So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2074: Important news

Hanging up the words, Yang Ming did not dare to neglect, directly bite his finger, and then put it into the mouth of Xia Xue, it can be regarded as Xia Xue to do an experiment.

If this method is not easy to use, then it can only use the ultimate law and law that Lan Ling said. However, Yang Ming can also save Xia Xue. Others, Yang Ming is powerless, and Yang Ming’s heart is also invariable. It is impossible to do something that is against ethics.

The experiment with Xia Xue is also to see how much blood is used. If there are a lot of things, then Yang Ming can't afford it. It is estimated that others will be saved. He himself has lost too much blood and fainted.

Therefore, after drinking a little bit of his own blood for Xia Xue, Yang Ming took out his finger and waited for Xia Xue to wake up quietly.

While waiting for Xia Xue to wake up, Yang Ming is not idle. He has always used his power to lock the bitter owner and see if the bitter owner is in contact with the right elder.

The bitter villager returned to his room, and the brother stood respectfully to him.

"Congratulations to the owner of the Kaixuan code!" said the brother happy.

"Returning to the stockade, I was relieved. I had never been practical in my heart. I was scared by Yang Ming’s little rabbit, and this kid had a trick before!" The bitter owner sighed and had a lingering heart. Said.

"The bitter village of the wise Mingwu, Yang Ming that kid is even more powerful, in front of you is also a cloud!" said the brother compliment.

"Oh... forget it, don't say this. Since Yang Ming has already fallen into our hands, there is no suspense in this matter. I will call the right elder now and hand him over, so as not to have a long night dream!" The owner of the village hesitated and said.

"Okay, I am going to find the right elder's phone!" The brother nodded and rummaged through a phone book. After a while, he said, "Here, it is the phone of the right elder confidant." ""

The bitter village chief nodded and dialed the name of the right elder in accordance with the number in the hands of the brother.

"Hey? Which?" The phone was quickly connected, but the tone of the opposite elder's subordinates was very chilly and had a feeling of being above.

"Hello, I am the owner of the different Miao Village, I am looking for the right elder!" The bitter village sighed, and even the next elders of the right elders were so arrogant, their second big stockade Lord, there is no conviction in front of him, it is helpless! Strength is everything, and it doesn't matter if you don't have the strength to play it again!

"Oh, bitter Zhai, you wait a little longer." The other party's tone was a little better, but it was still very blunt, and there was no such thing as respectfulness, a public service.

"Okay, it’s bothering you." The bitter village said helplessly.

After a while, on the other side of the phone, the voice of the right elder was heard: "Hey? What is the owner of the village? What is it for me?"

"The right elders are fortunate not to be insulted, and finally Yang Ming and others will be captured!" When the bitter villager said this sentence, there was still some emboldened.

"Oh? You won Yang Ming and others?" The elders of the right stunned, and suddenly felt incredible! Yang Ming and others, but even the Falcon has no way, actually was seized by the bitter owner?

"Yes, these people are being held in our different Miao Village!" The bitter villager said with pride. Hearing, the right elder is very surprised, but the more it is, the more he shows that he has the ability to suffer!

"How did you deal with them?" The right elder still didn't quite believe it.

"That is the case, I used a kind of advanced martial arts, which can make people become powerless. Once they use their strength, they will faint. The scorpion poison will stun Yang Ming and his team members, and they will be captured. "The bitter village owner did not say the details, but simply said the process.

If the details are too much, it seems that I am a little weak, and Yang Ming has deceived it once, and how many faces are not good.

"Scorpion venom? Yang Ming, they have not been able to solve the scorpion venom?" The right long boss feels a little bit wrong, how can it be so easy to catch Yang Ming? This is too easy. Especially the right elders have sent people to deal with Yang Ming, so that Yun Guangdu and others have used the martial arts for Yang Ming, but they have not been able to deal with Yang Ming, indicating that Yang Ming’s side is high. People know how to solve it, but now it seems that this high person is not around Yang Ming?

"He has Jie Dan and senior Jie Dan in my hand, but I am such a martial art. It is precisely these two solutions that Dan can't do anything, so Yang Ming is only the one who has been left by me!" Said: "Right elder, where are you, still in the original place? I will send these people to Yang Ming?"

"No, I have already left, and changed the place of cultivation. In this way, I personally took someone to see your different Miao Village, and took Yang Ming and others away!--The right elder thought about it.

"That's OK, I am here to welcome you to the right elder, I hope that you will not forget to promise me the right elders!"

"Do not worry, if you have said something right, you will not forget it!" The right elders have some regrets in their hearts. They knew that such a simple one would be able to arrest Yang Ming and others. What kind of hard-working villagers do they use? How good is your own shot? It can be done now, and the bitter villager has done this thing so easily, and it is better to be with himself!

However, the words have already been said, the right elders are not remorseful. After all, if he succeeds in the blue Miao Village, he will become one of the most prestigious people in Miaojiang.

Therefore, he had to promise the conditions before the Zhai Zhaizhu. Fortunately, his conditions were not too much. He just had one more dog. At that time, some younger brothers like Miaozhai were also good! Thinking of this, the right elder is happy again.

Yang Ming has always used the perspective of the abilities to monitor the suffering villagers. Although he can't hear the words of the right elders, every word of the bitter villager is clearly seen by Yang Ming. For the right elders, one can also infer one. Second.

It seems that the right elders are ready to bring themselves back. This is a good opportunity for the right elders to work. If you can use them properly, you will kill the right elders here. That is a good plan!

Thinking of this, Yang Ming immediately told the news to Lan Ling by SMS. If there is cooperation with Lan Ling, then he should still have a certain chance of winning!

After receiving the text message from Yang Ming, Lan Ling called the phone to Yang Ming because the news was too important. She had to confirm with Yang Ming personally, although she trusted Yang Ming. However, I am afraid that Yang Ming’s mobile phone will fall into the hands of others and be used by others to transmit fake news. ! .

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