So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2055: Are negotiating

"Are you there? Call me back, there is important news!" Lan Ling's text message is very short, obviously there is something, and it is not clear in a few words, so Yang Ming will return.

Yang Ming did not say anything, he called the phone of Lan Ling.

On the other side of the Blue Ling, the phone was connected very quickly.

"Ling Ling, it is me, I have arrived, in the recent town of Miaojiang, but I estimate that the old eyeliner of the right long will definitely find us." Yang Ming said: "There are very few places from the field. Tourists, even if we want to hide, there is no way."

"This is true, but you are not wrong, the right long old man has already known the news of your arrival, and also arranged the next step." Lan Ling said: "I will let you answer this time, just want to tell You are this thing."

"Do you know this too?" Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse.

"Yes, there is no doubt about the accuracy of the news. We also have undercover on the right side of the old man. We have been fighting for so long, and there are undercovers between each other. You should know this?" Lan Ling said solemnly. "This time, the right long old man did not personally deal with you, but found another Miao Village person to deal with you, the right long man is still practicing the key moment, not to be disturbed by others! And his men, and Being trapped by our Blue Miao Village, so he has no energy to deal with you! Now, he asked the Miao Village to help you, in fact, just to delay the time, not seeking merit but seeking nothing, as long as you succeed in dragging Lived, created time for him, and waited for his magical power to begin, then he will be against you, and to our blue Miao Village! But although our people have penetrated into the right long group of old people Internally, I still haven't determined the specific residence of the right-handed old man! Because there are only a handful of confidants in the right-handed old residence, our people have no way to reach this level... and the same, right-handed old People are not close to my grandmother's side, our side, are reliable henchmen! "

Yang Ming nodded. Lan Ling’s words were correct. These undercovers generally did not go too high. The confidant around Lan Ling must have been with her grandmother for a long time. It is impossible to be reused.

"Another Miao Village? The right of the old Changchun is so big?" Yang Ming asked, said.

"It is not that the power is big. This Miao Village is currently the second largest stockade in Miaojiang. It is also these years. After the blue Miaozhai guilty, they only rose quickly, but although they are huge, they have no foundation, so I estimate that they are After cooperating with the right long-handed old man, once the right-handed old man attacked the blue Miaozhai and obtained the control of the blue Miaozhai, he would take some care and help for the Miao Village.” Lan Ling saw it clearly, and guessed it all at once. In the middle of the trade between the long and old and the bitter.

"It turns out that the people in this Miao Village are terrible?" Yang Ming nodded and asked.

"It's not awesome. The tricks are just ordinary sorcerers. They don't have great priests and long sergeants. They can't be equipped with powerful scorpion venoms, so you just have to be careful, there is no problem." Lan Ling said: "Zhang Zhang is the solution for you, it should be enough to deal with this!"

"That's good!" Yang Ming sighed.

"If you can control the owner of this different Miao Village, and pull out the specific living place of the right long man from his mouth, then we will cooperate to block the right long man. If properly arranged, there should be a chance to eliminate it. He!" Lan Ling said: "This is also the reason why I am eager to call you! If we deal with him before the right long man, he will be easier. Otherwise, if he is successful, we will want to deal with him too. Difficult! Once his King Kong evil refining is successful, he becomes a monster that is invulnerable!"

"Well, I try my best!" Yang Ming did not dare to guarantee too much, because here, he has no advantage, and he does not know whether the bitterness of Lan Lingkou will be in person, so everything is still unknown, Yang Ming Can only do their best.

"Try your best, but you can't do it. I don't want you to have something..." Blue Ling said that he could not help but lower his voice: "Have you heard it?"

"Hey..." Yang Ming smiled. It is estimated that there are other people around Lan Ling, and Lan Ling now represents the interests of Lan Miao Village. She can't let these words be heard by others.

Hanging up the phone of Lan Ling, Yang Ming could not help but think about it.

Before, his plan was to sneak into the jungle of Miaojiang early in the morning to find the trace of the right long man, but now, Yang Ming has changed his mind! The news of Lan Ling is a huge piece of good news!

The owner of the different Miao Village is full of participation, and the matter is much simpler than before! It’s hard to find the right long man, but it’s hard to find it, but it’s much better than finding the right long man!

Of course, this so-called simplicity is only relative. In this unfamiliar place, Yang Ming can't talk about any grasp. It can only be relatively easy.

If you have been staying in the town for a long time, will you be able to deal with yourself?

Lan Ling also said that the purpose of bitterness to deal with himself is to delay his time, not to destroy himself, so if he has been staying in the town, he will just squat right. The bitterness of the heart! So this move obviously doesn't work!

So how can you lure yourself into dealing with yourself? This is a problem.

Yang Ming decided to look for Liu Ye, Feng Tianlong, Xiao Susu and Xia Xue to discuss together. After all, people are more powerful and the saying goes, three smugglers have played Zhuge Liang!

Soon, everyone was concentrated in Yang Ming’s room, and Yang Ming told them the latest news from Lan Ling, and they worked with them to study their plans to deal with bitterness...

Here, Yang Ming studies how to deal with bitterness and bitterness, but he studies how to deal with Yang Ming!

"The bitter villager, the other party is just an ordinary person, but also need to discuss it? Send a few people directly, give them a little bit of jealousy, leave them in the jungle forever?" I have some disdain suggestions under my heart.

"Stupid!" The bitter village owner snorted and said: "If it is so simple, why don't you do it yourself?"

"His men are not being restrained by the people of Lan Miao Village, there is no extra manpower..." said the confidant carefully.

"Fart! There are no extra people? If it's as easy as you said, just a few ordinary people can cope with it. If you are surrounded by the old talents, you can't be restrained by Lan Miaozhai. Even a few of the men can't move out?" The bitter villager stunned his own confidant, and said uncomfortable.

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