So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2122: Future plans

"What's good? I have to think about it. Maybe there are other ways to solve it!" Xia Xue made a big decision before making a decision, and because there are only three Jie Dan. Had to force her to make a decision!

But once this decision was made, she was a little hesitant, so I still want to consider it.

After all, this is a lifelong event, not a joke! Although she likes Yang Ming, but always have a process of love?

"When you think about it, you may have a poison attack." Yang Ming smiled.

"That... you always have to pursue me, or I am unlucky!" Xia Xue is not reconciled.

"Nothing, can you be like me, first get on the bus and make up the ticket, we are not very happy?" Lan Ling said with a smile.

Since Lan Ling has accepted so many women such as Chen Mengyu, naturally, she does not care about Xia Xue!

Moreover, there is a heart between Lan Ling and Yang Ming, and the feelings are indestructible.

"Hate..." Xia Xue’s face was red and a little shy.

"Well, the three of you will take the solution first, then let's talk about other things!" Yang Ming said.

"Okay! Only Liu Ye, Feng Tianlong and Xiao Susu did not hesitate. They all looked at the relationship between Xia Xue and Yang Ming, so they ate and understood Yu Dan. It was also an indirect push of Xia Xue. One, so that she has no way to go, can only move forward!

After the three people took care of Qi Dan, Yang Ming nodded and said: "Next, let's talk about how we deal with the problem of the right elder."

"Hey, boss, do you have a good idea? We have just been caught in this place, and there is still a little bit of miscellaneous. Where is there any good way?" Liu Ye smiled bitterly: "At least rest for a few days, then find a way. ?"

"You are not guilty of poisoning?" Yang Ming was a little funny after listening: "Are you here on vacation? Do you still want to take a girl here?"

"Ha?" Liu Ye was shocked: "Old dog... are you looking out?"

Yang Ming nodded: "It can be seen by people."

"Then, do you see it?" Liu Ye turned to look at Feng Tianlong and Xiao Susu.

"Do you think we are not human?" Feng Tianlong asked.

"Ah?" Liu leaves a glimpse.

"The boss said it, everyone can see it, then we are not people!" Feng Tianlong said.

"Halo!" Liu leaves smiled bitterly: "How do you all see it? I just saw the eyes of Yiyi, I was discovered by you?"

"What? You like Yiyi?" Yang Ming is a glimpse.

"No? You like Yiyi? Love at first sight?" Feng Tianlong said with surprise.

"You... don't you see it?" Liu Ye asked with a smile: "Isn't it méng me? Deliberately set me up?"

"We see it, you are poisoned, don't worry! The captain has not said it yet?" Feng Tianlong said: "What do you think is it?"

“Hey?” Liu Ye’s eyes widened and suddenly repented: “No, what are you talking about?”

"What do you think is that?" Yang Ming asked with a smile.

"Hey! It’s pitted!" Liu Ye was speechless.

"Oh, adjust it, make a joke, and live up to the atmosphere." Yang Ming said: "Dragon, do you have anything to say? Is there any good advice?"

"I... I am just like the leaves. Just come here, take a break, think about the idea... Now, I really don't know what to do?" Feng Tianlong said.

"Well, since you don't say anything, then I will simply talk about it." Yang Ming said: "Before, I thought about it. The right elder's vajra, since there is no refining success, then before that, we It should be safe!"

Everyone nodded, Liu Yedao said: "Yes, the right elder wants us to help Liu Tianqi to refine their vajra, so we are safe for the time being."

"So, our opportunity has come!" Yang Ming said: "Since the Vajra has not been refining, then we have enough time to analyze this vajra, it is best to find out the vajra. The weakness comes, so that when King Kong is trained, you can use this weakness to defeat the right elder!"

"Weakness? But what if there are no weaknesses?" Liu asked.

"There is no weakness, we can create weaknesses!" Yang Ming said: "Although I don't understand much, but before discussing with Ling Ling, the refining of scorpion venom, there are two kinds of complete and incomplete products, not complete products, There will be such shortcomings, such as the right elders of the right elders, that is, the simplified version of Vajrayana, but there are many shortcomings! But this evil is not our refining, where is the specific defect, we are not clear But the newly refining King Kong is different. Even if it can be made, we can add some defects to it artificially, so that this diamond is not complete! In this way, we can take advantage of it!"

"Ah! This is a good idea!" After listening to Yang Ming's words, Feng Tianlong thought it was a nod.

"However, this is just a preliminary idea for me!" Lan Ling also said at this time: "The refining of scorpion is a very complicated process. Sometimes, small changes will make the whole scorpion The refining process has been abandoned, so if you want to modify the anti-drug, it is not easy to do it!"

"Then we..." Liu Ye asked after listening.

"You can only give it a try!" Lan Ling said: "So, this is just a plan! We have to do a lot of planning, so as to ensure that we will achieve the ultimate victory!"

"This is indeed the case, then what should we do?" Liu asked.

"In addition to research to see if you can find out the defects of Vajrayana, or reform it, Yang Ming should have told you about it? Vajra is actually not an invincible existence, he has a nemesis!" Lan Ling said: "This nemesis is the **** of strength! As long as it is made into a strong god, you can restrain the diamonds!"

"I didn't tell them about this, or you and they introduced them." Yang Ming looked at the surprised appearance of Feng Tianlong and Liu Ye, and said to Lan Ling.

"That... then I will briefly introduce it!" Lan Ling said, and he said the things of the gods and the people present.

"This is the safest and most secure way to defeat the enemy!" Liu Ye sighed after listening: "If this is the case, then we should unite with Liu Tianqi, they are also experienced, we can use the resources here, first Develop our own Hercules, and wait until the Hercules studies it, then study the right elders' diamonds!" (To be continued!)

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