So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2075: Xia Xue's satire

"Ling Ling, it is me." Yang Ming probably guessed the idea of ​​Lan Ling, so he quickly answered the phone.

"Yang Ming, you said that the right elders are coming to Yimiao Village, will you take them away?" Lan Ling asked urgently.

"Yes, I just learned about this news. It is estimated that the right elder is on the road. The time is very tight. You Lan Miaozhai, can you come to deal with the right elders? If you are there, we may win the odds." Bigger, if you are not there, it may be very troublesome..." Yang Ming didn't know it. If he was not sure, it would be difficult for a bitter villager to deal with it. Don't say that the right elder himself came over.

"I know... let me discuss it with my grandmother. If we can, we will go over and block the right elder together." Lan Ling said with a sinking.

"Well, I am waiting for you!" Yang Ming nodded and hung up.

On the side of Xia Xue, it was when Yang Ming called and woke up.

"Yang Ming? What happened to me? Woke up? Where is this?" Xia Xue blinked, but found a sweet taste in his mouth: "What is the taste in my mouth?"

"Are you awake? Then it's okay, we are in the cell of the bitter village." Yang Ming quickly explained: "There is my blood in your mouth, I have to save someone else and say it!"

Yang Ming saw that Xia Xue woke up, and his heart was relieved. It seems that Lan Ling’s method is still effective, at least not to use that method. Yang Ming went to Liu - floating astronomy - and woke up, while Xia Xue closed his mouth in a timely manner. She and Yang Ming complained a few words, but in front of others, she was embarrassed to say It is.

"We are awake? Head, are you saving us?" Feng Tianlong stood up and stretched out, found that there was no difference, no feeling of fatigue, and suddenly asked some surprises: "It seems nothing? I am full of strength now?"

"I am also, boss, will you solve it?" Liu Ye was also surprised to say.

"In my mouth, there is a **** question..." Xiao Susu said, but his eyes looked at Yang Ming’s finger: "If I guessed it well, is Captain Yang saving us with his own blood? Captain Yang , in your blood, there is a solution to the problem?"

Xiao Susu’s observations are more careful, and you can see some details that are not noticed at once.

"Oh, you are observing it carefully!" Yang Ming smiled and nodded. "Nothing wrong, my blood does have a function of solving the problem, but now, not to say this, we have to open a short discussion now. Will, study the countermeasures against the right elders for a while!"

"To deal with the right elder!" After listening to Yang Ming's words, everyone was shocked! They did not think that they had to deal with the right elders on the first day of Miaojiang. Is this too fast?

In fact, even Yang Ming himself did not think that coming here can be so fast with the right elders! However, since things have arrived here, there is no way. This is a good opportunity to see the right elders. The machine can't be lost. Yang Ming doesn't want to give up, and he can only get it in his hands!

"Nothing wrong! I deliberately pretended to faint, and was brought here by the bitter villager. I also wanted to introduce you to the right elders through him!" Yang Ming simply told the people about what happened at that time. Then he said: "I have seen the phone between the bitter and the right elders with the perspective of the abilities. The right elder should already be on the road. We must always be ready for the battle!"

"But... we don't have a grasp at all. We can't even deal with the hard-shoulders. How can we deal with the right elders?" Liu leaves smiled bitterly: "Boss, is this too fast? We are completely right-winged elders." Don't understand!"

"I know this, but since things have developed to this point, we can't do it either. The right elders are hard to deal with, but if I can stand up to his weaknesses, we will have a chance to deal with him." Yang Ming said. Ro! .

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