So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2090: Some familiar people


Yang Ming’s fist is right in the xiong of the right elder. !

Yang Ming’s fist, but used a number of solutions, all of his strength was raised on the fist, because Yang Ming also knows that if it is not successful, it depends on this fist!

However, the next thing made Yang Ming very disappointed. The right elder who was hit did not seem to have any strangeness at all. He didn’t even have a scream, but his expression was a little wrong!

No one can strike, Yang Ming did not do anything, but quickly quit and returned to Lan Ling's side.

"You play sneak attack again?" Yang Ming, the right elder, returned to Lan Ling, and he came back to the world. He couldn't help but ridiculed: "Can you use some advanced tricks next time? Don't use the kindergarten level." reckless!"

"It looks like your embarrassment is still there, no failure." Yang Ming looked at the right elders intact, and could not help but sigh.

"Nature is still there!" The right elders disdained: "This evil is an incomplete version of Vajrapani, but it is not so easy to use once, and it can be started, at least for 24 hours. Otherwise, you think that if I go so far, I will not be prepared?"

"It turned out to be like this, but I didn't think of it." Yang Ming lost his conviction. Now his skills are not as good as people. It is impossible to defeat the right elders anyway, so Yang Ming simply does not waste his efforts. : "I lost, now what do you say?"

"Ha ha ha ha, Yang Ming, you also have the time to admit defeat? Not simple!" The right long boss laughed: "My request is very simple, you go down the valley, together with the people in the valley, help me test the vajra, I will regularly give you drugs to suppress scorpion venom. When King Kong is successful in refining, I will refine the high-level solution for you."

"Yes." Yang Ming nodded and said: "I and Blue Ling will try their best, I hope you can keep your promise!"

"No problem, after the success of King Kong's refining system, I am not afraid of you, why not solve it for you?" The right elder said indifferently.

After listening to the words of the right elder, Yang Ming no longer said anything, quietly waiting for the arrangement of the right elders.

At this time, the elders of the right elders were using a walkie-talkie to contact the helicopter. After a short time, a helicopter flew over and then stopped firmly in the open space not far away!

Before, Yang Ming wondered how there would be an open space in this dense jungle. It was originally used to park helicopters.

"Well, the helicopter is coming, let me go up, I will send you down!" said the right elder after seeing the helicopter.

After that, the right elders walked toward the helicopter.

The man on the helicopter, respectfully opened the hatch for the right elder, waiting for the right elder to board the plane.

Yang Ming does not have much to say, just to Xia Xue and others: "Go, get on the plane!"

Therefore, Yang Ming and his entourage all followed the right elders on the helicopter. For the obedient Yang Ming and others, the right elder is very refreshed. He is very proud of it.

After the helicopter took off, it flew in the direction of the valley. In the middle of the valley, the plane began to fall slowly. It didn't take long before it fell to the ground.

This distance should not be far from the plane, but it is not very close. If there is no plane, if you want to go back to the valley, it is impossible to think of it.

"Okay, let's go down!" The right elders said to Yang Ming and others after the helicopter was first stepped down.

Yang Ming nodded and said that he had got off the plane, and the elders of the right elders came over, and Xia Xue and Liu - floating astronomy - idle. "Yang Mingrong smiled and smirked."

"I want you to help me develop King Kong 蛊, naturally need to provide a good working environment, this is natural, you will like this place!" said the right elder.

"I hope so." Yang Ming nodded.

"Well, you are going to call the people here and introduce them to the newcomers!" The right elders told one of their subordinates.

"Yes, the right elder!" The subordinate should have a voice, and he got a battery car and drove to the row of houses.

There is also a battery car here, but Yang Ming is a little surprised, I did not expect that the modern equipment here is quite a lot, it seems that it should be based on solar charging! However, building the facilities with the right elders is not a difficult task.

Shortly after getting off the car and entering a house, he came out and followed four people behind him. From a distance, it should be two men and two women.

Yang Ming did not deliberately use the practical ability to watch, because it is not necessary, I will see it soon, and Yang Ming does not know the people here. It is not much different to see it early and see it later!

The man and the four people got on the battery car, and then quickly came over here. It didn't take long before they stopped in front of Yang Ming.

The elders of the right elders and the two men and a woman and five women got out of the car and walked over to Yang Ming and the right elders.

"Right elders, people have brought it!" said the subordinate.

The elder nodded, then turned to look at Yang Ming: "I will introduce you to these four people. I am arrested. I will study the researchers of King Kong, and you will help me with them later." Studying King Kong is awkward! Your body is great, just right for experimenting with poison!"

Yang Ming frowned, and the right elders did not have any good intentions. They used them as guinea pigs. However, Yang Ming did not have the heart to curse the right elder at this moment. His eyes stopped at the four researchers. !

Among them, a man and a woman in their twenties, Yang Ming is very familiar, as if he has seen it? Another middle-aged man and a young girl, Yang Ming did not have any impression, so Yang Ming took a look, then did not continue to stay, but returned to the two men and women in their twenties!

The blue Ling around Yang Ming is also a reaction with Yang Ming. She saw that a man and a woman are also stunned! (To be continued)! .

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