So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2073: Treatment method

However, it seems that the bitter village owner has not found it yet? This makes Yang Ming not know what to say, I want to stand up and slap him, you can move yourself, you still don't know if your whole body's xué road is unlocked? What else do you want me to do?

"Hey?" The bitter villager shook two times. After Yang Ming discovered that he had failed, he suddenly found that he could move. He did not have any signs of being blocked by the xué road. He could move, his limbs were normal, he wanted to jump and jump. I want to go and leave!

"What is going on here?" The bitter villager said to himself, some strange, yes, before he let Yang Ming help to eliminate his pain, perhaps Yang Mingshun also helped himself to lock his body inadvertently. solved!

This should be just Yang Ming's subconscious action, and Yang Ming may not know that he has helped him to fix the lock. Otherwise, Yang Ming can't attack himself without any scruples. Yang Ming is not a fool!

When I think of it, the bitter villager can't help but laugh, and it's just a coincidence that God is helping himself. I didn’t know how Yang Ming fainted himself, but now, no need, Yang Ming gave him a solution before he fainted!

"Boy, hey, don't know what to say about you, you lose, it's not a loss at all, you are self-sufficient!" Yang Ming, who looked at the fainting of the bitter village, said faintly.

Yang Ming continued to be speechless.

The bitter villager did not personally bind Yang Ming. This time, in his view, Yang Ming was completely fainted, and there was no need to bind at all. It was a wake-up call for a while, and the reason was very simple. Yang Ming It is impossible to give up the advantage in the case of absolute advantage.

Soon, the brothers came over with a group of different Miao Village, and saw that the bitter village owner stood there intact, and Yang Ming and others all squatted on the ground, in the heart of the brother. Finally relieved!

It seems that the status of the different Miao Village is saved! As long as there is nothing in the status of the bitter village, the different Miao Village will continue to prosper!

"Congratulations to the owner of the village, He Xizhai is the master!" The brother ran over and said to the bitter villager: "The owner of the village is out, the flag is winning!"

"Don't talk about those who are arrogant, bring these people back to Yimiaozhai!" The bitter villager waved his hand and told the brother.

"Yes!" The brother nodded, and the opponent ordered a few voices. These people carried Yang Ming, Liu Ye, Xia Xue, Feng Tianlong and Xiao Susu, who were faint mi, to Xiangmiao Village.

In the Yimiao Village, where the prisoners are also involved, the residents of the village who used to commit the regulations of the stockade are also used to hold prisoners of other Miao Village, etc., and the five people of Yang Ming were thrown together in a huge In the cell, although the other houses in the Miaozhai Village are built of wood, it is also because of the climatic reasons here. Such a house is more comfortable to live in. It is not the same as the Miaozhai Village. house.

The cell is built of reinforced concrete, the purpose is to prevent people inside from escaping. As for the uncomfortable feeling, it is not the concern of people in different Miao Village.

Yang Ming has always been conscious. He and others were thrown into the cell, and the cell door was shut down by the bang, followed by the locked voice!

The cell suddenly became dark. There is no window here. It is a kind of prison in ancient times. There are grass mats on the ground. There is no other facilities, but it is not simple. It is also very clean!

I don’t think there are many opportunities to use such a big cell. It’s not possible for many people in different factories to be confined to the house. At this time, no one has ever used it since it was built!

After these people left, Yang Ming took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Lan Ling, explaining his situation here, letting her not worry too much, and telling her about the problems she encountered. Snow, Liu Ye, Feng Tianlong and Xiao Susu’s anti-drugs have not solved yet. This is Yang Ming’s top priority.

Although the bitter Zhaizhu is very cautious in doing things, but after all, it is not professional. Yang Ming and others are thrown into the dungeon. Even the search body is not there. The mobile phone is not taken away. Perhaps in his opinion, the dungeon is so strong, Yang Ming and others are difficult to fly, and there is nothing in them that is irrelevant.

Therefore, Yang Ming also successfully kept the mobile phone and sent a text message to Lan Ling.

It didn't take long for Bluelink's text message to come back:

"Sorry, Yang Ming, I am negligent. I have not investigated it beforehand and brought you trouble! But since this kind of scorpion can solve the problem, then it is not a problem. Have you forgotten what I said? You The heart has been transmitted to Chen Mengyu and Zhou Jiajia, so they currently have the same immunity as you, so you can save them by letting Xia Xue and Xiao Susu have the same infection. ”

Yang Ming saw the text message of Lan Ling, suddenly the black line! Xia Xue will forget, but Xiao Susu is Feng Tianlong’s girlfriend. How can she do something to her? Isn't this an international joke? Moreover, there are still two men in it, women can be infected, what should men do?

So, Yang Ming smiled and gave Lan Ling a message: "My little Ling Ling, Xiao Susu is Feng Tianlong's girlfriend, and even if it can be infected, what about the two big men Feng Tianlong and Liu Ye? You don't Will you be a friend of mine and me?"

Lan Ling’s text message soon came back again: “I’m sorry, I’m negligent!” Lan Ling made a lovely expression and continued: “In your blood, there is also a heart-felt component, but there is no That way has an effect, but for ordinary scorpion venom, your blood can also be solved. You can give each of them a little bit of your blood, not much, just a little bit is enough, drink too much, also It doesn't have much effect, but it can also make their faces suspend aging, but you'd better not do this. This is a good thing for outsiders!"

"Okay, I know." Yang Ming saw Lan Ling's solution, and suddenly he breathed a sigh of relief. As long as there is a solution, as long as Feng Tianlong, Liu Ye and Liu Susu are permanent, forget it. After all, this kind of thing is a bit too strange. Not everyone likes to be permanent.

Yang Ming has no way, or he is a big man. If he stays in his 30s and 40s, he will be fine. If he has children, he will be like a child, like a brother, their mother and They are sisters, is this too horrible? Ro! .

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