So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2031: Everything goes with the flow

The second thousand and thirty-one chapters go all the way

Liu Ye confessed that after they had a good interrogation, they did not say anything. The police people are a bit strange. Is there anything else in these little gangsters?

Did not dare to neglect, immediately brought back to the police station, ready to attack and interrogate!

As a result, the group of big teeth is unlucky. These people are not doing things cleanly. Under the solid evidence, they will face imprisonment.

Of course, at this time, Dazuzi and others still don't know what they have done, and they still yelled there: "My dad is the market management office. Why, I am helping him to collect management fees. What is wrong with you? Catch me?"

These people are some small characters in Yang Ming’s eyes, and Yang Ming will not be in the eye.

Yang Ming did not take care of this group of people, but turned to look at the fortune-telling old man.

"Ink old man, since you have the ability of this god, you don't have to mix it here. If you want to find a safe place, don't come here again!" Yang Ming glanced at the old man, faintly said. .

"I will not come again in the future, my purpose has been reached." Ink said the old man faintly.

“What is the purpose?” Yang Ming’s slight glimpse, some inexplicable.

"I am here to wait for someone. Now that this person has seen it, I naturally will not stay here anymore." The old man said.

"What do you mean? What kind of person do you want to wait for?" Yang Ming is a bit too touchless. The old man's words are full of machine fronts. Who knows what he is talking about?

"The person I have to wait for is you." The old man looked at Yang Ming, still a look of lightness.

"The person you have to wait for is me?" Yang Ming suddenly stopped, and felt incredible: "What are you waiting for me? Do you know me?"

"I don't know, but you are the one who was chosen by Sun's brother." The old man said.

"Sun brother?" Yang Ming's heart glimpsed, although the name "Sun Brother" is somewhat strange, but Yang Ming still thought of something! Surname Sun... Is it him?

Still a stall, still being confused to find things, still is their own shots... Is there any cause and effect?

"Yes! You should be able to guess who I am talking about. I am the grandson of Sun, that is him!" The old man looked at Yang Ming, and said with a smile.

Yang Ming took a deep breath and looked at the old man, and his heart was so nervous that it was extremely extreme!

All along, the secret of glasses is Yang Ming’s biggest secret. Apart from a few extremely trusted people, he has never mentioned it with anyone else. This is a restricted area in Yang Ming’s heart!

However, the old man in front of him should be an insider! Yang Ming looked at the indifferent look of the old man, and his heart moved slightly. Perhaps, this person would give help that he could not imagine!

"Ink old man, can we speak in one step?" Yang Ming invited.

"Nature, these people are waiting, I can naturally leave, see you, I should go, go back to where I should go..." Old man shook his head and said faintly.

The quietest place here is Liu Ye’s car. Yang Ming made a gesture of asking, let the old man get on the bus, while others stayed outside the car! Some words may involve Yang Ming's secret, so Yang Ming does not want to let third people know.

"Ink old man, now you can talk about it, you are looking for me..." Yang Ming said to the door, because with such a person, there is no need to cover up anything, the old man has already explained the words, he is directed at Yang Ming, So what else can Yang Ming cover?

"According to my calculations, you are about to enter, it is a must-have!" said the old man.

"The mortal bureau? What do you mean by saying... I have a few days of action?" Yang Ming asked in a heart. Although Yang Ming himself is not very convinced of the fortune-telling thing, this person can mention that the "grandson" is enough to show that he is not an ordinary person!

Some things, not Yang Ming's cognition can be solved. For example, Yang Ming's super glasses are not scientifically explainable, so Yang Ming will pay great attention to the old man.

"Yes, the mortal bureau... Since you are the chosen person chosen by Sun's brother, then I need to remind you and stop you from going..." said the old man.

"Oh...Thank you for your kindness..." Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "Now, it is already late, even if it is a dead end, I have to go because, I have to go!"

"Don't worry, you listen to me!" Ink said, "I don't want to stop. Before, I really wanted to stop you from going, but now I changed my mind!"

“Changed the idea?” Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse.

"According to your life, you are definitely a dead end this time, but a few days ago, I saw two people who are going to the same place, but their life is not a sign of death. And if there is one, even if it is two years later, this is completely inconsistent with what I infered!" The old man said: "So I am very confused, how did they survive? But I met you today, but I completely understand. It!"

"You mean Feng Tianlong and Xiao Susu?" Yang Ming asked.

"Nothing wrong, they are!" Ink head nodded: "They will go with you, and since you are a deadly game, they must be, but they are not. This is the place I have been unable to understand, but see I have figured it out."

"Not a dead end?" Yang Ming asked quietly.

"Yes, but it is dead and born, there is no chance, but after despair, the opportunity is coming again... This is not your life, but there is an unknown factor in your body. The factor is given to you by Sun’s brother. This factor will become an important bargaining chip for you to win!” The old man smiled and said: “I ignored this before, and you are already a person who has been changed from the sky. The original life is naturally not counted!"

Although the old man’s words are somewhat esoteric, Yang Ming still understands the general meaning of it. That is, this time he went to Yunnan, he will not die, and the important reason for not dying is probably relying on his own magical glasses!

“Thank you for your advice!” Yang Ming smiled slightly: “So what else do I need to pay attention to?”

"The old man sent you a sentence, everything goes with the flow, don't force what you want to change, there is a saying that is good, the car will have a road to the mountain, the boat will be straight to the bridge!" The old man said with a smile: "Sometimes When you are desperate, you have to keep going, maybe, will you still have another village?"

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