So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2134: weakness!

After listening to Lin Dongfang’s words, everyone was welcome. It’s because everyone has been here for more than a month, and they are all familiar with each other. There are not so many guest sets. Second, everyone is hungry, so they are also Very agree.

When you eat, everyone doesn't talk about some work. For work, it's all about working, but when you're not working, you'll naturally talk about some more relaxed topics!

At present, when people are relaxing, the most interesting thing is that Liu Ye, Feng Tianlong and others tell the interesting things they encountered when they performed the task. Yang Ming is happy to let his hand go down and he is also listening to it. Relished!

"It turns out that the tasks you have performed before are so dangerous!" Yiyi listened to Liu Ye and Yang Ming’s experience in performing missions in Las Vegas, and suddenly he was nervous and said: "But you are really amazing, that Li battery was eventually captured, and it was even more thrilling to deal with the steel man..."

"Haha, isn't this the boss? Otherwise, with my own ability, but it is impossible to deal with it!" Liu Ye is a modest person, even in front of Yiyi, there is no exaggeration, there is a saying Second, the second, will not exaggerate his own merits, and will not put Yang Ming's credit on him!

However, the more so, Lin Dongfang is more reassured to Liu Ye, if Liu Ye is a man of exaggeration, he really does not dare to entrust him to him, and Liu Ye is calm and steady, his character is also very humorous, just happened to be Yiyi's good match!

And Yiyi does not feel that Liu Ye has anything to be done, although Yang Ming is even more powerful. But that is normal, or how does Yang Ming do the captain of these people? Moreover, Yiyi is very simple, and it is not too heroic. In her opinion, Liu Ye and her can tell, no matter how powerful Liu Ye is, the relationship between the two is still the best.

"Listen to what you said, I want to see it..." Liu Tianqi sighed and said: "I have been here for so many years. I have been staying here, what the outside world is like. I don't know, just watch. Some of the information was introduced, but what you said is different, what you said. It is alive and well, and really wants to go out and go..."

"Oh, there must be such a day." Yang Ming said: "As long as we work hard, everything is not a problem! It seems that although the Hercules and the Vajrayana are not easy to refine, but they are not unsuccessful. We guys are working hard to delve into it, there is always a chance!"

"That's also true!" Liu Tianqi nodded. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something. Asked: "Right, Liu Ye said before, you can deal with the method used by the King Kong Iron Man, can you use it against the right elders? The diamonds you met, and the right elders, Vajrayana, should be similar. The effect?"

"This is true, but it is different!" Yang Ming shook his head and said: "Golden steel people, there are weaknesses. There are circuits on his feet, as long as the circuit is destroyed. You can achieve his purpose, but the right elders are different. We don't know where his weakness is, which is commonly known as the cover door! We are not clear about the cover of King Kong, and if it can be found, then the same can be dealt with him."

"King Kong's cover door... Yes, this cover door, when studying King Kong, there is no way to find it. Only after taking King Kong, the right elder will know where the defect is..." Liu Tianqi sighs He said in a tone: "It seems that it is no good, we still have to grasp the nemesis of refining the vajra, and do it with great deities!"

"It is not necessarily. If you first refine the Vajra Brigade, you can take some of them, or if you take them together, find the vulgarity of Vajrayana, then give it to the right elder, we can Deal with him!" Liu Ye thought about it.

"This is a way!" Lan Ling's eyes lit up: "But, after we took King Kong, we also used the fear of the right elders? Can he not help us?"

"No..." Yang Ming frowned. "If we can find the weakness of Vajra, then the right elders will take advantage of the vulgarity. Can he also find the weakness?" What about our weaknesses? Are we not half a catty?"

"The boss said that there is nothing wrong with us. We are here to deal with the right elders. The ultimate goal is not to escape from the medicine valley!" Feng Tianlong also nodded and said: "We have different purposes with Mr. Liu, Mr. Lin, they are going to escape. Medicine Valley, and we are dealing with the right elders, so we still have to face the right elders!"

"Yeah, I forgot your purpose. You are fighting against the right elder, not just against him, so you have to win him! And if everyone knows each other's weaknesses, it's quite the same. The way is..." Liu Tianqi nodded.

"If we take the refining Vajrayum ourselves and don't give it to the right elders, then can we deal with him?" Yiyi suddenly asked.

"This is not easy to say..." Lan Ling frowned and said: "If King Kong really has weaknesses and cover doors, then the right elder is the provider of the anti-drug formula, maybe in the original formula, also wrote this diamond Weakness, when we really think we think we can deal with him with King Kong, isn’t it...”

"Ah, this is, I think it's too simple!" Yiyi said with some embarrassment.

"Nothing, everyone can talk freely, any suggestions can be put forward, so that they can brainstorm." Yang Ming waved his hand and smiled.

"Well!" Yiyi nodded.

"However, I don't know King Kong, but there are some weaknesses in the Hercules. For example, after taking the Hercules, you must rely on a nutrient solution to maintain the activity of scorpion, otherwise, There will be some dangers of resurgence in viciousness..." Lan Ling said: "But the specific situation, but also refining it and saying it..."

"Everyone works together, for a better future, cheers!" Liu Ye said with a glass of wine.

"Cheers!" Everyone also raised their glasses.

After everyone was full of food and drink, Liu Yezheng wanted to propose that everyone continue to play cards, and let Yiyi and other girls join in and play multiplayer playing cards together, but Lin Dongfang was serious and waved. (continues to update on Monday)

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