So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2050: Tolerant heart

"This..." Chen Mengyu was said by Sun Jie, and suddenly he woke up! At this time, I thought of this extremely important question! Yes, who sent these photos? What is the purpose of his doing this?

Thinking of this, Chen Mengxi’s heart suddenly jumped! Yeah, I am too immature! Considering the problem, I thought it was so comprehensive, I was really a fool! The same mistake, actually committed twice!

The first time was Wang Zhitao, who took a stack of photos and believed it to be true. As a result, I almost missed the marriage with Yang Ming because of this incident! After all, this is simply the plot that Wang Zhitao used to deal with Yang Ming! But I was on the wrong side, and in the second time, once again!

Sun Jie said that there is nothing wrong with these photos. From the above date, some of them were taken even almost a year ago. At that time, I decided to have a relationship with Yang Ming soon.

The person who sent the photo could not have accidentally seen these things and sent it to himself after taking it. This person is obviously purposeful! Thinking of this, Chen Mengyan suddenly burst into a cold sweat!

I really just ignored the most important thing! If Sun Jie reminded himself, then he couldn’t think of it. If there was a conflict between them and Sun Jie, wouldn’t it be with the people who sent the photos?

"Sun Jie, I am sorry!" Chen Mengxi is a person who can afford to put it down. After realizing his mistakes, he is no longer arguing and arrogant, but directly confessed his mistake: "I am not mature, no Think of the deeper meaning of this..."

It seems that none of Yang Ming’s women are vases, especially this Sun Jie, which is unparalleled in intelligence, a hundred times stronger than himself. Yang Ming has her side, but it is a good helper!

Now, Yang Ming is not at home, some people are doing some conspiracy, and if there is not a think tank like Sun Jie, it really doesn't work! At this moment, Chen Mengxi was also a kind of heart-turning. After thinking about the pros and cons, Chen Mengyan stood up and took a deep breath. He solemnly bowed to Sun Jie and said, "I am sorry, I was reckless before. I hope that Sun Jie’s sister will not blame me..."

Although Chen Mengyu still does not want to accept so many women in Yang Shen’s heart, Sun Jie’s words also awakened her. Can Yang Ming give up? Absolutely impossible! With Yang Ming’s character, he will not give up any one person. If he can give up early, he will give up from the time of Lan Ling!

Therefore, after Chen Mengxi calmed down, he also felt that it was impossible for his own power to get rid of these people in front of him. If not, accept it! Only accept this road!

Moreover, Sun Jie said that there is nothing wrong with this person who sent photos. I am afraid that I want to provoke some sort of thing and make myself and the women arguing. Otherwise, this photo Chen Mengxi still can’t figure out what else. effect!

"Sorry, Yingjie, Xiao Qingjie, 嫣嫣, Xiaoyan, Nightmare, please allow me to say sorry!" After Chen Mengxi finished speaking to Sun Jie, he turned and said to others.

"Nothing..." Wang Xiaoyan said faintly: "As long as you don't interfere with me and Yang Ming, I won't kill you!"

"..." Chen Mengyu listened to Wang Xiaoying's words, and suddenly smiled, this Wang Xiaoying is also a sly character!

"Dream, to tell the truth, now I just face you a little bit!" Sun Jie smiled and said: "As the most important woman around Yang Ming, you must learn to be tolerant and have love. If you can't do it, then let it be early. Bit, I am happy to replace you, I believe I will do very well!"

"I can do it now." Chen Mengxi is not willing to show weakness.

"Don't worry, I don't mean to fight with you for the time being. It's not a time to fight now! This position is finally calculated by Yang Ming, not what we said!" Sun Jie does not care: "If Yang Ming is optimistic about you , then I have no opinion, I love him, so respect all his decisions!"

After listening to Sun Jie’s words, Chen Mengyu suddenly had a feeling of suddenness and openness. Yes, love him and respect his decision! These women, how to say that Yang Ming identified, then Yang Ming's reason and reason, why do they drive them away?

"If I don't do well, I can give it to you later!" When Chen Mengxi said this sentence, his heart was secretly gnashing his teeth, and he must not lose to Sun Jie! At this moment, Chen Mengxi matured a lot and completed a gorgeous degeneration!

This degeneration is not on the outside, but in the heart. At this moment, she completely removed the precautions and shackles, and all the women present were treated as a family! Sun Jie said yes, Yang Ming is not, then they should be more united!

"Sisters, I am sorry, I was stingy before. I apologize. I will be a family in the future. I hope that everyone will supervise me. When I am wrong, I will promptly raise it!" Chen Mengxi said from the heart: "If everyone I feel that I am not suitable, then I will give up the position of this true girlfriend..."

"Well, let me be in the first place. When do I want to be a sneak peek?" Sun Jieman waved his hand indifferently, and did not care.

She is an actual woman. These illusory names are not very attractive to her. The status of women around Yang Ming is determined by strength, not by saying, who helps Yang Ming most, Yang Ming The more naturally you will rely on it!

"Dream, in fact, this thing, I am also wrong, thank you for your tolerance!" Zhao Ying naturally did not mean anything, this time see Chen Mengxi changed his attitude, naturally relieved.

"Yeah, nightmare, I said before, I don't want to fight for anything, just want to silently support Yang Ming, standing behind him!" Xiao Qing also smiled: "Do not worry, Xiao Jie is just talking about it." She didn't want to grab your true girlfriend..."

Xiao Qing secretly admired Sun Jie, and in a few words, he reversed the Qiankun and let the original screaming Chen Mengyu have undergone such a huge transformation! At this moment, Chen Mengxi seems to be mature and sensible!

And Jing Xiaoyu, is a smile and Chen Mengyu said: "Dream sister, you used to be my sister, now it is natural!"

Chen Mengyu did not think that there was anything wrong with it: "I was a slave bought by Yang Ming, and my status naturally cannot be compared with you."

Including Wang Xiaoyu, who had previously stated his position, now everyone has expressed his support for supporting Chen Mengxi, a true girlfriend, but let Chen Mengyu breathe a sigh of relief. It turns out that being respected is really good!

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