So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2010: What to do if you lose

What should I do if the second thousand and ten chapters are lost?

Therefore, Yang Ming said that he and Huang Lele’s things were given to Xia Xue. Although he said to Xia Xue, it is also a self-remember of the original beauty! When Yang Ming is leaving, he will become more sentimental. When he thinks about the previous things, there will always be some emotions...

The time to go to Macau was still vivid, and here I actually met three girls in my life!

Su Ya, Wang Xiaoyu and Huang Lele!

Yang Ming never thought that this trip would bring such a big harvest!

Therefore, after Xia Xue asked, Yang Ming’s thoughts flooded into the heart like a flood, and the scorpion opened up.

Of course, Su Ya and Wang Xiaoyu’s things, Yang Ming is not prepared to say to Xia Xue. Now, Xia Xue does not know that Suya, who is met at the seaside, is a big star Shuya. Secondly, Wang Xiaoyu’s identity is very sensitive. I can't tell Xia Xue at will.

"You and Lele originally knew this way? I really didn't think that Yang Ming would still gamble. How does it sound like a gambling **** in a movie?" Xia Xue was surprised that Yang Ming could actually help Huang Lele's casino. And also a big win!

"Nothing to do, your brother can't let me be the captain, just let you be my men!" Yang Ming laughed.

"You are still on the bull, what's there? Not gambling, I will!" Xia Xue said.

"Do you want to gamble?" Yang Ming was laughing and looked at Xia Xue and asked.

"What about you? Do you want to gamble with me now?" Xia Xue said: "Well, who is afraid of it? Come on, what do you say gambling?"

"Or, we will gamble..." Yang Ming was in the ear of Xia Xue, whispered: "We will gamble on the color of the underwear you wear today?"

"Ha?" Xia Xue’s face suddenly turned red. She didn’t think that Yang Ming was so bold, she would gamble on this thing when she opened her mouth!

Xia Xue did not know Yang Ming's perspective ability, although he probably guessed that he had some special abilities, but he did not know that he would see through!

"How? No, gambling?" Yang Ming asked with a smile.

Xia Xue listened to Yang Ming, saying that Yang Ming deliberately wanted to play himself! But the more it is, the more Xia Xue wants to make Yang Ming, do you want to guess the color of my underwear? Don't you want to tease me? Well, I just let you guess, but see if you can't guess what to do!

Thinking of this, Xia Xue made up his mind and said with a smile: "Well, since it was proposed by you, gamble on it according to your intentions! But since the gambling contract is proposed by you, is the bet? Have you been the master?"

"Alright, then you talk about it, what is the bet?" Yang Ming asked indifferently.

"Bet?... Well, this way, if you guess wrong, then after you go to Yunnan, you have to promise me one thing!" Xia Xue thought about it.

"What?" Yang Ming asked.

"I haven't thought about it yet, you promised me to say it again!" Xia Xue said.

"Yes, then I promise you!" Yang Ming nodded and said.

"Okay, then let's start betting!" Xia Xue said with satisfaction: "Now you can guess."

"Is it wrong?" Yang Ming shook his head and looked at Xia Xue, not directly guessing.

"What is wrong?" Xia Xue asked.

"You only said, if I lose, I have to promise you a condition, but if I win, if you lose, why didn't you say it?" Yang Mingxiao asked.

"This..." Xia Xue played a little smart before, she thought that Yang Ming could not find it, and Yang Ming suddenly poked her little trick!

"Like this, in order to be fair, you have to promise me a condition!" Yang Ming said.

"Oh, that's it!" Xia Xuehe hesitated and nodded. "But you have to tell me first, if I lose, you let me promise you what conditions!"

"You don't tell me, why should I tell you?" Yang Ming asked.

"I... I am a woman, you are a man, so you have to let me." Xia Xue said.

"Xia Xue, I seem to have discussed this topic with you. You are doing legal work. You know that men and women are equal. Do you still say such naive words?" Yang Ming asked.

"I don't care, you have to let me anyway." Xia Xue began to play rogue.

"Well, then I will tell you now!" The evil taste of Yang Ming's heart rose, squatting in Xia Xue's ear, whispered: "What I ask you to do is, you are my woman, how? ,agree Disagree?"

"Ha?" Xia Xue stunned, his face was red at once!

The relationship between Xia Xue and Yang Ming can be said to be a little closer than a friend, but it is farther than a boyfriend or a girl, and Yang Ming suddenly uses this approximation to provoke the relationship between the two. Let Xia Xue feel a bit stunned, and I can’t accept it for a while!

"How, disagree?" Yang Ming asked provocatively.

"Hey, agree, agree, what's there? But let's say it first, you have to guess all! Underwear *** and bra, not the same!" Xia Xue also played a heart, her *** But the color of the flower, Yang Ming no matter what color, as long as it is not completely guessed, then she can be said to be wrong!

However, after Xia Xue finished, some of her sufferings were lost. In her heart, Yang Ming’s figure was already there. Even Xia Xue himself could not tell when it was, Yang Ming’s shadow was printed on her. In the heart!

The two people have experienced a lot of things together. From the initial joyful family to the now-famous good friends, it can be said that the relationship between the two is a subtle change of one step by step. Not the sudden love at first sight!

However, even so, Yang Ming suddenly made the relationship clear, but it is still somewhat embarrassing! And Xia Xue can't tell whether Yang Ming wants to use it to express his confession, or just just teasing jokes!

In order to avoid self-love, so Xia Xue's tone is also the kind of jokes with jokes and dissatisfaction, people can not tell the true and false!

If at this moment, Xia Xue really loves Yang Ming’s words as a confession, then Yang Ming will not be so comfortable. After all, Yang Ming is just saying that, but it’s just that the bad taste rises, and there is nothing. Other meanings!

After all, Yang Ming feels that although there is some embarrassment between the relationship between himself and Xia Xue, but the couple still lacks some heat, so Xia Xue’s answer at the moment is that Yang Ming is very relaxed.

"Well, all guess!" Yang Ming is also happy to play with her. Anyway, the journey on the plane is boring. It is also very interesting to make a joke occasionally.

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