So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2147: Very strange

Chapter 2,147 is very strange

So at night, under the advocacy of Yang Ming, everyone opened a small banquet to celebrate. At the banquet, everyone drank a lot of wine, although the wine they brewed was not intoxicating, but the wine was not intoxicating. Since I was drunk, everyone was happy, and it is very likely that success will be in front of her eyes. So this night, everyone was drunk at the end, sleeping in the open space of Medicine Valley in the open air...

However, the next thing is not going well. The Hercules has failed several times under the action of catalytic enzymes!

The concentration of catalytic enzymes also has great requirements!

Before the diamond catalyzed enzyme, it was well-configured, so a bottle, a single one, was passed down from a very early age, so as long as it is added, then you can refine the diamonds, but Hercules The catalytic enzymes of hydrazine are different. The concentration and dilution must be adjusted by themselves. There is a slight deviation, which is not enough!

However, to the extent of this kind of research, everyone will not be too anxious, and one day they can develop successfully, so they don't have to be too eager, so they will make mistakes because of quick success. &*. "". Com fastest update**

At the same time, in a residential building in Songjiang City, two people sat in front of one computer!

These two people are Dong Jun and Huang Youcai. The two people have already opened their hearts and talked about each other's affairs. Huang Youcai also knows the difficulties of Dong Jun and gives up many reasons for dealing with Yang Ming. Dong Jun also knows that Huang Youcai is now. idea!

Huang Youcai’s heart has no hatred and has become a normal person. His only hope is to let his sister Huang Lele live a happy life, but this premise is that Yang Ming can return safely!

Therefore, for Yang Ming’s safety, Huang Youcai is particularly concerned about it. ("", watch the latest update of this book)

At this moment, Dong Jun is chatting with Dr. Benjamin.

"Falcon, how is it? Is there any news about the little girl and Sun Sikong?" Dr. Benjamin’s question, almost every time, is mechanical.

"Dr., you also know that after they left Songjiang City, they should have not come back. I have been monitoring hard here, but there is no news!" Dong Jun lie directly.

"Well, I know, you can do your job!" Dr. Benjamin said faintly.

"Yes! I understand!" Dong Jun replied.

"Right, you are not dealing with Yang Ming? How are you dealing with it?" Dr. Benjamin suddenly asked.

"Ah?" Dong Jun stunned. I didn't expect Dr. Benjamin to suddenly ask about this matter, which made him somewhat unprepared, but still separated by a computer screen. Dr. Benjamin over there could not see Dong Jun. Demeanor, otherwise it is hard not to reveal flaws!

"Dr., I haven't dealt with him recently. I followed your orders and temporarily put down my personal grievances. I didn't start working on Yang Ming again!" Dong Jun replied.

"Oh, what is Yang Ming doing now?" Dr. Benjamin continued to ask.

Some of Dong Wei’s quirky look at the questions on the screen quickly replied: “Dr., sorry, I am in a hurry, I am going to the toilet, I will be back soon!”

"Well, go, come back." Dr. Benjamin did not seem to doubt that Dong Jun was cheating him.

"You are talented, can you help me analyze it, Dr. Benjamin, how suddenly I was interested in Yang Ming? Before, I took the initiative to raise it. He didn't want me to go out and find Yang Ming's troubles. How suddenly? Did you mention this?"

"This... I don't understand too much, because I am not very familiar with Dr. Benjamin. The impression of him is from your narrative..." Huang Youcai smiled and said: "But I think he is so Asked you, it should be that he is interested in some things about Yang Ming, or what he found..."

"What did you find? No? He found that I want to fight back?" Dong Jun asked.

"This is hard to say, but the possibility is not great!" Huang Youcai shook his head and said: "But I think, he asked you what, you will answer normally, and don't hide it. First, what is the meaning of Dr. Benjamin? ”

"Alright!" Dong Jun nodded and pretended to be back on the toilet. He said to Dr. Benjamin: "Dr., I am back, what did you ask? Yang Ming?"

"Yes, what is Yang Ming doing recently? Do you have any news for him?" asked Dr. Benjamin.

"Before, I always wanted to deal with him, so I worked with a person called the right elder..." Dong Jun did not hide as Huang Youcai said. In fact, he will deal with Yang Ming’s plan and the right elder. Once again: "After that, he went to Miaojiang and went to deal with the right elder..."

"So, he is not on your side now, but is going to Miaojiang?" asked Dr. Benjamin.

"This is the case, he has been away for more than half a year!" Dong Jun said.

"Then do you have any news of him? Did the right elder deal with him successfully?" asked Dr. Benjamin.

"This... I don't know. Since you didn't let me continue to deal with Yang Ming, I thought about using the right elder's hand to teach Yang Ming. What the specific results are like, I didn't understand..." Dong The army said: "I haven't contacted the elders right recently, I really don't know!"

"Oh, then you can contact and ask if Yang Ming is still alive!" said Dr. Benjamin.

"Okay, no problem, but Dr., how are you suddenly interested in Yang Ming?" Dong Jun asked inexplicably.

"Don't ask if you don't want to ask!" Dr. Benjamin returned.

Dong Jun is very depressed, but still replies: "Yes!"

"However, this tells you no problem! I received a message saying that Yang Ming has some special abilities, that is, special functions! It seems to have some relationship with the glasses we are looking for. In specific circumstances, I have not found the exact evidence here. Yang Ming is being investigated, so let me know first!" said Dr. Benjamin.

"What? Yang Ming? Is there a special function?" Dong Jun suddenly sighed and said: "Okay, then I will ask!"

Yang Ming has no specific function. Dong Jun is not clear, but since Yang Ming can join the Mystery Bureau of Investigation, he is valued by the people of the Mystery Bureau. Naturally, there is Yang Ming’s ability, so it is necessary to say that Yang Ming really has any special function. The army is convinced!

Just, Dr. Benjamin has to deal with Yang Ming? Is this good or bad for yourself? Dong Jun frowned, some mixed!

On the one hand, Dr. Benjamin has to deal with Yang Ming, and Yang Ming has to be an enemy of Dr. Benjamin. As for helping him to get out of the center, it is equal to helping him. It is a smooth thing!

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