So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2103: Scared is you

"Haha, yeah, I don't care about these... Dong Jun was shocked, and he let out a sigh of relief. This Fang Tian, ​​talking and gasping, it is a life!

He thought that Fang Tian knew what it was. It turned out to be a half-word. This made Dong Jun very worried. After Fang Tian said the following words, he let go of his heart and laughed.

"Yes, you don't care about this." Fang Tian said faintly.

Made by Fang Tian’s sentence, it was a bit messed up with Dong Jun’s position, so that he didn’t know what to say! He came here, in fact, to test Fang Tian’s attitude. Yang Ming’s attitude is no problem. Since Yang Ming can keep himself to the present, it means that Yang Ming is an old person, and as a result, it is worse. Fangtian!

If Fang Tian can forgive himself and support himself, persuade Yang Ming to help himself out of the control of the center!

I believe that with the support of Yang Ming, Fang Tian, ​​and the butterfly family, I have at least the power to talk to the center. Dr. Benjamin is very powerful, but it is even more powerful and afraid of killers. Although the central family has great power, but who can guarantee never to go out? When you go out, it’s not a good thing to be stared at by the killer!

Therefore, Fang Tian feels that as long as Dr. Benjamin is not a big fool, then he will definitely not want to let **** stare at him!

But how do you open this mouth now? This made Dong Jun somewhat embarrassed.

For a time, the atmosphere in the living room became a little awkward, and Dong Jun did not know how to pick up the topic of Fang Tian.

"Right, what are you doing?" Fang Tian saw that Dong Jun did not speak, so he asked.

"Ah! Yes, there is something wrong..." Dong Jun was shocked and quickly found a topic and said: "Yang Ming went to Miaojiang to perform the task this time. I don't know if there is any danger. What do you think?"

"Dangerous? This should ask you, you ask me where do I know?" Fang Tian looked at Dong Jun and asked: "You don't know, ask me what? What should you know best?"

“Hey?” Dong Jun was shocked again by Fang Tian’s words! What is it to ask me? I know best? How do I know the best? Did the Master detect the relationship between himself and the right-handed old man? Otherwise what does this mean?

Thinking of this, Dong Jun’s forehead suddenly burst into a cold sweat, and some did not dare to think about it. Then he contacted Fang Fang’s words before he had no brains to kill Yang Ming. Dong Jun was even more afraid!

Fang Tian is who he is very clear, but it is not killing people! Sitting here now, Fang Tian wants to kill himself is easy, even can be said to be easier than killing chicken, and he wants to escape, can not escape!

These efforts are all taught by Fang Tian, ​​and they are just light work. How could it be Fang Tian’s opponent? The assassination means that he has not learned anything at all, not even Fang Tian’s opponent!

What's more, there is a weak water in the house that will be a butterfly. If you want to catch yourself, it is too easy, so Dong Jun wants to escape. It is a very unwise act!

Thinking of this, Dong Jun looked at Fang Tian with a trepidation and did not know how to answer.

"What happened to you?" Fang Tian looked at Dong Jun as usual: "How come you don't talk?"

"I...what do I say..." Dong Jun wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. Rao is a good psychological quality, but in the face of Fang Tian, ​​he is still frightened! He said with care: "How can I know... Master, you are not kidding..."

"Did you not go to Miaojiang? I asked you to help me to examine Yang Ming’s character. You followed him to Miaojiang. The danger is not dangerous. You know better than me. I didn’t even go. Over there!” Fang Tian smiled. “You said that you are better than me?”

"Ah? This is also..." After Dong Jun listened to Fang Tian’s words, he suddenly regretted that he was too sensitive. Fang Tiantian did not have that meaning at all, but he thought too much. It’s really mediocrity. !

"Yeah, what do you think?" Fang Tian looked at Dong Jundao with some weird look: "Do you think that I think you have to deal with Yang Ming? The enemy of Miaojiang is sent by you?"

"This... How is this possible? Master, you can really make a joke!" Dong Jun once again wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and smiled: "I am doing this, you still don't know..."

"It was just a joke. What are you nervous about?" Fang Tian said faintly: "Yes, you seem to be very hot? How is your sweat on your forehead? This night, isn't it very hot?" Or do I open the air conditioner?"

"No need... No need..." Dong Jun quickly shook his head and said: "I am not too busy in the past. The road is a little anxious. The result is a sweat. When I arrived at you, I went back to my head. !"

"Oh, this way." Fang Tian nodded. "Yes, you just told me that Yang Ming is not dangerous?"

"Yes, yes!" Dong Jun suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. He heard Fang Tian say back to the topic and quickly nodded: "I am also a little worried about Yang Ming, so I came to discuss with you to see if we can Can't help?"

"Oh, it turned out to be like this!" Fang Tian nodded. "I think there should be no danger. In the past year, the dangers around Yang Ming have been constantly going on. Some people want to kill him. He is still alive and very cool." And the one who wants to kill him has never been able to do it?"

"Well... that... Who is the person who wants to kill Yang Ming?" Dong Jun feels that his heart is going to explode!

calm! calm! Calm again!

Dong Jun reminded himself that he must be calm, psychological quality and psychological quality! I am a thief. The psychological quality is super powerful. Don’t mess with your own feet. Fang Tian simply doesn’t know anything!

"Who is going to kill Yang Ming? Don't you know?" Fang Tian was once again eccentrically watching Dong Jun and asked.

"Hey!" Dong Jun almost went straight to the heart this time! He screamed in his heart, heaven, earth, scared me!

"What happened to you?" Fang Tian looked at Dong Jun, and somehow asked inexplicably.

"Well... nothing, Master, you are really humorous. How can I know who is going to deal with Yang Ming?" Dong Jun said with a smile: "You also know that I am just a thief, and I usually only study stealing. I have never studied anything where do I know who is going to deal with Yang Ming?"zy

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