So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2056: Try it first

The heart of the bitter village is very depressed, and it is as true as the right elder said. The bottom is not good!

There is no such thing as a decent military sergeant. It is a group of ugly people. Although they are all confidants, the level is really too far.

Except for some brainwashing ideas and proposals, nothing else will be done.

After listening to this "heart", I suddenly said something: "Is this group very powerful?"

"Crap, or do you think that the right elder is a fool? Let us deal with a few unimportant little horns, can you give us such a big benefit?" The bitter master sneered and said: "If we really think that it is casual We can send a few to delay it, then we are really arrogant!"

"The lord of the village is wise!" The chilling sweat of the sullen lord was said to be what he said, and it really makes sense. If it is really easy, why should the right elder not be hands-on? Even if he is now in a critical stage of cultivation, does not prevent him from sending a few men to go out?

"Hey, this right elder may not have any good intentions!" said the bitter villager: "It is estimated that he wants to take us as cannon fodder and save his own strength!"

"This is the owner of the village, then we still have to help the right elders?" asked a little worried about his heart.

"Help, you must help!" said the bitter villager: "There is no way, even if you know that he is using us as cannon fodder, we still have to help him. Who makes the right elder is the most powerful existence of this belt? We If you want to continue to mix here, there is no support from the right elders. It is impossible! Even if we are now the second largest Miao Village, once we have the right to control the Blue Miao Village, we want to destroy us. It’s still easy, we have no room to fight back!”

"This... We have developed very well over the years and we have a lot of people. We can't be so unbearable?" asked the hesitant hesitant.

palpitate! They are all rabble! Just like you, as my confidant, look at your brain, are you a little IQ? You can play with you at the level of your right elders! The bitter village owner snorted and said: "And, our level of martial arts is far lower than that of others. Just relying on our strength, we don't want to compete with them!" ”

"But as the owner of the village said, it will not work. What should I do?" asked the confidant.

"The only way is to listen to the right elders and give him a running dog. In this way, once the right elder becomes the master of the blue Miao Village, you can bring us and help us, let us act as a younger brother, let us The development of the bitter villagers sighed and said: "So I said so much, but also tell you that we have no choice, this time we can only succeed, can not fail, once we fail, the right elders feel that we have not used value, certainly not Will take care of us..."

"The meaning of the bitter village owner is, do we have to send an elite?" asked the confidant.

"Yes, not only must be sent to be elite, but must be elite in the elite, I personally lead the team, in our different Miao Village, only I know some advanced techniques, can be successfully used, in addition to this The level of others will not work!" The bitter villager said: "From now on, closely monitor the movements of Yang Ming and his entourage. Once they enter the Miaojiang jungle, we are ready to do it!"

"Yes!" The confidant should be good at saying goodbye. If you want to talk about the surveillance, he can still do it. There are so many eyeliners under his hand. Let him monitor Yang Ming’s group of people.

Over there, Yang Ming is still worried about how to directly catch the bitter pull, but did not expect that the bitter pull actually wants to take the initiative to lead Yang Ming! Sometimes things are so coincidental, here is worrying, Huabian will solve the trouble for you.

Yang Ming and Liu Ye, Feng Tianlong, Xiao Susu and Xia Xue have not been able to study why they came. After all, they just came to Miaojiang, which is a kind of black, and they don’t know the habit and strength of different Miao Village. Directly lead to the home of the bitter village, but really can not start!

"It looks like you can only take chances." Yang Ming sighed and said: "This way, or tomorrow morning, we will enter the Miaojiang jungle, we can not give opponents too many opportunities to arrange, the more they arrange, the more unfavorable to us, Only when we are caught off guard can we let the people pull the team to deal with us!"

"That's also true, then everyone will go back to rest, the old plan will not change!" Liu said, the other people also nodded in agreement.

Early the next morning, Yang Ming took the four people into the jungle of Miaojiang, and the eyeliner laid by the chubby man in the town was the first time to tell the news!

Indeed, the bitterness of this side is being configured to deal with Yang Ming. After all, many anti-drugs have time-effects. It is impossible to configure them and put them there, but this kind of powerful anti-drug is even more so. Nothing. If you are a child, you can’t configure it for you.

However, he has not finished the configuration yet, and he will return in the heart of his heart, saying that Yang Ming has entered the jungle of Miaojiang!

“How is it so fast?” The frowning brows suddenly wrinkled: “They will not rest for two days to explore the situation?”

"Who knows, I entered the Miaojiang jungle early in the morning, the owner of the village, what do we do? Are we now dispatching?" The abdomen asked anxiously.

"Not yet, the drug has not been configured, I can't go, so you look for a few people, first try to test their strength, especially that Yang Ming, I heard that his horse is the blue Ling of Lan Miao Village, This kid may be a little bit tolerant, first look at his depth and say!"

"Yes," the confidant nodded, and went out to arrange. The most lacking of the different Miao Village is the manpower, and many of these men are arrogant. In these years, the blue Miao Village has suffered guilt, and it is self-sufficient, so the different Miao Village It has developed very quickly and has become the second largest Miao Village in Miaojiang. Therefore, these people are very impetuous in their hearts. They think that they are very powerful. They are not afraid of fear. They will not have any fear at all. Persuaded, there are many people standing up and taking the initiative to ask Yang Ming a lesson!

Looking at the fearless men of these unknown people, there are some sorrows in his confession. However, why did he think that he was not arrogant before him? If there is no mention of the owner, even he thinks that Yang Ming is a good deal! .

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