who is "dry" and "mother" in Yang Mingkou.

"Yeah, the cognac had taken care of us and gave us the house. When you come back, you must visit him first!" Yang Ming said.

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