So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2104: Admit mistake

"You don't know?" Fang Tian looked at Dong Jun with a strange look: "What are you doing here?"

"I... come here to discuss with you about whether Yang Ming will be dangerous..." Dong Jun also said something suspicious: "Master, what happened to you? I didn't tell you before, you How did you forget?"

"I forgot or did you forget?" Fang Tian said, "Why do you say Yang Ming is dangerous?"

"Because the right is long and old..." Dong Jun still didn't understand Fang Tian's meaning.

"Yeah, isn't Yang Ming's enemy right-handed? You know, you still don't know? I think you are forgetful?" Fang Tian looked at Dong Jun, and he didn't know whether he was laughing or what. .

"Ah, you are talking about this, I thought it was someone else..." Dong Jun was only stunned this time, but it was also a cold sweat that was scared out.

"What do you think I said?" Fang Tian asked in reverse: "Is there anyone else to deal with Yang Ming?"

"Over... How do I know this..." Dong Jun is going to collapse.

"You don't know what you said?" Fang Tian asked.

"I...I..." Dong Jun wants to cry: "Master, the weather is very hot today, I am afraid that the teacher has already rested? Or will I leave before I will come to see you again?"

"Let's go now? Don't worry, what are you doing so early? Just long nights, uninteresting sleep, chatting and killing people, isn't it quick?" Fang Tian said.

"Hey!" Dong Jun frightened his **** and jumped up from the sofa. It seemed to be tied up: "Sang Chen... killing the morning..."

"Killing? What killing? Who wants to kill?" Fang Tian asked.

"Just... Master, are you not talking about chatting and killing people? What is going on here..." Dong Jun asked.

"Have I said? Why don't I know?" Fang Tianyi said, "It may be talking about playing, why, what are you afraid of? I am afraid that I will kill you?"

"Over... How can this be... I am your apprentice, how can you kill me?" Dong Jun said with a smile.

"That's not it? You are my apprentice, of course I can't kill you." Fang Tianshen thought that he nodded, but he continued to say: "Unless you did something to betray the teacher, I only Will kill you to clean up the portal! But have you done it?"

"I... how can I do it..." Dong Jun’s expression at the moment is even more ugly than crying.

"What are you afraid of?" Fang Tian is even more strange: "As the saying goes, don't worry about things, don't be afraid of ghosts."

"That was that morning..." Dong Jun nodded with a reconciliation.

"Do you have anything else?" Fang Tian asked. "I see you have something to say to me? Why don't you say that?"

"I...nothing..." Dong Jun came to explore the wind, but was scared to death.

"No, I see you have something to say?" Fang Tian asked.

"No... really no..." Dong Jun shook his head.

"Really not? What do you do with so much sweat?" Fang Tian asked.

"This is not... Is it too hot at night?" Dong Jun wiped a cold sweat on his forehead and said, "It's so hot!"

"Yes? Then you wipe it!" Fang Tian said, he took the toilet paper on the coffee table and handed it to Dong Jun, but he seemed to inadvertently bring a piece of paper next to the toilet paper and put it together. In front of Dong Jun.

"Okay good... is this?" Dong Jun picked up the toilet paper, but suddenly found the painting you... Isn't this a portrait of himself?

Dong Jun’s obvious glimpse, how can his portrait be placed here? Fang Tian is not a painter. It is impossible to paint his own play without any trouble. In Fang Tianjia, he has not heard of anyone who is a painter. But what is the picture of this painting?

"What's wrong?" Fang Tian asked lightly.

"Master... This painting is not me? Is it the ting of the painting, who painted it?" Dong Jun held the painting in his hand and asked strangely.

"Chen Fei invites people to paint," Fang Tian said.

"Hey!" Dong Jun suddenly stopped: "Chen... Chen Fei? He asked someone to paint this?"

Chen Fei is the natural understanding of Dong Jun. At the beginning, Fang Tian was able to wash away the grievances, thanks to the help of Chen Fei. Moreover, Chen Fei was the old man of Yang Ming, so Dong Jun would naturally be unfamiliar.

"Oh, this is based on the description of a person who sells a calling card." Fang Tian said: "Is it a ting image?"

"Selling a calling card? What kind of calling card?" Dong Jun did not respond for a moment, and did not know what Fang Tian said.

"Oh, the person who sold the calling card sold a calling card, and then the calling card, called the dead jewel to the thief, using the number of the calling card!" Fang Tian said.

"I..." Fang Tian's words, like a thunder, usually rang in Dong Jun's ear. Dong Jun Huo Ran stood up, and the painting in his hand fell to the ground, and the sweat on his face slipped down!

At this moment, he is stupid and understands the meaning of Fang Tian! This person who buys a calling card and calls the thief thief is not his own Dong Jun himself?

It turned out that Fang Tian already knew that he was the one who had dealt with Yang Ming. No wonder the yin yang grotesque that was said before was inexplicable. It turned out to be against himself!

Dong Jun secretly complained that he was too careless. What kind of person can Fang Tian say, inexplicably, some unintelligible words? It turned out to be a dark one!

"What are you? What happened to you?" Fang Tian said as usual: "You seem to be a little emotionally unstable today? Do you want to change a topic? Tell us how we know each other, or you have been in these years. What have you done?"

"I... Shichen... I am wrong, please forgive me!" Dong Jun can no longer hide it. Since Fang Tian has already known it, then he said nothing is useless, Dong Jun directly fell to the ground. In front of Fang Tian: "Master, I know it is wrong, in fact, I am coming tonight, I just want to admit you wrong!"

"Oh? What's wrong with you? How can I not understand?" Fang Tian asked faintly: "What mistakes do you and me?"

"Master, since you know everything, why bother to say a disciple?" Dong Jun said with a smile.

"I know, Dong Jun. Actually, I have been suspicious of you all these years, but I am not sure. You really disappoint me!" Fang Tian sighed and said: "Do you know? Actually, I am I don't want this person to be you. Until today, I saw this portrait, and I am sure!"! .

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