So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2102: uninvited guest

"Which thing is Yang Ming doing now, is it not dangerous? If he does not experience real danger, how can he progress so fast?" Fang Tian is indifferent: "If there is a Dong Jun, Yang Ming This time I went to perform the task and estimated that there would be no return! But I have already competed with Dong Jun many times before. Now Yang Ming is considered to be both intelligent and brave. If you return safely, there should be no problem!"

After listening to Fang Tian’s words, Wang Xiaoyan was shocked. She had to admire Fang Tian’s vision. Fang Tian had already guessed who this person was against Yang Ming, but he kept him and asked him to hone Yang Ming. Let Yang Ming grow up, this Philip, I am afraid not everyone can have it!

Fang Tian, ​​the master, for Yang Ming, is also exhausted!

"It turned out to be like this!" Wang Xiaoyu nodded when he buried the burial: "You are really far-sighted, you are not afraid of what Yang Ming has done?"

"If he wants something really, then it is worthy of my attention." Fang Tian smiled: "In fact, are you not the same? In the family, after learning, it was sent out to experience alone. Isn't it a dangerous experience? If Yang Ming is not saved, I am afraid that you will be seriously injured if you are not dead?"

"Too... Bamboo is also!" Wang Xiaoyu associates with his own body. He wants to be so first, and he is concerned about chaos! Do you worry about it when you come out and practice? But that must also come out, this is what the killer must do!

"Oh, but now, Dong Jun has no use, he has completed his mission, the following things, give it to me." Fang Tian picked up the portrait on the coffee table, looked and put it again. go back.

"That line, then trouble my uncle, I will leave!" Wang Xiaoyan nodded and said, since Fang Tian has promised to come down, then the next thing is his, and he does not need to take care of it, now Wang Xiaoyu wants Do it, go back and tell everyone about this news, let everyone not worry too much!

"What troubles do I have to say with me?" Fang Tian listened to Wang Xiaoying's words and then laughed and laughed: "Don't say that you are my niece, and Yang Ming is my apprentice. I care about him more than you, but you didn't see it. Nothing."

"Oh... this way, huh, huh, then I am not welcome, I will leave." Wang Xiaoyu stunned and smiled.

Fang Tian nodded and was about to signal the weak water to Song Yisong. At this time, the doorbell at home was ringing!

"At this time, who came to the door?" Fang Tian suddenly stunned, because his residence was arranged by Yang Ming, and Fang Tian is here, there is no friend, living at home every day does not go out, only The king is accompanied by weak water, so no friends will come to the door at all.

At this time, it is impossible for a property company or a gas company to come, so Fang Tian will have some doubts.

"Where are you going to ask?" Fang Tian gestured to Wang Wei Shui to ask.

Wang Wet Water is also the top killer, but it is not afraid to be a monk, but there is some caution. She did not open the door directly, but asked in a normal tone: "Who?"

"Shi Niang, it is me, Dong Jun!" Dong Jun’s voice rang outside the door.

"It’s Dong Jun, wait a moment, the teacher changed her clothes!" Wang Weishui said naturally to the door, and turned to look at Fang Tian and Wang Xiaoyu 1

Before, Fang Tian and Wang Xiaoyu said, although Wang Weichui did not participate in the commentary, but she also heard it clearly, so when Dong Jun came to the door, it was a coincidence, and let him not come in, it is Fang Tian said it!

Dong Jun didn't think much about it. Wang Weishui is a woman. Now it is Xia Yu. It is normal to wear at home. It is normal for a big man to come to the door. It is normal for Wang Wei Shui to change clothes. He Naturally, there will be no special thoughts.

"Hey, I am going to hide in the bedroom, weak water, you go in, leave me here to deal with him." Fang Tian said with a deep sigh.

"Okay." Wang Xiaoyu couldn't walk this time, unless she jumped out of the window, but she also wanted to know what purpose Dong Jun had at this time, so she decided to hide in the back room and listen to what Dong Jun wanted to say. .

The weak water of the king also nodded, pulling Wang Xiaoying together, entered the bedroom, closed the door of the bedroom.

At this time, Fang Tian stood up and walked to the gate and opened the door in the house.

"Master?" Dong Jun did not expect that this time to open the door is Fang Tian instead of the king weak water, suddenly a glimpse.

"Well, come in." Fang Tian nodded, still the same indifferent character in peacetime. After opening the door, he turned into the house, lying on his easy chair again, shaking back and forth.

Dong Jun has become accustomed to Fang Tian’s behavior. After closing the door, he did not see the king’s weak water. It was a bit strange: “What about the teacher?”

"Oh, weak water, she just took a shower before you came. I simply let her go to the bedroom." Fang Tian pointed to the direction of the bedroom.

"It turned out!" Dong Jun did not think much. After all, Wang Wean Shui had said that before, I had to change my clothes. Now I contacted Fang Tian’s words. Wang Weak Water probably only had a bath in the house before, so Simply went straight into the bedroom, anyway, I came to Fang Tian, ​​and did not look for her.

"How come suddenly so late? Wouldn't it be that I want to come to dinner?" Fang Tian looked at Dong Jun and asked: "There is still some leftovers in the kitchen. I want to eat myself."

"Haha, Master, I have already eaten. Come today, come see yours!" Dong Jun smiled and said: "Isn't Yang Ming going to perform the task? You are at home, I am a brother, Always take a look at Master, I am afraid that you will be lonely!"

"Sister? After Yang Ming came out, he is a brother?" Fang Tian said faintly.

"Well..." Dong Jun stunned. I didn't expect Fang Tian to say this, but he still said: "Yes, Yang Ming inherited the robes of the king of the killer. After that, he is the orthodox of this vein. I will I want to call him a brother! Haha, this kid actually became my brother, and it is interesting to say!"

"Is it interesting? Why didn't I find it interesting? If I were you, I might have killed Yang Ming with an angry look." Fang Tian said from the self.

"Hey?" Dong Jun suddenly stunned, and his heart jumped. What does Fang Tian mean?

"But your temper is indifferent to fame and fortune. For you, the brothers and sisters are just a title, and you don't care about them." Fang Tian suddenly looked at Dong Jun and laughed. (To be continued zy

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