So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2029: Feng Xiaoxiao

The second thousand zero twenty nine chapter Feng Xiaoxiao

Now Xiao Susu has not promised him, but Feng Tianlong asks, but also wants to see if Xiao Susu’s child is his own.

The old man smiled slightly and seemed to see through Feng Tianlong's thoughts: "Yes, but you should not try to change her life, do some useless work, no use."

Feng Tianlong listened to the old man's words, some happy and somewhat awkward, happy that he finally and Xiao Susu have a lover to become a genus, but also have a crystal of love, this is a thank you! But what is awesome is that the fate of Xiao Susu still cannot be changed...

"Thank you, Mr., can you say something specific? How can my child change his destiny and escape the fate?" Xiao Susu asked eagerly.

"The future cause has its own cause and effect. This cause is brought about by your trip. But this fruit will be known later. The people who have changed the fate of your child have not yet appeared. How can I expect this? Far things?" The old man smiled lightly.

"This way..." Xiao Susu was somewhat disappointed, but even so, her heart was full of confidence, at least, her children will be saved in the future!

"Sir, there is one last thing I want to trouble you. Since my child's life can change, please help me to give him a name. It can be used to follow his life. ......" Feng Tianlong asked: "My name is Feng..."

Xiao Susu didn't take a good look at Feng Tianlong. He didn't promise him to marry him. He thought about giving his child a name. Who is this?

However, this time to perform the task, Xiao Susu originally wanted to agree with Feng Tianlong, and now experienced such a thing, Xiao Susu is more confident with Feng Tianlong!

"I know your surname Feng..." The old man said, faintly said: "In this way, name a laughter, and your wife's last name is a homonym. This name is also happy, happy life... ”

This time, it seems that the old man did not talk about it. He said that he knew that Feng Tianlong surnamed Feng. It seems that he did not talk about it casually, and he also knew that Xiao Susu’s surname Xiao had taken a homophonic laughter!

"Feng Xiao? Feng Xiaoxiao?" Feng Tianlong meditated on the name. He felt that Feng Xiao was a bit swearing, so he added a smile and turned into an overlapping Feng Xiaoxiao. The name is quite nice, Feng Xiaoxiao Happy, happy and happy!

"Thank you for your enlightenment!" Feng Tianlong said in a positive color.

"Go, let me do this, what can be said in the future?" The old man waved his hand and smiled.

The above is the thing between Feng Tianlong and Xiao Susu and the old man. Liu Ye will tell Yang Ming the whole story, so that Yang Ming is secretly surprised! This thing is really weird! This ink old man is not simple!

On the other side, Huang Lele and Xia Xue are also sighing at the same time, sighing for the sad fate of Xiao Susu, and happy for her village!

Between the words, the four bowls of steaming noodles came up!

Although the boss's stall is a roadside stall, it is open-air, but it is very clean, and everything is in front of you. At a glance, people have a very comfortable and transparent feeling. Xia Xue and Huang Lele can't pick anything wrong. Come.

The scented clams are covered with chopped green onion and chilli peppers. It is very attractive, so people can see that appetite is wide open!

"Boss, don't say a few words before eating?" Liu asked with a smile.

"You kid, what do you say about eating this? Say, you said so much before, this face can not block your mouth? Hurry and eat!" Yang Ming smiled and glared at Liu Ye.

"Hey!" Liu leaves a grin and smiles. When he picks up the chopsticks, he begins to squat and starts to lick his face.

But let alone, the taste of this restaurant is really good. There are always the advantages of food stalls in the food stalls. Although Yang Ming now has hundreds of billions of assets, but the habit of living in nature is not How big is the change!

This is also a kind of normal heart performance. If, like many people who get rich overnight, throw out a lot of banknotes, and non-high-end places don't go, it really becomes a nouveau riche!

This can also be seen that Yang Ming's heart is tough, this is also a normal heart that must be possessed as a killer!

Keep a normal heart at all times so that you can do big things!

"The taste of this noodle is really good!" Yang Ming also said with appreciation.

"Yeah, boss, don't look at the conditions here, the summer team is coming over often!" Liu Ye said proudly: "I found it here. After I recommended it, almost everyone in our investigation bureau became a guest here. !"

A bowl of noodles under the face, but it is a lot of people, and several people have the strength to continue to go shopping!

However, when Yang Ming planned to check out, several people who looked like a gangster came over and squinted at the boss who was squinting and said: "This month's money, take the initiative!"

Yang Ming suddenly frowned, but I did not expect to be here, but also to encounter these bullies of bullying! The most despised thing in Yang Ming’s life is this kind of bullying and fearful person. Although Yang Ming has also done a little punk, Yang Ming has never bullied such a weak person!

This kneading boss...and even the small vendors in the entire night market are trying to make money by relying on their own hands, not stealing, not completely stealing, completely clear labor income, to grab these people’s money, these Does the punk don't blush?

Yang Ming is this character. When is the status, it is also the enthusiasm of this chivalry! Otherwise, when the old man at the school gate was bullied, Yang Ming could not stand up! When Fang Tian was in trouble at the detention center, Yang Ming would not teach the green hair!

Now, Yang Ming is also on the verge of breaking out!

"Boss, calm down, every place has rules in every place, not what we can stop..." Liu Ye sighed and advised Yang Ming: "This leading gangster is called a big tooth. The big tooth is the son of the administrator of the market management office. The money is also instructed by his father. The merchants want to set up their stalls in the night market, and they can only recognize them. If they don’t pay, the market management office will be the second. Days come to trouble for various reasons. These people are small and small, and they can’t stand toss!"

Sure enough, the boss of the kneading face just smiled a bit, and took out three hundred dollars from his pocket, and handed it over to the big tooth.

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