So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2081: Calculate

Although the speed of sound is theoretically far faster than the speed of human movement, it takes a certain amount of time for people to speak from the reaction. In this time difference between the fire and the stone, Yang Ming has come to the right. Behind me!

Yang Ming also did not see whether his right old man had seen him. What he had to do was a fatal blow. As long as the right long man was injured or disabled, then everyone will come together and Blue Ling will come back to help. Grab it and kill it!

However, Yang Ming’s abacus is good, but the situation may not be in the direction that Yang Ming expected!

There is a saying that is good, people are not as good as days, Yang Ming can calculate again, this time, but only recognize it!



Two sounds, the first sound is the voice of Yang Ming’s fist hitting the heart of the right long 垩 old man!

This is the sound of a punch that is very strong! As a killer, playing such a hegemonic punch, if you change to an ordinary person, I am afraid it will be killed by Yang Ming! In Yang Ming’s heart, the right long-legged old man has suffered such a blow, and it is sure to die!

However, Yang Ming is still not at ease, so the next knife is cut on the neck of the right long man. But this time, the accident happened. Yang Ming used all his strength. As a result, the dagger still did not pierce the neck of the right long scorpion, but it was "squeaky" and broke!

"Ah!" Yang Ming suddenly burst into a shock, his body quickly retraced backwards, and his heart was not good!

This situation only illustrates one problem, that is, the right long-haired old man has been alert, and has made a corresponding defense, it should have been sacrificed to become evil and become invulnerable! Therefore, it is very likely that the punch before him is also a white fight. It has no effect on the right long man.

However, although Yang Ming retired, but Xiong mouth, still suffered a fierce punch from the right long 垩! Although the right long man doesn't know what martial arts are, but his fist is like an iron fist at the moment, and Yang Ming is fully retreating. Without any defense, the consequences of this punch can be imagined!

"噗" retired to the back of the wall, Yang Ming mouth spurted a blood, and some shocked to see the right long old!

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Right long 垩 垩 垩 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老 老

"Hey!" Yang Ming wrinkled his eyes and didn't answer the sound, but the heart was really depressed!

All along, Yang Ming has been doing things well and dealing with the enemy. It is smooth and windy, and there is hardly any setback. This way, it has cultivated Yang Ming’s strong self-confidence, whether it is facing those on the island. Si people armed forces, or in Europe facing the steel monster Jie Te Sen, Yang Ming is full of confidence, and ultimately the completion of the task of peace.

But this time, Yang Ming failed, and the right long man was not attacked by him. Not only that, but he was also beaten by the right long man. Although he was not seriously injured, he felt uncomfortable and got it. My plan has failed!

"Is it very strange, how did I find out your sneak attack and prematurely swearing out evil? You know, my evil time is sixty seconds, but I am ready in advance!" Right long, old and proud, watching Yang Ming: "Yang Ming, this time, we fight, you lost at the beginning!"

"I have to say that the right long is old, I am underestimating you!" The sneak attack is unsuccessful, Yang Ming only recognizes the reality, but the right-winged old evil is also time-limited, it is impossible to always load On the body, although Yang Ming does not know how long this time is, but Lan Ling should be clear, as long as they delay for a long time, lead the blue Ling to deal with the right long, and there is also the opportunity to turn over!

"Yeah, I have to say, Yang Ming, I watched you high, you made me very disappointed." Right Chang Hao said faintly: "The first day of Miaojiang was caught, you can be regarded as It’s amazing!”

"It was my intention to be caught. I want to lead you out and attack you."

Yang Ming looked at the bitter owner and said frankly: "At least, he can't catch me!"

"It turned out to be like this. I said, "How did you catch you with his little end?" The right long man nodded, but his heart was balanced. It turned out that Yang Ming took the initiative. That is not the credit of the bitter owner.

"Well, his technique is not enough to deal with me." Yang Ming nodded and said, he was trying to delay the time.

The face of the bitter Zhai is somewhat ugly. He did not expect Yang Ming to admit this matter in public. Then, the right long-haired old man promised his promise, can he cash it? Thinking of this, the bitter village owner couldn't help but ask: "The right is long and old... Anyway, I will bring Yang Ming, and it is also meritorious..."

"You can rest assured that I will not treat you badly. I will still agree with the conditions you said before. However, you will not be able to take credit for it in the future. You want to deal with Yang Ming. It is too far and far too far!" "The right long 垩 垩 这么 这么 , , , , , , , , 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右 右I was hurt.

"How do you know that I want to attack you?" Yang Ming is very sorrowful. You are such a good person. You are so good. Not only did I introduce me to the right, but now I am delaying. Time, this time, whether I have success or not, I have your credit in it!

"Hey, you don't want to think about it, what do I do, do you have a lieutenant, I can see at a glance, although each of you is a listless look, but the old man simply did not see what happened to you, your In addition to the blue Miaozhai heart, there is no other anti-drug!" Right long sly old sneer and said: "What does this mean? You don't have lieutenant, but still loaded with powerlessness, there must be The problem, so I didn't poke you, just want to see what kind of tricks you played, but I secretly sacrificed the evil spirits, how? Is there a problem? Also sneak attack on me? Is the taste of failure very cool? what?"

"It turned out that I ignored this!" Yang Ming sighed that he was still inexperienced and did not understand these vicious things. It turned out that whether a person has a lieutenant or not can not be hidden in front of these powerful people. No one!

"Unless it is the kind of top anti-drug, the old man can't see it, but this kind of top anti-drug, I know that my vajra is smashing, and the bitter owner obviously does not have this high-level martial arts, then the answer is only one. You haven't had a lieutenant, or you have already solved it!" The right-handed old man looked at Yang Ming and said one word at a time. ! .

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