So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2030: Another righteousness

The second thousand and thirty-one chapters are again

The big tooth took the money and nodded with satisfaction: "The performance is good, this position is still your home next year!"

"Thank you!" said the owner of the noodle.

Don't underestimate the role of the big tooth. After he goes back, as long as he will ignore the list of disobedient merchants and his old man, not only will his Laozi come to trouble, but after the expiration of the booth, he will be arranged for him in the second year. A good location, a good location and a fixed location are important for those who do business!

The wine is also afraid of the deep alley, not to mention the location, those customers may not be able to find, the business will naturally be affected.

After listening to Liu Ye’s words, Yang Ming took a deep breath and secretly forbeared it. In fact, Yang Ming also knew that even if he took care of these people, they would be so arrogant when they left, unless they were arrested!

But after grabbing it, if the market sent a new administrator, maybe there is a big moon, big sun, or something, or it will intensify the exploitation of these merchants! The upper level of this market is a private enterprise, and Yang Ming can't naturally influence their thoughts unless they buy it!

Now it seems that these administrators are afraid that there is no oil and water to fish, so they privately let this big tooth to charge.

After the big tooth received the money, he went to the fortune-telling ink man.

"Ink old man, I said that your old guy is quite good? The management fee is not paid, it is open in a place. You really don't put our teeth in your eyes?" The nickname is called the six sons. It is the number one hitter under the teeth.

At the moment, he was holding a little girl, holding a cigarette, and swearing at the old man.

"Yeah, old man, six sons and brothers kindly remind you, let you prepare for this month, you are ready?" The six-year-old boy in the arms of the child is also helpful.

The old man looked up and looked at a few hooligans in front of him, sighing slightly.

"Look at what? Look at your hammer? Mother, my horse is also what you see?" Six sons see the old man who dared to look at the little girl in his arms, suddenly angry: "Old ghost, you are looking for death ?"

"Six children, don't worry, don't you have a speech yet? What are you worried about? This old thing may have prepared a big gift for us!" The speaker is another beater of the tooth brother, nickname Big pit brother.

"Old things, my big teeth are in the market, that is to say one thing. I always do things for the people. I have told you the last time. If you pay the money, you will continue here, don’t pay, just Give me a goblet, since you continue to stay here, are you ready to pay?" At this time, the tooth brother spoke.

"This afterlife, old age is just a stall here, to give the world a hint of fanfare, not to make money to make a stall, as long as you can not starve to death, you will be content! I am here to set up a stall, and you do not conflict, why do you Looking for the trouble of old age?" ink old man sighed and said.

"I rub! Pointing to the fanatic? Do you think it is Zhuge Liang and Liu Bowen? Also pointing to the fanatic? I will give you some advice on the mystery!" Said, the big tooth kicked the old man's fortune telling sign, kicked, sneer One channel: "Old things, don't toast, don't eat and drink fine wine, the opportunity has already been given to you, you don't cherish, what do you think you are? In a word, if you want to set up a stall, give money! Otherwise, give it I am getting out!"

"The old man is not old!" The old man shook his head and began to clean up the stalls. But when he looked at the big tooth, he said, "When I leave, I will give you a glimpse. After the birth of your left eye, it will be red and red. It’s a sign of blood, I’m afraid there will be a **** disaster!”

"Old things, what do you say? You dare to curse the old man?" When the big tooth heard the old man's head, it suddenly took a sigh!

However, his words have not been finished, he was slap in the face and fanned to the eyes of Venus. However, it is exactly the words of the old man, he really is the left eye green and red eyes, there will be blood disaster!

"The people in the market management office didn't say anything. What kind of thing are you? Bullying an old man, what can you bear?" Yang Ming finally couldn't help it. Huo stood up and gave the big tooth a slap!

The big tooth frowned, and some of the horrified look of Yang Ming suddenly killed, some can not afford Yang Ming's way!

After all, in this market, the stalls are good, and the guests who often come to buy things are all aware of the name of his big tooth, and Yang Ming has hit him a slap in the face, naturally let the big teeth have some unknown. Measures.

But then, the big tooth was angry, when did he suffer this loss?

"Boy, what are you doing? Want to be brave and brave? But I tell you, don't see the courage to put yourself in, the water inside is deep!" Tai Hang brother pointed Yang Ming anger.

"That is, kid, now give you a chance, leave 10,000 yuan for the tooth brother, and then apologize to the tooth brother, this is the case, otherwise, you are in trouble!" Six sons are also pointing to Yang Ming angry and shouted.

Yang Ming looked at these people and you said a word to me, not angry and laughing, but since Yang Ming has already managed this matter, it will definitely not stop here! However, the simple shot was chosen by Yang Ming, and now Yang Ming is not very easy to get angry.

Yang Ming looked at Liu Ye’s eyes and said faintly: “Calling, grabbing these people, extortion, is enough to sentence!”

After listening to Yang Ming’s words, the big tooth suddenly changed his face, but he said: “You have a lot of things in your spare time? What does this have to do with you? See what shows you? Also extortion? I am Normal charge! Do you know who my dad is?"

Yang Ming did not say much, and Liu Ye was resolutely carrying out Yang Ming’s order. Yang Ming asked him to call, and he dialed the phone number of the nearby police station in the first time! As a person of the Mystery Bureau of Investigation, Liu Ye is naturally in contact with the police officers in this area!

After all, the situation in this film is very complicated, there is a part of the military management area, and the Mystery Bureau of Investigation is also a very important special department. The police here are also naturally aware.

When the call from the personnel of the Mystery Investigation Bureau was received, the local police did not dare to neglect. It is certainly not a trivial matter to be able to alarm the mysterious investigation bureau.

Therefore, the local police dispatched four or five police cars to the market at lightning speed!

However, after seeing Liu Ye, I heard that I only caught a few small gangsters. The local police are somewhat inexplicable. What kind of characters are these little gangsters? Actually let the people of the Mystery Bureau of Investigation ask questions?

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