So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2009: Talk about your story

The second thousand and nine chapters talk about your story

Of course, this identity, Yang Ming will not easily say to Xia Xue.

At least, this identity, even Chen Mengyu, they do not know.

"Oh, so, I have so many girlfriends, do you still feel outrageous?" Yang Ming asked with a smile.

This time, Xia Xue finally shook his head. Yes, here, although the existence of three wives and four wives is not allowed, there are many countries in the world that allow polygamy. Yang Ming can go to other countries to register and marry. !

Moreover, Yang Ming is now the actual owner of the island, so on the island of X, Yang Ming is the absolute authority, even the presence of the king behind the scenes, and so many girlfriends, naturally, like Wang Hao, there is nothing Outrageous is not a problem!

"Yang Ming, I really didn't think of it..." Xia Xue today, it is a renewed understanding of Yang Ming! Although Xia Xue had a general understanding before, Yang Ming had unusual changes in this year, but he did not know that Yang Ming’s changes were so great!

Even Yang Ming already owns an island. No wonder so many women are favored by Yang Ming!

Xia Xue admits that he is really tempted!

In the past, she scolded other women around Yang Ming, and she was always determined to let her follow Yang Ming with all her heart and soul, because she didn't want to follow her namelessly for a lifetime, although the name was illusory, but for women, this The illusory thing is incomparably important!

Xia Xue is like everyone else, and cares about this thing! So she didn't know how to do it after she was really good with Yang Ming, but now, these are all gone! On the island of x, Yang Ming will become the rule maker, where Yang Ming said what it is!

Xia Xue, fell into meditation.

After a while, I whispered, "I don't think it's outrageous, I just didn't expect it... Yang Ming, how did you do it?"

How did you do it? Xia Xue’s words, but Yang Ming’s question!

Yeah, how did you do it yourself? Until now, even Yang Ming has been wondering how he did it!

Among them, naturally have their own efforts and efforts, but there is also the existence of luck, if not because of the glasses that can be seen, farsighted and night vision, Yang Ming is not today!

Of course, Fang Tian is also an important factor for Yang Ming to succeed! If there is no favor of Fang Tian, ​​then there is no Yang Ming, the king of today's killer. Even if Yang Ming can see through it, now it is just a small rich man. It is impossible to have such a huge achievement, and it is impossible to accept the old Buffon. It is even more impossible to interfere with the affairs of x island!

However, all this can be attributed to good and good news! If Yang Ming did not move his heart and did not help the old man who set up the stall, he would not get this pair of glasses that can be seen!

Secondly, if Yang Ming is in the detention center, he is not in the forefront of Fang Tian, ​​and he will not run for Fang Tian afterwards. It is impossible to get Fang Tian’s favor and accept him as a disciple!

So all this, saying that it is good and good, is not an exaggeration!

After Yang Ming has achieved these achievements, he has always been looking at people and things in a fair heart! He is still holding on to the injustice, and is still the **** Yang Ming. When he sees the uneven event, he will take the initiative to stand up!

The same is true of this elder, and although he can stand outside, he does not, he took the initiative to take this as his responsibility!

Although, Yang Ming has never regretted doing all this, but from the perspective of professional ethics, Yang Ming is not a qualified killer!

The killer should be ruthless and ruthless, but he can't do it.

Forget it, wait for yourself to accept the apprentice, and then train him to be a qualified killer, Yang Ming himself, this life is impossible!

"Nothing, yin and yang, chances are coincidental." Yang Ming is not willing to say too much about his success. After all, the chance is too great and there is no reproducibility.

Xia Xue nodded and didn't ask much more. She was also sighing. She didn't really want to know how Yang Ming did it.

However, after knowing some of Yang Ming’s things, Xia Xue did not have the previous jealousy for Huang Lele. The nature of the profession has changed Xia Xue from an impulsive little girl into a rational policewoman!

Now, she can no longer play with Yang Ming in the police station, and it is impossible to pull a gun on the street to scare Yang Ming.

So after Xia Xue knew Yang Ming’s ultimate goal, he began to think about his own affairs.

The current Xia Xue, in fact, is not interested in promotion, but more and more mature, Xia Xue is more and more like a girl, began to consider lifelong events!

In fact, most girls' ideas are very simple. In career, they are not as important as lifelong events.

Xia Xue considers that in the future, if she really wants to be with Yang Ming, then Xia Xue will give up everything now. Later, she will live with Yang Ming on the x island. What kind of comfort is that? How is it?

Think about it, it is worth looking forward to!

"The journey has just begun. Tell me about the things between you and Lele?" Xia Xue looked at Huang Lele, who was cuddling in Yang Ming's arms, and said some envious openings.

She is really a woman who is next to Yang Ming. They are also so lucky. They have found Yang Ming, who can surpass the rules of the world, and give them a reasonable identity!

If it is to change to someone else, to give all lovers around you a legal identity, it seems to be just a joke.

But Yang Ming is different, Yang Ming can say that it is done!

"Well, in fact, the situation between me and Lele was more fun... I was pushed back..." Yang Ming thought about the original things would be funny...

"Ha?" Xia Xueyu's eyes widened, and he was shocked by Yang Ming's words! Reverse push? No, right? Huang Lele is so bold? Can actually reverse Yang Ming?

It doesn't look like it? Huang Lele seems to be a very simple and simple girl, not at all like this?

Xia Xue even thought, it is possible to say that he has reversed Yang Ming, but Huang Lele... This is a bit ridiculous!

However, looking at Huang Lele's appearance is just blushing, but does not make any rebuttals. Is it true that Yang Ming said it? What was the original situation?

"How, is it amazing? But the original situation is like this..." Yang Ming said with a bitter smile.

"No? It's so powerful?" Xia Xue is interested again...

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