So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2072: Fainted again

Yang Ming’s mood is very heavy. The bitter village owner may not be a lie. As a result, Yang Ming cannot find an antidote from the bitter village owner!

I knew this early. When the sorcerer used the sorcerer, Yang Ming ordered Liu Ye and others to run away. I believe that even if the lord of the squad is chasing, it is impossible for everyone to catch up. Just let them separate and run away. Chasing can not chase!

Moreover, there is a place to stand here, the bitter villager can not kneel down to chase other people, but the right elders are named to block the people, the bitter villagers will definitely be their own! Thinking of this, Yang Ming could not help but regret it. He himself was hurting his teammates. He was too self-confident. He thought that Jie Dan could deal with the poison of the bitter village. Even if he could not, he could use his own means to force himself to ask. The antidote came, but the current situation is beyond the expectation of Yang Ming, and there is no antidote to the roots of the bitter village!

Originally, Yang Ming’s plan was going smoothly, but now, it’s summer, and it’s halfway!

According to Yang Ming’s previous plan, the reason why he did not directly attack the bitter villager, but pretended to be fainted and fell to the ground, mihuo bitter village owner, there is also a reason! The bitter Zhaizhu is very cautious and careful, so Yang Ming is not sure that he can hit a hit in the previous attack, because the distance is too far, in case of a miss, let him be alert, and then find the opportunity can be difficult It’s harder to add, so it’s better to mihuo the bitter villager with the faint mi, and give him a fatal blow!

And Yang Ming did succeed in deceiving the bitter village owner, and hit it down with a blow, but it was out of common sense, and the bitter village owner actually had no antidote!

Yang Ming is in painful contemplation, but the side of the bitter village is still suffering from the point of Yang Ming. If it is not solved, the bitter villager suffers from pain every minute.

"Ah... No, I can't stand it, kill me, let me die, can't I?" The bitter villager really can't hold it, he has already begun to die.

... I made a fake to lie to him, first solved the pain for me, then I died when I died...

The bitter villager saw Yang Ming not responding, sinking in the heart.

However, his idea was also "seeed" by Yang Ming. Yang Ming is thinking about the next method. He heard the thoughts of the bitter owner and decided to come back to a good show that will count on the plan. Since the bitter owner does not know that the right elder is Where he pretended to faint, he was caught in a different Miao Village, waiting for the right elders to go to the door in Yimiao Village!

And the poisoning of Xia Xue, Liu Ye, Feng Tianlong and Xiao Susu can only be treated differently!

"I know the antidote, I said, let me go..." Since the bitter village owner made up his mind, he yelled.

Yang Ming also made up his mind here. He heard that the bitter village owner said that he knew the antidote, so he nodded and said with a sneer: "I finally let go of it? Ok, then I will let you go first, but If you deceive me, I will be welcome..."

"Good! Let me go soon." The bitter village owner also refused to let Yang Ming let him go, but he nodded in pain.

Yang Ming reached out and took a few shots on the body of the bitter village. He untied the xué road on his body and said, "Okay, you can say it now!"

"Let me take a breather..." The bitter village owner knows that if he says he is cheating Yang Ming, it is estimated that he will live soon, so he wants to be comfortable first and then tell the truth.

"Well not good? So ink?" Yang Ming frowned and asked.

"Okay, okay!" Qian Zhai took a breath and said: "Actually ~ ~ really no antidote, you still kill me..."

"What! No?" Yang Ming was furious at the time, and raised his hand to want to play the hardship of the owner. However, suddenly, Yang Ming’s face became extremely difficult to look at, and the sweat of the bean was from Yang Ming’s forehead. Sliding down, and Yang Ming’s face has begun to twist...

"You...what's wrong?" Seeing Yang Ming's appearance, the bitter village master suddenly took a look.

"It's so hard..." Yang Ming fell to the ground in pain, and shēn groaned in his mouth: "It's so uncomfortable... What's wrong with this? Isn't it already solved the poison? How does it seem to be attacking again? This super solution, Dan Is it no effect? ​​Pothole wow"

When Yang Ming finished speaking, he squatted and fell to the ground and did not move...

"Hey?" This change made the bitter villagers look stunned. What does it mean? Yang Ming has hanged again? Moreover, this time it seems to be really hanging? Because the Qianzhai owners can't figure out how to do it, what is the significance of Yang Ming's possession of absolute superiority?

It is easy for Yang Ming to kill him. It is absolutely unnecessary to pretend to deceive him! But... How did Yang Ming suddenly have a vicious attack?

Yes! The bitter village owner suddenly remembered what Yang Ming said before he fainted, super solution! Yang Ming is taking the super solution! And this kind of medicine can alleviate the scorpion poisoning of the former sorrowful owner, but it is only relieved rather than completely relieved!

Super Jie Dan, but has a delayed effect than the ordinary Jie Dan, but it is not a real antidote! It’s no wonder that Yang Ming has been holding this for a long time. The last anger, a force that wants to solve himself, has fainted. It’s really... too tragic, oh!

The bitter villager couldn't help but laugh, because he was very cool. The situation that he thought he was dying suddenly reversed. As a result, he did not die. Yang Ming was fainted. Life is full of joy and joy. Comedy comes too. Fast, there is something that can't be adapted!

"Wow, hahaha! It’s really a helper!" The bitter villager laughed aloud: "Yang Ming, do you think that the super solution is a omnipotent? Haha, you have not thought about it, my anti-drug is also advanced, since the solution What is the use of 蛊丹, what can super use?"

Yang Ming is lying on the ground, speechless, Nima, he said a super solution to the Dan, actually there is such a thing? It seems that this bitter village owner also knows that the super solution is not useful for his anti-drugs. It’s a coincidence that a cat encounters a dead mouse. It’s too coincidental!

"Hey? You waited and then fainted again, the xué road on my body still has no solution, I can't move it!" The bitter owner suddenly thought that he had been sealed by Xu Ming, but it is not painful now. , but it should still not move! So, thinking of it, he subconsciously leaned down and went to shake Yang Ming’s body, wanting Yang Ming to wake up and lift him xué.

Yang Ming is somewhat speechless. You are an old bastard. You have already moved. You haven't found it? What are you doing to shake me? Now that Yang Ming has made a plan, it is naturally impossible to make such a mistake, so I have solved it all at once...! .

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