So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1989: Goodbye Liu Weishan

The first thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine chapter goodbye Liu Weishan

"Yeah... In a blink of an eye, this half a year has passed. Now I think of the previous things, but still vivid!" Lan Ling also sighed and nodded and said: "I didn't expect this half a year, so many things happened. Things."

"Oh, yeah, but I haven't changed everything, and the feelings of each other have not changed!" Yang Ming said with a smile.

"Fortunately, you have not changed, or you will die!" Lan Ling also laughed.

"Haha!" Yang Ming listened to Lan Ling's words and suddenly laughed! After laughing for a long time, I said: "I am a person, although a bit fancy, but very loyal, like the girl, basically like it forever!"

Lan Ling sighed, and some helplessly said: "I like you bad luck!"

"Oh..." Yang Ming stunned, but saw Lan Ling's smile and knew that she was joking with herself.

The car went down the high speed, Yang Ming went straight to the family building behind Songjiang Engineering University, parked the car in the downstairs of Liu Weishan's house, Yang Ming took the hand of Lan Ling, and rang the doorbell of Liu Weishan's house.

Today is the weekend, Liu Weishan must be at home this time.

Sure enough, not long after, the voice of the godmother Chu Yuer came from the intercom: "Who?"

"Dan mom, it is me, Yang Ming!" Yang Ming said.

"Yang Ming is coming!" Chu Yuer listened to Yang Ming's voice and quickly opened the door of the door: "Come up!"

Yang Ming took Lan Ling's hand and went upstairs with her. At this time, Chu Yuer had opened the door and shouted to Yang Ming: "Da Ming, did you come up?"

"Come up, godmother, it’s coming soon!" Yang Ming shouted in the hallway with a smile.

Going upstairs, Chu Yuer also saw Lan Ling, who was holding hands with Yang Ming, and suddenly said: "You... you are..."

It is no wonder that Chu Yuer would be surprised. At the beginning, Lan Ling walked very suddenly. It was so long after a walk. Suddenly came back, but Chu Xiaoer did not dare to recognize it!

"Chu Yuer, it is me, Lan Ling!" Lan Ling saw the acquaintances of the past, but also very excited, waved his hand to Chu Yuer.

"Blue Ling, are you coming back? But are you going to change your mouth? Don't call me Chu Yuer, call me a godmother?" Chu Yuer smiled and looked at Lan Ling.

"Oh... godmother!" Lan Ling did not push, directly called the exit.

"Oh, good! Good! Go mom is going to give you money to change your money!" Chu Yuer was very happy, and had another daughter.

When Yang Ming and Lan Ling entered the house, Chu Yuer shouted: "Old Liu, come out, see who is coming!"

Liu Weishan’s weekend time is basically reading in the study. If it is not a very important guest visit, he is called Chu Yuer to help send away. At this moment, he hears the voice of Chu Yuer, and Liu Weishan naturally knows that he is familiar. The guest, and came out of the study.

"Who is here?" Liu Weishan said as he walked.

"Dry, it's me..." Yang Ming said.

"Oh?" After Liu Weishan heard Yang Ming's voice, he gave a slight glimpse, and then saw the blue Ling in the living room, and suddenly it was a glimpse! Surprised pointed to Lan Lingdao: "Blue Ling? Are you back?"

"Yeah, Uncle Liu... Oh, it should be dry!" Lan Ling sweetly yelled at Liu Weishan.

"Oh, good!" Liu Weishan suddenly smiled: "I really didn't think that you can come back before Daming left! This time, come back, live in Songjiang City?"

"No, dry, I just want to see Yang Ming, I will leave tomorrow..." Lan Ling shook his head and said.

"Oh? So in a hurry!" Liu Weishan stunned and said: "Then I will not stay, you come here to take a look, I am afraid I have to go somewhere else?"

"Yes, I am going to take Ling Ling to my parents to take a look." Yang Ming nodded.

"Oh, yes, this must go." Liu Weishan is very happy, Yang Ming took Lan Ling to see himself in the first time! Although Lan Ling had met with him before, the first visit after returning was reasonable, but Liu Weishan was quite gratified.

Lan Ling heard that Yang Ming wanted to take her to see Yang Ming’s parents, and she was very happy! Although Lan Ling's combination with Yang Ming is a bit erroneous and irritating, and Lan Ling does not care about other people's eyes, but in fact, I hope that Yang Ming's parents can accept her!

However, Yang Ming did not propose it. Lan Ling would not take the initiative to say anything. Now Yang Ming offered it, and Lan Ling naturally felt that Yang Ming was very good to her! Yang Ming did this, in fact, it was Yang Ming and his family who both recognized the identity of Lan Ling!

At this time, Chu Yuer came out of the room, holding a big red envelope in his hand, and then handed the red envelope to Lan Ling, saying: "Come, Lan Ling, this is the godmother to change your money!"

"Thank you for your mother!" Lan Ling did not give up, smiled and took the red envelope, thank you.

"I don't appreciate it!" Chu Yuer said with a smile: "Old Liu, I am going to get some food. At night, Daming and Ling Ling are here to eat? You talk with them first?"

"No, my wife, Ling Ling will come back one day, and Daming will leave tomorrow. We can't delay the arrangement of others! Daming has not taken Ling Ling to his parents' house!" said Liu Weishan.

"Oh, this way!" Chu Yuer heard, suddenly disappointed, but she also knows that Yang Ming will leave tomorrow, set foot on the journey, naturally more and blue Ling together, and their own parents and parents are Did not go, I came here first, Chu Yuer is also very happy!

"Right, Xiao Qing sister?" Yang Ming in front of Liu Weishan and Chu Yuer, still used to call Xiao Qing as Xiao Qing sister, but also out of a habit, although the two old people have already known his relationship with Xiao Qing.

"Working overtime at school, not coming back." Liu Weishan said with a smile.

"That's it, let's go back to my parents first." Yang Ming nodded and said to Liu Weishan and Chu Yuer.

"Alright, then go back first!" Liu Weishan nodded and would not stay.

Chu Yuer was a bit sad, but it was not easy to say anything. Yang Ming and Lan Ling were sent to the door and watched them go downstairs.

Yang Ming and Lan Ling went downstairs, got on the bus, and went straight to Yang Ming’s parents! Yesterday did not bring Shuya back home, Yang Ming has some regrets, but just accepted the challenge of Fan Jinzhe yesterday, things are more, but also in a hurry, not so much time! There are many things in Suya. I left today early in the morning, so I plan to wait for myself to come back safely and then come to Shuya with my door.

It is Lan Ling, don't worry about this, Yang Ming's parents have long known about the existence of Lan Ling, but have never seen each other.

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