So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2080: Yang Ming’s sneak attack

"Oh... that's it, then I'm relieved, it looks like it's not so hard, at least not even, it won't die." Lan Ling breathed a sigh of relief, but there is still a word, Lan Ling does not Say, that is, even if it is caught by the right elder, it is also with Yang Ming. As long as she is with Yang Ming, she is happy.

"Well, you can think so best." Yang Ming is also loose. Qi, Yang Ming is also afraid that Lan Ling will be desperate with the right elders. If you see the tragedy happening, Yang Ming does not know what to do.

"I have now sneaked into the cell near the Miao Village. There are very few people defending here. I have hidden behind the cell." Lan Ling said.

The cells of the different Miao Village are located on the edge of the Yimiao Village, and they are made of sturdy reinforced concrete, so there is no fear that someone can run out. It is normal to have no guards here, and this is convenient for the Blue Ling. Unblocked come here to hide.

"The right elder has come over. I will prepare for a sneak attack. If the sneak attack is successful, you will come to the side and be ready to help, and my people will continue to attack him when I attack!" Yang Ming said a few words. I have booked a division of labor: "But if you fail, you will not come out for a while, waiting for an opportunity to move, and the chance of a sneak attack is only once. Once the right elders are vigilant, it is not so easy!"

"Nothing wrong, the evil spirits of the right elders are now practicing, although they are incomplete versions of the vajra, they have not reached the realm of being invulnerable at all times, but as long as he is vigilant and sacrifices evil spirits, during that time, he It will be in an invincible state of invulnerability, and non-powerful gods can't crack it!" Lan Ling said solemnly.

"I know, I will seize this opportunity." For what Lan Ling said about the right elders, Yang Ming also heard about it. At this time, Lan Ling said it, and he wanted to come and remind him not to let him act rashly.

If the battle with the right elders continues, Yang Ming can't fight, especially if the right elders are evil, how can they fight? So the only way is to make quick decisions, but there is no other way.

At this moment, the right elders and the bitter villagers and the brothers have already walked to the door of the cell, Yang Ming quickly whispered: "Don't say, start preparing!"

"Good!" Lan Ling hung up the phone.

On the side of Yang Ming, he did not hesitate to bite his fingers and sent blood into the mouth of each team member. At this time, outside the cell door, there was also the sound of opening the door!

"Oh..." The lock on the door of the cell was opened.

The right elder is about to open the door and walk in, but the one who is brought by the right elder is one step ahead: "Right elders, or let's go and see first, this Yang Ming is very cunning, in case it is not good to engage in a sneak attack. However, although the right elder is not necessarily afraid of him, let the subordinates do it!"

"Alright!" The right elder nodded, and the heart of Yang Ming, this kid is really hard to say, what if he sneaked himself?

The side of the bitter village is also a shock, the heart of the dark, Yang Ming will not play again a false faint, right? Before Yang Ming got a pretend to faint, he cheated him, and made him feel a little worried. Now what he thinks is, will Yang Ming make it again?

Yang Ming is not going to deal with the right elders? Thinking of Yang Ming’s attempt to ask his right elder’s whereabouts, the bitter Zhai owner felt that his guess was somewhat reasonable. As long as Yang Ming pretended to faint, then he came to Yimiao Village with himself, and then waited for the right elder to come to the door. He, can you see the right elder?

When I think of it, the more I feel that the bitter villager is likely, or is it so, why Yang Ming will unravel all his xué roads. Is there such a coincidence? With Yang Ming’s kind of mind, can you make such a big mistake?

The cold sweat on the forehead of the bitter village came out, but after thinking about it, what could Yang Ming use to determine that the right elder would come to him? How did you decide that you would not kill Yang Ming and others directly?

Where did he know that Yang Ming had been paying attention to the conversation between him and the right elder. If the right elders did not come, the bitter village mainly killed Yang Ming, and Yang Ming would first open the door lock of the cell and rush out with his own person. Kill the bitter village and say it again!

Although the lock is strong, it is not difficult for Yang Ming to open. It is not a problem.

The bitter village wants to remind the right elder, but when I saw the right elder's self-confident man, he closed his mouth and said what he said. Anyway, he has already brought Yang Ming here. It is a formal exchange here. I gave the right elder, what happened again, and I don’t blame myself. That is the question of the right elder, what is the relationship with myself?

The right elder's men opened the door of the cell, and there was no imaginary jump out of a person, but a quiet!

Yang Ming had already seen the opening of the door to the right elders, not the right elders themselves, so there was no idea of ​​getting up and sneak attack. Like all the players, he sat on the ground and looked up at the door of the cell.

"Hey? It really is Yang Ming!" Yang Ming, who was sitting on the ground inside the cell, right-handed, finally nodded, and this person really was Yang Ming!

"Right elder?" Yang Ming looked at the right elder, and asked languidly.

"Ha ha, Yang Ming, finally met, but did not expect, it will be in this situation!" The right elder laughed, walked into the cell, watching Yang Mingwei as a prisoner, suddenly there is a kind of unspeakable refreshment sense.

"Ha people..." Yang Ming yawned and said with anger: "Yes, meet again, what do you want?"

"Go back with me, I won't kill you, just need some people to test the poison, a few of you are right!" The right elder said faintly: "Bundle them up and bring them back!"

"Yes!" He nodded.

"I will help! Only the bitter Zhai and the brother are also busy saying.

The right elder turned and prepared to walk out of the cell, but at this moment, the original listless Yang Ming suddenly moved!

I saw that Yang Ming jumped up and changed before it was weak. It was like a tiger who was going to kill prey. He suddenly smashed out behind the right elder! In this short period of time, Yang Ming has one more hand. First, the left hand is a fist, the right hand is holding a dagger, and Yang Ming has prepared for both hands. He is afraid that he will not kill the right elder at all. He must strike the right elder from multiple directions and put him to death!

"Right elders are careful!" The men of the Zhai Zhai and the right elders exclaimed at the same time, but their voices were already late, and they could not catch up with Yang Ming's speed! ! .

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