So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2008: Shocked summer snow

The second thousand and eight chapters shocked Xia Xue

The current Huang family can be described as the past, and in the upper class of Singapore, it has become the existence of the top family. Of course, all of this is thanks to Huang Lele! If it wasn’t for Huang Lele, how can they be so proud now?

Las Vegas casinos, although placed in the name of Huang Lele, but the Huang family is not without any advantage, at least with the help of this South City casino, Huangjia's business extended to Las Vegas, Other supporting entertainment hotel industry can also be smoothly opened, and it does not look awkward!

Xia Xue listened to Yang Ming’s words, but it was even more amazing!

Listening to Yang Ming’s meaning, it seems that the final decision of x Island is in his hands? What the **** is going on?

Is x Island not a Buffon family? How did Yang Ming and his relationship?

Xia Xue was not a person of the Mystery Bureau of Investigation. Naturally, he would not know these secret things. But these things that Yang Ming did in the eyes of the people in the Mystery Bureau of Investigation are not secrets. At least Xia Bingyu knows the truth. Chu, and fat, but also know a little!

His level, already have access to some confidential files, and Yang Ming's file is confidential, but Xia Bingyan sent fat people to Songjiang, just to take care of Yang Ming's relatives and friends, so Yang Ming's file, Naturally open to the fat!

In order to better accomplish the task, the fat man has read the information of Yang Ming in detail, including Yang Ming’s social relationships with women, relatives, friends, etc., as well as some investment from Yang Ming!

Among them, there are x islands!

These things, Yang Ming did not intend to take advantage of Xia Bingyan, Yang Ming's ultimate goal is to retreat to the rivers and lakes, if there is no support of Xia Bingyan, it is impossible!

For what Yang Ming did, Xia Bingyan was obviously acquiesced. He did not raise any objection because Yang Ming agreed to this task! If Yang Ming really completed this task, it would be equivalent to Xia Bingyan owing Yang Ming a big man!

To put it bluntly, the identity of Yang Ming’s so-called mystery investigation bureau is actually forced by Xia Bingyan. Yang Ming is not obliged to do such a dangerous thing! However, Yang Ming finally did, which also shows that Yang Ming is a person who is responsible and responsible, from beginning to end!

And Yang Ming is so, he can't live up to Yang Ming. If possible, Xia Bingyan will give him some necessary support after Yang Ming retreats to the rivers and lakes! However, these support is definitely secret. After all, Xia Bingyu’s identity is relatively sensitive and it is impossible to publicly support Yang Ming.

But Xia Xue, the more I listen, the more amazing! Finally I couldn’t help but ask: "Yang Ming, what does X Island have to do with you?"

Yang Ming slightly indulged, and did not intend to take advantage of Xia Xue. After all, in the first class, it seems that except for Xia Xue, who knows this thing, everyone else knows this! Looking at the fat face of the fat man, Yang Ming also thinks that he must know these things.

Then Yang Ming did not need to take advantage of Xia Xue, so he smiled and said to Xia Xue: "Xia Xue, in fact, x Island, is my private territory, has been internationally recognized."

"Ah? X Island is your private territory? Really fake?" Xia Xue was shocked and looked at Yang Ming with some surprise.

"Yes, you didn't get it wrong, x Island is mine!" Yang Ming nodded, and said: "All the investments in X Island are under my instigation."

"That, General Kars, he..." Xia Xue looked at Yang Ming in amazement and asked.

"General Kars, I support it with one hand, you should understand?" Yang Ming said with a smile.

"Ah! He is not supported by the Buffon family... Then you and the Buffon family..." Xia Xue listened to Yang Ming’s words, and even looked at Yang Ming with surprise: "Don't you do things for the Buffon family?" ”

"Oh, the current Buffon family's elder brother Buffon is my apprentice, x island, he gave me some help!" Yang Ming explained with a smile.

"Ah!" Xia Xue felt that she could not accept the facts before her eyes! It’s crazy, it’s crazy!

Yang Ming is actually the master of the old Buffon? Old Buffon is an apprentice of Yang Ming? Yang Ming is so powerful? Have such a strong apprentice?

In fact, when the fat man first knew the news, he was also very surprised! It’s only a long time, he is not so surprised, and thinks that in the Las Vegas, Yang Mingqiang’s movements and skills, the fat man is not surprised!

In a place where Las Vegas is unfamiliar, Yang Ming is hard to let the fat man's contact station upgrade and stand up. This energy is not something that ordinary people can have!

Therefore, the fat man is admiring the things of Yang Ming, in addition to admire!

In his view, the reason why Xia Bingyu valued Yang Ming so much is also for a certain reason. This time the task is dangerous, but only Yang Ming is competent!

"Yang Ming, you are actually the behind-the-scenes boss of x Island? Then you are the king of x island?" Xia Xue is really a little crazy, she really can't imagine, Yang Ming is actually the owner of x island, in one Before that, he was just an ordinary middle school student. Because of Lin Shuyun’s affairs, he almost faced jail time!

But now, one year has passed, and Yang Ming has truly stood at the top of the world and has become one of the most powerful people in the world! Of course, this power is hidden! But Xia Xue understands that this is definitely not an exaggeration!

With the identity of Yang Ming, the old master of Buffon, it is enough to be proud of the high society in Europe! Moreover, he is the owner of the island, and has legal armed forces on the island! This is definitely not to be underestimated!

What is the Buffon family doing? It is one of the largest arms dealers in Europe, and he is an apprentice of Yang Ming. It is foreseeable how powerful the armed forces on the island are, even stronger than those small countries!

Moreover, with the relationship of the old Buffon, even if Yang Ming does not have such armed forces, no one dares to move Yang Ming!

After all, it is against Yang Ming, and it is against the Buffon family!

However, Xia Xue still does not know Yang Ming’s other awkward identity! The other identity is the real trump card of Yang Ming! That is, the three most powerful killer organizations in the world are related to Yang Ming!

Two are actually controlled by Yang Ming, and the other is controlled by Yang Ming’s woman Wang Xiaoyu’s home! Who is this dazzling background? No one likes to kill a killer. This kind of person is harder than getting an armed force!

You can't always let the master protect you by twenty-four hours? Moreover, even if you have a master around you, you are not necessarily the opponent of the killer!

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