So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2123: Leisure life

"This is exactly what I think!" Yang Ming nodded and said: It's just that this plan is easy to say but it is hard to do! Big brother Liu Tianqi, how long did they study the vajra? Should there be many years? But now there is no progress, and Ling Ling has been studying the great deities, but there is not much progress, which is enough to show that the preparation of these two anti-drugs is very difficult! ”

"Yeah, but fortunately, this thing has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that we have plenty of time, and the right long man will not doubt anything. After all, it has been wasted a long time before refining the viciousness!" Lan Ling also said: "But the downside is that we must have enough patience and failure to bear! And, poisoning, we must have a test of talent... or there will be no testers, and we will not know how to make it." Does the poison have any effect!"

"I still want to test? Then you can't see me?" Liu Ye said with courage.

"You can naturally, but I am still a guinea pig." Yang Ming waved his hand and said: "I have a heart in my body, the general harmful scorpion venom, will not cause any harm to me, and King Kong and Hercules, both It is a poison that is good for the improvement of physical strength. If it is really refined, it can be tested. Otherwise, if it is a harmful and harmful drug, it will not affect me."

"That said, but everything is risky!" Lan Ling said: "Yang Ming, you have to be mentally prepared! Although, I have prepared the poison, I should be able to get rid of it, here the medicine is complete, so also It won't be too much trouble, but the process can be painful!"

"This is nothing!" Yang Ming said with a relaxed smile: "What we have to do now is to fight back! The pain that has been suffered now is the success of tomorrow. I naturally know this!"

"Boss, or do I still have to experiment? You are the captain. If something goes wrong, what do we do with so many people?" Liu Fang said very derogatoryly, but then again, can join Members of the death squad, which one is not greedy and fearful of peace.

"Or do we have a couple of experiments?" Feng Tianlong also said: "The situation of Susu, everyone knows, may leave at any time, and Susu left, I have no meaning to live, so let's test it. It’s just right! Anyway, it’s not bad to die on the same day of the same year, but it’s good to die on the same day of the same month!”

"Yes, are we two people experimenting?" Xiao Susu also nodded.

"Okay, you two are poisonous, and you are not immune to xing. If you go to the trial, don't you know what you are doing? How are you so wasted?" Yang Ming took Feng Tianlong and said: "You can still Jie Dan spit out?"

"Over... But, Captain, you are the spirit of our entire team. If you have a problem, what should we do?" Feng Tianlong asked some reluctantly.

"Oh, don't say so much. Since you know that I am the captain, then as a member of the team, what you need to do is to obey my orders, not to bargain with me!" Yang Ming said: "Things are like this. Set it!"

"Yes!" Feng Tianlong had no choice but to conceive his scalp. Yang Ming said that there is nothing wrong with him. He is the captain. Then Feng Tianlong, as a member of the squad, must absolutely obey Yang Ming’s order!

"You, Liu Ye, too, don't bargain!" Yang Ming said: "Well, today's short meeting is here. Everyone goes back to rest. What are the specific arrangements? Let's talk tomorrow!"

"Yes!" Liu Ye did not nod.

After Yang Ming’s explanation, Liu Ye, Feng Tianlong, Xiao Susu and Xia Xue also left, everyone is very tired, go back to rest, and keep the best state tomorrow, to meet new challenges!

After leaving Liu Ye and others, Yang Ming and Lan Ling were also very tired. On the chuáng, they fell asleep...

The next day, it was the third day of the sun, and Yang Mingcai woke up. This feeling is the most practical feeling of Yang Ming’s sleep in the past few days. Don’t worry about other things, no troubles, no fear that someone will count!

Since the right long man has not killed Yang Ming and others before, he will not be imprisoned and then do it again, because there is no meaning!

"Call..." Yang Ming stretched out a lazy waist and climbed up from Chuáng.

Lan Ling, long ago woke up, sitting in front of chuáng at the moment, watching Yang Ming with affection.

"It hasn't been so easy for a long time. It seems that there is a kind of feeling when I first arrived in Yunnan!" Yang Ming said: "It feels so good to be carefree! Hey, Ling Ling, what do you watch me do? ”

"I seem to have returned to that time. At that time, when I woke up, I liked to look at you. I hope to see you forever. Oh, this wish seems to be realized! If we have been refining for a lifetime, we can’t make a strong effort. God and King Kong come, then we can only stay here!” Lan Ling said with a smile: “I know, you want to go back, rest assured, I will work hard! Actually, I also want to Everyone lives together!"

"Then work together!" Yang Ming nodded.

Yang Ming started chuáng. After washing, he and Lan Ling came out of the villa, while others, Feng Tianlong, Xiao Susu, Xia Xue, and Liu Yequan all got up. They were sitting in the open space outside and chatting about the sky, seeing Yang Ming and Lan. Ling came out, they all stood up.

"team leader!"



Everyone and Yang Ming say hello, only Xia Xue snorted.

"What are you doing?" asked Yang Mingxiao.

"Everyone is up, so you are getting up so late. Who knows what bad things you are doing? Get up so late?" Xia Xue said with some uncomfortable feelings.

"Oh..." Yang Ming shrugged. "What? You are jealous?"

"Ghosts are jealous!" Xia Xue naturally would not admit, in fact, she did not know if she was not jealous, but her heart was a bit uncomfortable!

"No jealous, what are you?" Yang Ming smiled.

"Use your tube?" Xia Xue took a look at Yang Ming.

"Well, don't say this, Liu Tianqi, big brother, what about them? We should meet each other and study the feasibility of what we said yesterday!" Yang Ming asked.

"Liu Tianqi's big brother is in the lab over there." Liu Ye pointed to a very small building not far away and said: "In the morning, they have come once, but the boss has not yet woken up, they are Go to the lab first, let me tell you, just go there and find them." (To be continued!)

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