So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2049: You make me very disappointed

Although Chen Mengxi did not want to believe it, but looking at the pictures on the mobile phone in his hand, Wang Xiaoyan and Yang Ming stood on the stage, and the guests in the audience were like clouds!

This is a photo of the engagement banquet. Chen Mengxi did not expect that this Wang Xiaoyu’s identity is so strong, she has already been married to Yang Mingding! If you really want to be true, then isn’t you a junior?

"I saw the photo? I also said that I am a real card?" Sun Jie is more appreciative of Wang Xiaoying, a girl who is a sly character and has to win! The most important point is that Wang Xiaoying did not show the mind of the Lord of the Harem, she just wanted to maintain her own status! [bsp; So, she became the object of Sun Jie's draw.

"I... I was the first to have a relationship with Yang!" Chen Mengyu said that he did not have the confidence to say it.

"Is it wrong? As far as I know, Yang Ming is the first to determine the relationship is Su Ya? Even if this is not counted, then the first confession should be Zhao Ying?" Sun Jie knows more about Zhao Ying's affairs. At the beginning, she also helped her analyze and came up with ideas.

"He... his first relationship is Lin sister! It should be counted!" Chen Mengyu was a little anxious.

"Oh, Lin sister can do it, then you admit that you are not a real card, and Lin Yuyun is?" Sun Jie smiled and asked.

"I..." Chen Mengyu suddenly had some words. Before she was in a hurry, she said this, just to argue with Sun Jie, but now, calm down and think carefully, is Lin Yuyun not being attracted by Sun Jie? So, is Sun Jie still dominant?

"How? Don't you say it?" Sun Jie looked at Chen Mengyu with a smile and laughed.

"I... I... you are bullying me!" Chen Mengyu finally collapsed, and tears fell in tears! She feels aggrieved and sad! What is wrong with yourself? I want to drive away the other women around Yang Ming. Is this a natural thing?

Which man who wants to be his wife has other women? Moreover, Chen Mengxi feels that he is enough tolerant enough to accept Lin Yiyun, Zhou Jiajia, Su Ya and Lan Ling. Isn't that enough?

As a result, now, these people have joined forces to bully themselves! why? Why is this happening!

Chen Mengxi cried, crying very sad, her whole person has collapsed, and the previous thoughts of driving away others are gone. She is very afraid, afraid that these people will unite, and they will not even have the chance to see Yang Ming!

Although Chen Mengxi was confident in the past, Yang Ming would not give up on herself, but she could hardly guarantee that Yang Ming would choose herself in the face of so many women's unions! Yang Ming may give up all the people, just choose yourself?

Chen Mengxi’s heart is very unfounded. If Yang Ming can give up, he will give up the blue Ling in the first place, and he will not have the contradiction with himself.

Thinking of this, Chen Mengyu is getting more and more nervous and worried, so he is even more sad when he cries...

"Chen Mengxi, to be honest, I am very disappointed with your performance today. In the past, Yang Ming always praised you in front of me and said that you are the best choice for the Lord of the harem! He told me how generous you are and how kind. I can tolerate others, but today, you are very vulnerable except for good deeds!" Sun Jie looked at Chen Mengxi with a smile and said: "I want to say that as an opponent, I really look down on you." , have you been hit?"

" can I still? I was very big, I can accept Lin sister and Jia Jia, and Suya, Lan Ling... but your appearance is too sudden, I Some can't accept it, what's wrong with this! This is not my fault..." Chen Mengyu listened to Sun Jie's words and cried even more sadly.

"Yes, you are not wrong, normal woman, suddenly know that his man has so many women outside, the first thought is definitely not acceptable!" Sun Jie nodded, said faintly: "However, you Different, as you said, you are Yang Ming’s true girlfriend. You are too immature. When you encounter this kind of thing, your first reaction is to call us together. Does this make sense? We admit it. How else, how about not admitting? Things have already happened. What you think is not how to solve it, but how to drive us away. Do you think this is possible? Don’t say that Yang Ming is not here now, even if Yang Ming is here, you think Can Yang Ming do this kind of thing? I think, should you know Yang Ming as much as I do?"

"I..." Chen Mengyu listened to Sun Jie’s words, and his heart was secretly shocked. This woman is very powerful. She said her pain in a few words, but it is a fact, so that I can’t find a rebuttal, and in my heart, Also accepted her statement!

"Now, Yang Ming has already left. What you have to do is to let him have no worries, but you just want to make the backyard catch fire! Have you ever thought that if we fall over, it will reach Yang Ming’s ear, Does he still have the mind to perform the task? Can he still settle down? If there is something wrong with the tension, can you be responsible?" Sun Jie looked at Chen Mengxi, a strict lesson!

"This..." Chen Mengxi was shocked again. Yes, Yang Ming is gone. I am afraid that the most unreliable is the home. If there is a problem in the family, then Yang Ming will certainly not feel at ease. Is it equal to adding trouble to Yang Ming?

"Chen Mengxi, I ask you, where are you from these photos? Wouldn't it be your personal photo?" Sun Jie finished, but shook his head and explained: "With your temper, if you personally According to the photo, you may not wait until now to come out and find us to confront us! So if I guess well, these photos should be just you got it! Is it?"

"Yes..." Chen Mengxi nodded without denial. Sun Jie’s words were all right, and Chen Mengxi had no reason to refute.

"Chen Mengxi, saying that you are not mature, you are really immature! Have you ever thought about it? Who gave these photos to you? Why will you give it to you? Why will you give it to you at this time?" Sun Jie asked several times in one breath. Question: "Do you not think this thing is very strange? You are good, don't want anything, first look for us to confront us, ask us, find ways to drive us away! If I am you, the first thing I have to do is Investigate the source of these photos to see who wants to target Yang Ming, why should I take these photos and send them, what is their purpose? But you see what you have done? Do you want to kill Yang Ming? ?"

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