So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2054: action plan

"Transfer location?" The black clothes are slightly stunned, and some do not understand the meaning of the right long man.

"Don't be too small to see Yang Ming this kid, this guy has destroyed me a lot of good things?" Right Chang Lao said: "If the bitterness is caught by Yang Ming, ask about my foothold, let him It’s not good to mess up!”

"That's also true!" The black man nodded and said: "It's still right and long, you want to be thoughtful!"

Yang Ming five people lived in the town center hotel, the conditions here are not very good, but this is the only hotel in the town, there is no second home, this is not a tourist attraction, the hotel business is not very good Come to this hotel, most of them are local young men and women, and there are very few strangers!

"Boss, we are brazenly appearing here, will we see the right eye of the old long-haired?" Liu Ye asked with some hesitation.

"Nature will be seen." Yang Ming said: "But even if you are not brazen to come here, you will still be known by the right long-haired!"

"Oh?" Liu Yeyi stunned, and immediately understood Yang Ming’s words: "It’s also true that our actions are not secret. Since the mystery investigation bureau can be mixed into the nail of Xiao Wang, then the whereabouts of our pedestrians are also It won't be a secret!"

"Yes, the most important thing is that the location of Miaojiang that we are going to go through must go through this small town. This town is a must. There is basically no foreigner here, then our presence, whether it is or not Public, will be seen, so the right long will always know! If so, then we do not matter how." Yang Ming nodded.

"Boss, then what do we do next? Since the right long-handed old knows our arrival, then we will definitely be prepared to respond. What should we do?" Liu Ye said with some concern: "I am afraid we have not yet arrived. Xinjiang, the enemy will come first!"

"What is the use of worry?" Yang Ming said with a smile: "The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. This is the truth since ancient times. Since it has already arrived, can't you escape?"

"Is not to escape, we always have to develop an action plan?" Liu asked.

"No." Yang Ming said faintly: "This mission is different from the past. It is completely random. We are now working out, and it is also on paper, without any practical use!"

"I agree with the captain. This time, the task is really not simple. I am sure that the other party will definitely use the shackles to deal with us. Therefore, our previous combat methods are completely useless. When you see people, you can be close to the spike, but no When you see people, you may also be tricked!" Feng Tianlong also nodded in agreement.

"Yes, if the other party is really fighting with us, we are not afraid, but they are afraid of using them!" Xia Xue also echoed.

"This is also our weakness, simple anti-drug, I can solve it, but it is difficult to help a little bit..." Xiao Susu said with a smile: "But it is not easy to deal with our martial arts..."

"Everything is careful, don't eat what you shouldn't eat, don't drink water, but the anti-virus in the air is hard to prevent!" Yang Ming sighed. Qi, took out a small box from the pocket: "When you get here, some things are also scored for you, and you will soon enter Miaojiang. Let everyone be careful!"

"This is..." Seeing Xiao Ming’s small box, Xiao Susu asked with some doubts.

"This is a kind of pill called Jie Dan. It is a friend of mine. It was allocated to me before leaving. Because time is limited, only 30 pieces are produced, and each person is six. No more than just a lot. "Yang Ming opened the box and explained: "This kind of solution can deal with the general anti-drug, as long as it is not too powerful, it can be solved, but if it is more powerful, it is so vicious. There is no way!"

"Oh? Is there such a good thing?" Xiao Susu suddenly blinked his eyes: "The general anti-drug is very powerful, especially the powerful anti-drug. In some Miao villages in Miaojiang, it is also the secret of not passing, only the village. The Lord and the elders still have some rumored disciples who know that other people are unclear!"

"It's a good thing." Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "If the right long-handed old man personally dealt with us, it is estimated that this thing is as useless as the jelly bean..."

This is before Yang Ming's departure, Zhang Tu Zhang put himself in the refining of anti-drugs, and this general anti-drug antidote can only solve some of the more common anti-drugs. For the kind of powerful, Zhang Jianzhi also knows The solution, but it can not refine the general antidote, can not be without any targeted, blindly refining a lot of antidote? Let's not say that the problem of insufficient materials is that it can be refined, and it is also a few hundred pills. It's too late!

"There is better than nothing!" Xiao Susu is still very happy: "Before I left, I always thought about refining some antidote problems, but the technology was not good. I didn't expect the captain to have solved it!"

"That's yeah, how else can we be our boss?" Liu Ye also felt that Yang Ming was very powerful.

Yang Ming just smiled and gave the solution to the people. Then he said, "If the situation is wrong, take it quickly. We will enter Miaojiang tomorrow morning. Let's have a rest today! I guess in the town, Those who are old and right-handed will not do it. After all, it is not their territory!"

Everyone nodded and went back to the room to prepare for a break, and Yang Ming sighed a little and didn't know what was going on inside the house. After coming out, Yang Ming changed his mobile phone and didn't go home again. Contacted!

Chen Mengxi, are they thinking about themselves? I hope this task can be completed smoothly!

However, with Lan Ling, Yang Ming did not interrupt contact, this is also said with Xia Bingyan, Xia Bingyan also agreed that Yang Ming and Lan Ling have been in contact! After all, in Miaojiang, no one can give Yang Ming's help as much as Lan Ling!

Lan Ling is the person of Miaojiang, and is also the grandson and daughter of the owner of the Blue Miao Village. If she is willing to help Yang Ming, then naturally it is better!

So after Yang Ming arrived here, he sent a text message to Lan Ling and told her that she had arrived!

Yang Ming does not worry about the use of technology to intercept the text messages between himself and Lan Ling. He does not say that his phone is the latest encrypted phone developed by the Mystery Bureau. Even if it is a regular phone, the right is long. People's scientific and technological means are also lacking. To say that the boss will do behind the scenes, Yang Ming still believes in some...

Soon, Lan Ling returned a text message to Yang Ming...

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