So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2126: sigh

The second thousand one hundred and twenty-sixth chapter sigh

"Oh... alright!" Yang Ming was told by Lin Dongfang's boldness that he didn't know what to say, but since Lin Dongfang said so, Yang Ming didn't have to worry about sinking the rain. The three of them really became brothers, and the treatment of Shen Yuxi was to cure his own brother and sister!

"Come on, sit down!" Lin Dongfang pointed out that the seat around him invited Yang Ming: "The environment here is good, but it is also simple. There are no luxurious tables and chairs. Everyone can only sit on the ground!"

"Oh, this is nothing, simpler but more comfortable, not restrained!" Yang Ming nodded.

"Slow, this is my brother-in-law!" Lin Dongfang laughed, took the kebabs that Yiyi took, placed them on the grill in turn, and then said to Yiyi: "Iyi, go take the wine I brewed." Come, let's celebrate today!"

Yang Ming is silent for a while, as if he has not yet worshipped? Or is Lin Dongfang so casual, and the steps to link worship are omitted?

"Okay." Yiyi nodded and turned to get the wine.

"Leaves, you go to help, a girl, a drink, multiple!" Yang Ming said casually to Liu Ye, who is next to him, but it is creating a chance for Liu Ye!

Liu Ye immediately understood the meaning of Yang Ming, the infinite gratitude in his heart, and quickly chased Yiyi and ran over. He ran and said: "Let me take it, you guide, I move things!"

"Oh..." Yiyi was not as frightened as before, but it was also subconsciously shrinking, as if he was very convinced.

Liu Ye listened to Yang Ming’s opinion and did not dare to make any further moves. Instead, she followed her in accordance with Yiyi and went to get wine with her.

In contrast, Liu Tianqi's wife, Chen Xiaojing, was more accommodating. She also walked out with a plate of vegetables and placed the plate on the ground. She said to Yang Ming enthusiastically: "Yang Ming, I don't know what you like." If you eat anything, just make some casual things. When you don't, don't give up!"

"How come? I am not picky eaters, and it is already very rich!" Yang Ming is telling the truth, these days, in the town, the members of the squad are not very good, and after entering the jungle, everyone eats The basic thing is to compress the biscuits. At the moment, you can eat barbecued vegetables, which is quite delicious.

"That's good, everyone sitting together? What are you standing on?" Chen Xiaojing greeted Feng Tianlong and others behind Yang Ming.

Yang Ming is the captain of the squad, but he sits on the side of Lin Dongfang without any scruples, but everyone is a member of the squad. Chen Xiaojing and Yiyi do not sit down. They are not good to sit down first.

However, Chen Xiaojing greeted everyone at this time, but it didn't have to be too tweaked.

Lan Ling was sitting next to Yang Ming, while Xia Xue was sitting next to Lan Ling. Feng Tianlong and Xiao Susu sat together.

Not long after, Liu Ye came back. He held two jars of wine in his hand. It was Yiyi. He had nothing in his hand. His face was blushing. It seemed to be very embarrassing. He said while walking: "Would you like me?" are a guest..."

"Hah, what kind of guest? Since I came here, it is a member of this place. How can these things be done?" Liu Ye directly took over the big bag.

There is no way to rely on Yi, and only Liu Ye leaves.

When they come together, they can only sit together, because before everyone has already sat down, Yiyi can't jump in the queue.

Liu Ye is very excited. I didn't expect to sit with Yiyi.

"Yang Ming's brother, my brother is not entertained, forgive me, the conditions here are limited!" Liu Tianqi laughed at Yang Ming.

"I think it's already good. Besides, you said that you are my brother, my family, what else is polite?" Yang Ming smiled.

"That's right, Lin Big Brother, here you are the big brother, you say two words, then we will start!" Liu Tianqi said to Lin Dongfang.

"Well, then I will say a few words!" Lin Dongfang nodded and raised the glass in his hand: "Since everyone has come here, it is a member of this place. Before Liu Ye said it was right, so everyone does not have to use it. Constraint, there are no rules here, just a little bit, no polite! I will have a toast, everyone is free, then open!"

Lin Dongfang’s humorous tone made everyone in the room laugh.

"Well, since this is the case, everyone will be a little easy to eat, start eating!" After Yang Ming listened, the left hand picked up the glass, and the right hand grabbed a string of grilled beef skewers and put them directly into the mouth!

Everyone was hungry too. When Yang Ming was eaten, everyone else followed suit.

When everyone else ate, Yang Mingcai said: "I have two ideas for dealing with the right elders. Say it, is it feasible to see them together?"

"Well, you said!" Liu Tianqi nodded. "To tell the truth, in fact, we didn't have any hopes about being able to go out of the valley, because it took too long to come here. At the beginning, we also I thought about developing King Kong as soon as possible, and then the right elder can let us go back..."

"Oh? Then?" Yang Ming asked quickly.

"But as time went by, we discovered that King Kong is not as easy to refine as imagined. After all, it is a lost thing. It is quite difficult to completely recover it!" Liu Tianqi said with a sigh. "In the beginning, the right elders studied with us. It lasted for about three years. At that time, the right elder and his men lived in the valley every day and worked with us!

As we contacted him, we also learned that the right elder is a man, the right elder is a very haze, so we feel that even if we develop a vajra, he will not let us go. Will leave us here and continue to develop other things for him!

And our speculation was confirmed later! Under our joint efforts, we have found an incomplete way of refining the Vajrayana. This refining method, although it has some flaws, is considered a success. We want the right elders to let us go because In the previous agreement, as long as we developed similar alternatives, the right elder agreed to let us go.

However, he did not abide by the promise, not only changed the incomplete viciousness into evil evil, but also let us stay here and continue to develop a more perfect diamond for him! ”


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