So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2105: Give me a reason

"Master can't afford one by one! I know it is wrong, but I also have a hard time, please don't kill me!" Dong Jun is on the ground like a soil, Fang Tian's means he is clear, For a traitor scum like him, it is definitely to clean up the portal!

"Everyone has it, but you have a hard time. You should confess with me early, instead of using this method. Until this matter is discovered by me, I will say that you have a hard time!" Fang Tian’s expression is still so The plainness, as if this thing has nothing to do with him, Dong Jun is not his apprentice at all, and he is now talking about something else.

"I" Dong Jun is somewhat speechless: "Master, I am not good, my ghost is heartless!" "This is not the reason why I will not kill you." Fang Tian said faintly.

"My Master, I know it is my fault, but Yang Ming’s younger brother, Yang Ming’s brother, should not want to kill me!” Dong Jun said quickly, this is his last life-saving straw, knowing Fang Tianxing’s He, only to lift Yang Ming out, can calm things down and let them escape!

Thinking of this, Dong Jun did not intend to hide anything. He was prepared to tell the truth, and said what he had done in the past years and the grievances of Yang Ming. The most important thing is why he should do this!

I hope that my own life can be met with Fang Tian’s sympathy. Otherwise, Dong Jun understands that he will not want to go out of this door this evening!

Don't look at Fang Tian's expression now very light, but Dong Jun knows that Master is such a light person, he can not kill a person, and then still do not change sè to eat next to this person's body...

This other day is a normal thing.

"Oh? You said Yang Ming? He didn't want to kill you?" Fang Tian listened to Dong Jun's words, but he felt very interesting. He couldn't help but look up and asked Dong Jun: "Then tell me, Yang Ming, why don't you want to? Killing you? You hurt him again and again, almost killing him. Why don’t he want to kill you? Is he stupid, still stupid or stupid?” “呃” Dong Jun did not expect this time, Fang The day will be a joke with himself, but he is not thinking about it at all, he can't laugh! Dong Jun said with a bitter face: "Master, Yang Ming is not stupid, he is not only stupid, but also very smart!"

"Oh? He is not stupid, why should you keep it?" Dong Jun was laughing and asking but he was in the heart, but it was certain! Yang Ming's xing grid, how can Fang Tian not understand? Yang Ming is an old man, this is not good, but Fang Tian is not prepared to force change, killer, not to say that to be ruthless, ruthless that is not a killer but a slain or assassin! The killer can be a person with flesh and blood.

And Yang Ming’s nostalgia is precisely the reason why he does not kill Dong Jun. Even if Dong Jun has done a lot of things that he is sorry for him, Yang Ming can still forgive him for his reasons, because, in any case, Dong Jun used to be him. Brother!

"Master, in fact, I don't say, you should also know that Yang Ming is a person who reads the old feelings, because I am his brother, so he can't bear to kill me!" Dong Jun said: "Yang Ming is in Yunnan this time, has been right When the elders played against each other and he talked to the right elder, he also said this amazing secret. He knew from the beginning that he was dealing with him and even when I first shot him, he was already aware of it!"

"What? When you first shot, he noticed?" Fang Tian Huo Ran stood up, a little surprised and incredible! He did not think that Yang Ming would notice when Dong Jun first shot! Yang Ming’s vigilance, xing, is beyond his own expectations! Fangya couldn't help but ask: "When was that?"

"The first time I shot him, when Yang Ming went to Yunnan Miaojiang, I was in the hotel, I wanted to use a piece of jade to plant the pile and blame the blue Ling, I want Yang Ming to doubt Lan Ling, and "Don't break up with her!" Dong Jun said: "This thing, I thought it was secret, but I didn't expect it, until Yang Ming and the right elders raised it, I realized that I was really stupid! I always thought I was hiding. In the dark, it was watched by the méng in the drum as a monkey!"

"Oh? You started to work with him so early? At that time, I have not officially accepted him as a disciple. I just asked you to help me to examine him. Can he actually find your yin?" Fang Tian was really surprised at the moment. In his opinion, Yang Ming is alert to the high level of xing, which is only after a long period of time after he accepted him as an apprentice. Dong Jun’s work on him is not possible at the beginning. ... However, Fang Tian guessed it wrong!

"Yeah, I am also very puzzled whether it is coincidence or it is really so alert. In short, I am violent, and the first time I have been violent, but after that, I have not been able to detect it, or I have been murdered again and again. Yang Ming, Dong Jun said with a bitter smile: "And Yang Ming said to the right elder, if it wasn't for me and the right elder, Yang Ming would not grow so fast. So, he would like to thank me and right. Elder! Yang Ming has always regarded us as the pedal for his training and growth!"

"Ha ha!" Fang Tian heard this, could not help but laughed: "This kid! Actually and I are the general mind! I did not expect, really did not expect!"

"What? Master, you..." Dong Jun said.

"I have said it before. Actually, I have doubted you for a long time. But when I doubt it, I doubt it. I didn't go deeper. One is because you are my apprentice after all. I don't want to be unwilling to deal with Yang Ming. "You are you!" Fang Tian said: "Secondly, I also want to use this enemy to hone Yang Ming, do not experience the wind and rain, how to see the rainbow? I want him to grow up quickly, no tempering is not enough!"

"This" Dong Jun once again smiled bitterly: "It turned out to be like this, it seems that I am a fool." "You said before, you and the right elders fight? How about Yang Ming?" Fang Tian put away Before the smile, his heart still cares about Yang Ming. As for Dong Jun’s life and death, it is only a matter of thought. Yang Ming does not kill Dong Jun. Then he does not need to kill Dong Jun. Everything, wait for Yang Ming to come back. Just deal with it! Since Yang Ming has grown up, it is not necessary for his master to keep him from the wind!

"Yes, but Yang Ming, but was caught by the right elders," Dong Jun said: "Before the right elder called me, it was actually showing off to me, he caught Yang Ming!"

(To be continued.!

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