So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2148: invite

Chapter 2,148

But on the other hand, Yang Ming is the trump card of Dr. Benjamin in the hands of Dong Jun. If Dr. Benjamin has thoroughly understood the details of Yang Ming, how can it be surprisingly successful? When Yang Ming’s weakness was also mastered by him, wasn’t he weak on his side?

"I just heard that the specific information has not yet arrived, so you are also here to help me investigate!" Dr. Benjamin said: "You have not made so many hands with Yang Ming? Yang Ming has What special abilities do you not know?"

"This... I really didn't pay attention!" Dong Jun said this is the truth, there is no lie: "I am fighting with him, but I know that he is the apprentice of Fang Tian, ​​the king of the killer, the king of the next generation, the skill is very powerful. But other than that, I really don't know what other abilities he has!"

"Well, anyway, in general, let's investigate and talk about it!" Dr. Benjamin said: "I am also investigating here!"

"Yes, no problem!" Dong Jun said: "I try to get in touch with the people around Yang Ming to see if there is any situation!"

"Okay, but you have to be careful, but don't be surprised to find out what's broken!" Dr. Benjamin reminded: "If something goes wrong, you should die, don't tell the center!"

"Don't worry, Dr. Benjamin, I will be careful!" Dong Jun was very happy. This time he was in contact with people around Yang Ming. He had a feeling of fear and fear of contact. He was Dr. Benjamin. I know what I suspect, but now it’s good, I can just touch it, and I don’t have to worry about what Dr. Benjamin will find!

Thinking of this, Dong Jun continued: "I and Yang Ming, originally a brother and brother, walk around, no one will be suspicious!"

"That's good!" Dr. Benjamin said: "Then do this first, feel free to contact again! That right elder, you also contact to see if there is any new news for Yang Ming!"

"Okay, I will contact you soon!" Dong Jun said. \\\\9v k . Com starting \\\\(", watching this nine-day literary dialogue connection is disconnected, obviously Dr. Benjamin is going to do something else.

Dong Jun here also gave a sigh of relief: "I don't know what Dr. Benjamin has made crazy. I heard that Yang Ming has a special function, and it has something to do with glasses! I have to hurry to find ways to make him pay attention. It’s only a matter of transferring it. Otherwise, the more he knows about Yang Ming, the worse it is!”

"This is hard to say, but you should not be too obvious, or Dr. Benjamin will doubt it." Huang Youcai suggested.

"I understand!" Dong Jun nodded and said: "I will gradually and steadily report to Dr. Benjamin about the news of Yang Ming. He thinks that Yang Ming is an insignificant person and gives up his investigation. Otherwise It’s really hard to do!”

"It can only be like this..." Huang Youcai said.

Next, Dong Jun’s phone hit the right elder, ready to ask Yang Ming’s news!

During this period of time, Dong Jun disappeared, and almost did not call to let him deal with Yang Ming, but let the right elders breathe a sigh of relief. After all, Dong Jun had to kill Yang Ming, the right elders could not do it. !

Yang Ming is now studying King Kong for him. How can the right elders kill Yang Ming at this time? So Dong Jun does not call to urge that better! But at the same time, the right elders are somewhat lost. They have finally caught Yang Ming and let Yang Ming do things for themselves. This is a thing worth showing off. He wants to show off with Dong Jun. Dong Jun seems to be indifferent. Look, this makes the right elder is very hurt!

Being depressed, Dong Jun’s phone call came over and let the spirit of the right elders shake up!

"I said the boss behind the scenes, you haven't contacted me for a while, what happened today? Call me suddenly?" The right elder took the call and asked.

"Right elder, I have no opponents here, I feel a little uncomfortable! Suddenly I miss Yang Ming, so I called and asked you, how is my opponent now?" Dong Jun asked lazily.

"Oh, you asked Yang Ming, he is still the same, I was caught up and researched poison, how, you have no opponents, a little uncomfortable?" The right elders showed his ability in front of Dong Jun, I feel Very refreshing, after all, the right elders have been losing again and again, and have been despised by Dong Jun. At this time, there is a chance. Naturally, I have to boast more: "It’s embarrassing that your opponent has been forced by me."

"There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Why, have you not done it yet?" Dong Jun asked.

"Get rid of? Such a good hard work, if you kill it, there will be no more. How can I kill him?" The right elder asked: "Are you not lonely without a rival? Why do you want me to kill him?"

"Oh, if you don't kill it, he is trapped in you. It has little to do with me. I can't see him or show off anything, so you might as well kill him directly!" Dong Jun said deliberately. He is a very observant person. When he listens to the right elder's tone, he knows that he is temporarily unable to kill Yang Ming, so he deliberately said this and further tested his tone.

"Get rid of him, do you come to give me hard work?" The right elder is still a little jealous for Dong Jun, joking can, but really want to turn against him, the right elder is still afraid, because he knows, behind the Dong Jun, it seems There is a big force, this force also has the same strength as his right elder King Kong, so he is not too afraid to say too much to Dong Jun.

"Oh, I think, but the person behind me is not allowed!" Dong Jun smiled and said: "What kind of vajra you haven't researched yet?"

" is it so fast?" The right elder said: "If you don't, if you have nothing to do, you want to show your winner's posture in front of Yang Ming, come over and play, I will take you there. Look at Yang Ming’s gang!

In fact, the right elder is just trying to show his strength and his winner's posture! Yang Ming was not caught by Dong Jun. What can Dong Jun show?

"This ah... or forget it..." Dong Jun’s heart was ecstatic, but on the surface it was pretending to be careless: "Don't think I don't know what you think, what can I show when I go?" ”

"Haha, I really don't mean anything else. If you don't come, you won't come, don't be a good person!" The right elders sighed and smiled.

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