So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2135: No way

"I have important things. I want to talk to you. Everyone goes to the small conference room in the research room?" Lin Dongfang said to everyone. .

"Ah?" Liu Tianqi is a glimpse: "Linda, what kind of play are you singing?"

"Father, what are you?" Yiyi also wondered.

"When everyone goes, they will know..." Lin Dongfang smiled bitterly: "Let's go!"

"Okay!" Yang Ming nodded and said: "Everyone goes together!"

Yang Ming made a speech, and Yang Ming’s few men would naturally not say anything more. They all stood up and followed Yang Ming to the direction of the research room!

Lin Dongfang was at the forefront, and his face was also helpless and bitter. It finally reached this day. Some words have to be said. I hope everyone should not worry too much!

After entering the conference room next to the research room, Lin Dongfang sat on the main seat, while Yang Ming and Liu Tianqi and others were sitting around.

"This time... can you say that?" Liu Tianqi saw Lin Dongfang so serious, smiled and said: "Linda, if you have anything, just say it!"

"Yeah, aren't you hooking our appetite?" Yang Ming also smiled bitterly: "Linda, what important things do you have to tell us?"

"Well, if this is the case, I will tell you the truth!" Lin Dongfang nodded and said: "In fact, when I first came here, I was given a viciousness by the right elder..."

"Ah!" Lin Dongfang's words, but the people present are a glimpse, but then Liu Tianqi will look eccentric: "I have also been squatted ... Lin Big Brother, you do not know? How come you... ...this time suddenly said this thing?"

"Yeah. We were also smashed before we came!" Yang Ming said, "The members of our entire team have been smashed. I have to take antidote regularly, but I have several super solutions." Dan. I have already solved the poison for them..."

"Super Jie Dan? You actually have a super solution?" Liu Tianqi said with amazement: "I and Xiao Jingzhong's anti-drugs, but also need to solve the problem, can only be solved regularly, or only the right elders can be taken regularly. Antidote..."

"I have this refining formula for the super solution, and the refining materials should be found here, but I am not enough at present. I still can't master the refining skills, but I believe that practice makes perfect, with research Vigorously and King Kong, for a long time, I will be able to refine the super solution! So, you don't have to worry. There is no problem!” Lan Ling said: “Linda, are you worried about this? It doesn't matter, we all have Lieutenant!"

"I know that you are all in the middle of it...but the viciousness in my body is not the same as you, not the same..." Lin Dongfang said with a smile: "The poison in my body is a kind of right-age refining." The powerful anti-drug, the super solution is also invalid..."

"Ah?" Liu Tianqi suddenly stopped: "Linda, how have you said that before? I thought it. You and me are the same kind of poison!"

"I didn't say it before because it was still small and said it. I was afraid she would worry!" Lin Dongfang said: "And later, this poison has not been attacked, and my body has nothing unusual, so I I also forgot this, and thought that the right elder was deceiving..."

"Yifu..." After listening to Lin Dongfang’s words, Yiyi was very worried...

"Yiyi, don't talk, listen to me!" Lin Dongfang waved his hand. I don’t want to talk to Yiyi first: “It’s been until recently that I discovered that my memory is obviously declining. It’s often just finished, and I forget it when I turned around. What I did yesterday is to remember for a long time. Get up... even how many chicken legs I just ate. I can’t remember now...”

"Ah?" After everyone listened to Lin Dongfang’s words, they were all very surprised. What is this poison? How is it similar to amnesia?

"This is not anti-drug? How is it like memory loss?" Yang Ming asked strangely to Lin Dongfang.

“It’s true!” Lin Dongfang said: “After this episode of scorpion venom, it is exactly the same as memory loss! Initially, I don’t remember what happened, and then I will slowly forget the previous things. The end result is that every After getting up one day, I don’t know what happened yesterday, and I don’t know what happened before. The whole person is like an idiot, but it is not an idiot, but there is no memory function!”

"This... I remembered it!" Lan Ling suddenly said: "This kind of viciousness, I have seen the record, called Xunyi, I have seen it in the information before, I did not expect the right elder to give you It’s this poison!”

"Sure enough, it is poisonous?" Liu Tianqi said with amazement.

"Nature is vicious!" Lin Dongfang said with a smile: "My medical skills, everyone should know. Before, I also tried to configure a lot of drugs to enhance memory, but the effect is very small, this is really fast. It’s too great, and I try it with a variety of drugs and can’t kill it!”

"Ling Ling, is there any antidote to this fast?" Yang Ming asked with a frown.

"No!" Lan Ling said affirmatively: "At least there is no record in the information, I believe no one has developed it. This is one of the most powerful anti-drugs, often used to control some enemies, very It’s poisonous!”

"So, there is no solution to this?" Yang Ming asked.

“You can say that!” Lan Ling nodded. “It’s more difficult to refine this antidote than the refining of the gods and the vajraps!”

"Then my father is not..." Yiyi’s face changed, and he was shocked.

"Oh, Yiyi, don't worry too much. Actually, I already want to open it. What are you still struggling?" Lin Dongfang said with a smile: "Yiyi, the father is not dead, just lost his memory. Later, I am afraid that you will have to take care of your righteous father! The righteous father has taken care of you for so many years, and you should enjoy the happiness!"

"Yifu... I will take care of you of course!" Yiyi nodded with tears. She knew that although Lin Dongfang said it was easy, but he must be very bitter in his heart, but there is no way, only optimistic about things. !

"Oh, isn't that okay?" Lin Dongfang said with a smile: "I said this thing to everyone, but also want to say that in the future, I may become worse and become an idiot. Don't dislike me. Good!". .

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