So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2125: country lifestyle

"Hey! The difference between my strength and the right elders is really a big disparity, not his opponent!" Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "Trying a few times, you can't be how he is, only the first to be caught by him, Think slowly here!"

"Oh, but if you don't get caught, you won't see me. I can't know the news of my parents. So, your choice is still right, at least I am very happy!" Liu Tianqi vs Yang Ming is very enthusiastic: "Since you are the father's son, there is no need for a guest between the two, let's go, today, at noon, I will take you to a big meal!"

“Dining a big meal? Is it here?” Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse.

"There are a lot of delicious food here! Just yeah, you need to do it yourself!" Liu Tianqi said with a smile: "You don't know, the right elders are really satisfied in the material life in order to let us develop the peace of mind." Ours! Fresh meat is delivered almost every week, there is a kitchen, there is a freezer, and the meat is stored there. The three of us have good food every day, almost never eaten, and come again next week. New!"

"The right elder is also interested, but you are developing things for him, don't eat well, don't work!" Yang Ming smiled.

"Yeah, but fruits and vegetables are self-sufficient!" Liu Tianqi said: "It was too late last night, and I did not take you to visit the entire valley. There, there is a medicine garden, which contains various kinds of cherished herbs. Many are rare! And next to the medicine garden, it is our vegetable garden and orchard. There are pesticide-free green vegetables and fruits that we grow ourselves. If you get it outside, you can also sell it. Can sell a good price!"

"You have lived in this pastoral life is ting chic!" Yang Ming exclaimed.

"You can say that, except that there is no freedom to go out from the valley, everything is also leisurely!" Liu Tianqi nodded and said: "I am a little worried about my parents, if they come together, I really do not want to go! Here The habits of life, when it is free, have lived in the pastoral life, and ting wonderful!"

"Yeah... although it is good here, but everyone has their own concerns and responsibilities!" Yang Ming nodded and said: "I also have my family, so this time only victory can not fail! Right, you try Have you contacted your family?"

"The mobile phone and satellite phone in this valley are shielded and cannot be contacted by the outside world." Liu Tianqi said: "Although there is electricity and network here, the network can only be connected to a bacteriological database, which can only be queried. Other operations, and can not access other websites.

"This way..." Yang Ming suddenly regretted that if Zhou Jiajia was brought, it would be easier. Although the computer network was limited, it should be possible for Zhou Jiajia, a small hacker.

"Yeah, yes, do you have any good way to deal with the right elders?" Liu Tianqi asked: "I really can't think of it. We are in the valley, how can we deal with the right elders? We are not rivals at all!"

"Yesterday we opened a meeting and discussed several ways to talk to you for a while. What kind of feasible xing is higher?" Yang Ming nodded and said: "Where to eat a big meal?"

"It’s just in front. I asked Xiao Jing and Yi Yi to prepare barbecue. It’s the wild beef here. Although it’s a bit hard, it’s delicious!” Liu Tianqi said: “Self-help Zhao, very interesting!”

"Oh... well, let's go, just I am hungry!" Yang Ming nodded.

A few people walked forward together. Sure enough, behind the lab, it was a big restaurant, and Liu Tianqi’s wife Chen Xiaojing and Lin Dongfang’s daughter, Yiyi, were stringing beef skewers at the moment, and Yang Ming’s few people came in. Chen Xiaojing looked up, politely and Yang Ming and others nodded and said to Liu Tianqi: "Almost, can you make a fire now?"

"Well, let me go to the fire!" Liu Tianqi said; "You and Yiyi take the skewers and vegetables out, let's have a barbecue!"

"Okay!" Chen Xiaojing answered.

And Yiyi is a kind of girl who is very quiet. There is no more words than a few introverts. Seeing Yang Ming and others, some are embarrassed, don’t know what to say, and finally can only smile, just rush. Busy help Chen Xiaojing to get the skewers.

"I will help you!" Liu Ye saw the smile of Yiyi, **** children had to fly, three steps and two steps rushed over, they had to help Yiyi take the skewers, but they would scare Yiyi a big jump, almost I will throw away the meat skewers in my hand!

"" Yiyi was shocked: "What do you want to do?"

"I will help you take it..." Liu Ye was also shocked by the reaction of Yiyi, and suddenly he was embarrassed.

"It's okay, I just take it myself." Yiyi said: "You... you go busy..."

"Okay, Liu Ye, go help to make a fire, don't bother people here." Yang Ming saw the expression of Yiyi, knowing that the girl's xing grid belongs to the kind of introverted, this girl can not scare To her, we must be in contact with her step by step, otherwise it is very likely to scare her!

Therefore, Yang Ming hastened to let Liu Yezhi be able to stop, so don't continue.

"Oh... good!" Liu Ye was also a bit embarrassed. He didn't dare to talk to Yiyi here. He started to go out with the restaurant and went to the open space in front of the restaurant.

At this moment, Lin Dongfang was sitting on the open space, and was on fire on a barbecue. When Yang Ming and others came over, he smiled and said: "Everyone can help with the hurricane and immediately eat the barbecue!"

"Former Lin, let me come!" Yang Ming quickly went over and said to Lin Dongfang! In Yang Ming’s eyes, Lin Dongfang is a generation with Guan Xuemin, and Guan Xuemin is a generation with his own cognac, Liu Weishan. In the eyes of Yang Ming, Lin Dongfang naturally became an elder!

Moreover, Yang Ming is also seeking to be in the east of Lin, the tui of Shen Yuxi, it is necessary to rely on Lin Dongfang to heal, so Yang Ming is naturally respectful.

"Predecessors? Where do I look like my predecessors? I and your eldest brother Liu Tianqi called brothers and brothers, you called my predecessors? What is your seniority? I am so old?" Lin Dongfang said in a blink of an eye to Yang Ming: "You call me Lin Big Brother is okay!"

"No... well, Big Brother Lin!" Yang Ming smiled bitterly and quickly changed his mouth.

"This is almost the same!" Lin Dongfang nodded: "The three of us are to worship the brothers, the valley three knots!"! .

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