So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2091: Sure enough, he!

However, even if he is familiar with it, Lin Yi is not talking about anything in the face of the right long man. Some things are not too good before he is uncertain, and Yang Ming does not want to let the old man grow up to know something. What ideas are generated.

Of course, Yang Ming does not say that as long as he is right, he knows the connection, and that is his business. He has little relationship with Yang Ming.

"What do you mean, let us be a mouse, and test your poison?" Yang Ming did not tangled in the two familiar people, but asked the right man.

"Nothing wrong, that's it. You react quickly, and you understand my intentions at once!" Right-handedly nodded and said, "The refining of scorpion is a test, especially since there is no such Refining, and there is no anti-drug of refining experience. It is not feasible to build a car behind closed doors. Now that it has reached the training stage, it is necessary to carry out some tests, and you will be sent to the door at this time. It is really time to choose! ”

"Isn't there any danger? Anyway, the incomprehensibleness is also a dead test and death. Why should we help you test the poison?" Yang Ming asked.

Now that the two people are standing on the opposite side, there are some things that are open and honest, and Yang Ming must understand something to make further burial.

The right is long and old, and at this moment, Yang Ming is also eaten, so some words are not avoided. How do you say it naturally?

"It is not too dangerous to test the poison."

Right long 垩 old looked at Yang Ming and said: "This kind of scorpion venom is a kind of body defense. Even if it is not successful, it will not cause any harm to you. Besides, I will give you some ordinary solutions." There is no problem with the small amount of vajra used to solve this kind of trial production."

Of course, there is a saying that the right long 垩 垩 old did not say, that is, in case the Donkey Kong 蛊 succeeded, was eaten by Yang Ming, then the grass! When Yang Ming has the vajra, what is the right old man?

Therefore, if you say this to the right, you can't say it. If you say it, it means that Yang Ming has done it. The right long man is not skeptical. With Yang Ming’s heart, he will not hear anything from it. Anti-category, it will not be worth the loss.

"It turned out to be the case." Yang Ming nodded. "Is it a poison that is good for itself?"

"You can understand this." The right long man nodded, and he was shocked to say that Yang Ming said, but he couldn't detect anything, but he couldn't say more. If Yang Ming didn't think of anything, he explained this. Instead, let Yang Ming think of something.

"Well, in this case, I agree." Yang Ming nodded. "I will help you test this poison."

"Slow! You can rest assured, you are so, I will not treat you badly." Right long sighed and sighed. It seems that Yang Ming did not come up with any details of this, but let him breathe a sigh of relief: Liu Tianqi, let me introduce myself. Later, these people will join the research of King Kong. I hope that you will cooperate with each other, but don’t want to come up with some things. For so many years, you know my temper, if let me Know that you are not doing anything wrong, then don't blame me for being unkind!"

Liu Tianqi, it really is Feng Tianqi! Yang Ming’s heart was moved. The person in front of him was Liu Tianqi, the son of Liu Weishan. When he was married, he disappeared with his wife. Liu Weishan was so sad that he had been so sad for many years. Yang Ming did not expect that he had just arrived in Miaojiang. I saw Liu Tianqi!

And Liu Tianqi, it really was caught by the right long-haired old man! According to Liu Weishan's original narrative, Liu Tianqi is an expert in bacterial research. He is also involved in scorpion venom, and he is also a close friend with the **** of medicine. He once studied scorpion venom with Lin Dongfang, but soon, the two disappeared together. !

So, in this way, the middle-aged man outside Liu Tianqi is Lin Dongfang? What about the girl next to Lin Dongfang? Is it Lin Dong’s wife?

Yang Ming looked up and saw that there was no tacit understanding of love between the man suspected of Lin Dongfang and the girl, and from the behavior of the two, it was not like a husband and wife. Lin Dongfang had almost 30 The age of the girl, and the girl, should be only ten years old.

The girl is very eye-catching, although she can't be said to be the best beauty, but she is also very beautiful. The temperament of the girl is somewhat fascinating. From her face, I don't see any extra information.

Yang Ming shook his head. Although the girl is beautiful, there is always a feeling of refusing people thousands of miles away. This feeling makes Yang Ming somewhat uncomfortable, but this relationship with Yang Ming is not too big. Yang Ming has no idea about the girl. There are already two beautiful women around, and Yang Ming can't have any thoughts on the girl any more. What's more, Yang Ming came out to perform the task this time, and it is not a pick-up.

Instead, Liu Ming, next to Yang Ming’s body, stared at the girl with a straight eye, and some of them couldn’t pull themselves out. Let Yang Ming’s speechless kick and kick him, Liu Ye’s return to God, and he couldn’t help but feel awkward.

Liu Ye did not see the beauty. In fact, there are so many beautiful women he has seen. It is not the kind of person who can't walk without seeing the beauty. Especially in the team, Xia Xue, Lan Ling and Xiao Susu are beautiful women. He is more accustomed to it.

Just for the girl, Liu Ye has a special feeling. When she saw her, she jumped in the heart of no reason. It was like a legendary love at first sight. In short, there was a feeling of rapid heartbeat.

"My name is Liu Tianqi, I am engaged in the study of bacteriology. This is my insider Chen Xiaojing, but also my assistant." Liu Tianqi nodded to Yang Ming and briefly introduced her and his wife's name and occupation.

In Liu Tianqi's view, Yang Ming is also a poor person. It is estimated that he is similar to himself. He was forced to be arrested by the right-handed old man. There will be no freedom in the future.

"Yang Ming, this is my girlfriend Lan Ling, they are members of my team, Liu Ye, Xia Xue, Feng Tianlong and Xiao Susu." Yang Ming said to Liu Tianqi: "We belong to the Mystery Bureau of Investigation, this time it is actually To deal with the right old man, but did not expect his evil spirits to be so powerful, did not deal with success, but he was caught by him."

"It turned out to be the person of the Mystery Bureau of Investigation, I have heard of it." Liu Tianqi helped the glasses and nodded.

Liu Tianqi is completely a scholar. It seems that he is not very good at talking. However, such people generally have no bad thoughts and are more intimate. On the other hand, Liu Tianqi’s lover Chen Xiaojing nodded to Yang Ming and others. Said that I have seen it. ! .

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