So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2179: T11 Tanabata special

The second two hundred and seventy-nine chapters t11 Tanabata special chapter

This is an island. On the island, there is a big manor, here is the manor of the island's island!

After several years of development and construction, the island has become a treasure trove of tourists and tourists, which makes the island's annual income can make the island owners happy.

However, although the island is a tourist attraction, on the side of the cliffs of the island, it is a forbidden place for tourists. This is the private estate of the island owner. It is not allowed to visit tourists. In the vicinity, there is also a small island security team. Go back and forth to ensure absolute safety in the estate.

In the manor's yard, a majestic middle-aged man stands beside the grape rack, and under his side of the grape rack, there are two children of four or five years old! One male and one female, the boy is slightly larger, and the girl is obviously smaller.

In fact, if you look closely, the middle-aged person should not be old enough. His appearance is very young, but his dress and head shape look a bit old-fashioned, and perhaps only so, can he highlight his majestic momentum. !

This middle-aged man is Yang Ming, the island owner of this small island!

As the king of a generation of killers, the existence of the once-in-a-lifetime, but now reclusive in this small island, and the two children in front of him, one is his daughter, one is his apprentice! Although Yang Ming’s disciples are numerous, the most intimate among these disciples is the two children.

The girl is Yang Ming’s eldest daughter. Although she is the eldest daughter, she is only six years old. The other children are smaller, and Yang Ming is not prepared to let them develop in the direction of the killer. This alone is enough!

Because this is the daughter of Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoxuan, they have not yet taken the name. Among Yang Ming’s few apprentices, they are the youngest and ranked seventh, so everyone called her Xiaoqi. Xiaoqi inherits some of the advantages of his parents. From the perspective of his life, he is also the best child to be trained as the king of the next generation of killers.

The boy, Yang Ming, is the son of an old man. In the killer group, he was renamed Ling Yi. As for the real name, only Yang Ming knew it and did not disclose it to anyone, including his daughter Xiaoqi!

Of course, among the few wives of Yang Ming, there are also a few people who know the true identity of Ling Yi, because they are good friends of Ling Yi’s parents, so they know Ling Yi’s life experience, but these things let Yang Ming They are all banned and they are not allowed to say it.

This is also a kind of experience for Ling Yi!

Ling Yi is five years old this year, but it is the biggest among these disciples. In fact, Yang Ming’s apprentices are almost the same age, both between four and five years old, and Ling Yi, the code here is “ One", and the "seven" of Xiaoqi is a meaning.

"Today is Tanabata, so give you a day off, no training today." Yang Ming said: "Take you to the stars in the yard, but also to tell you about the origin of Tanabata!"

Ling Yi and Xiao Qi also reached the age of a little sensible, but they were very yearning for listening to the story. When they heard Yang Ming say so, they were immediately sitting in danger and staring at Yang Ming without hesitation.

"Oh, Tanabata, is a traditional festival... On a sunny summer and autumn night, the stars in the sky shine, a white galaxy like a flyover across the north and south, on the east and west sides of the river, each with a shining star, across the river Relatively far, that is the Altair and the Vega..." Yang Ming slowly told the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl for the two little guys...

Yang Ming is a strict father, but in addition to training, he is also amiable, often telling some knowledge and stories for his daughter and the beloved apprentice! Yang Ming does not want his next generation to become a simple killer, a cold-blooded killer, not applicable here in Yang Ming!

Originally, Yang Ming himself was a flesh-and-blood person. Although he was a killer, he was not cold-blooded, so his disciples and daughters were also the same.

Yang Ming wants to make his next generation healthy and happy grown up, naturally will not let go of every opportunity to educate them, and each time he finishes the story, Yang Ming will use this situation to tell them some life. philosophy!

"This is the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, and only when they meet on the seventh eve of the year is the day when they gather together. Therefore, Tanabata has become a festival between lovers... Of course, for lovers, you are still small. Not very understanding..." Yang Ming said with a smile.

"Dad, have a lover, is it like me and my brother?" Xiaoqi asked.

"Oh, what kind of lover are you? Children are just a family." Yang Ming took a laissez-faire attitude with regard to the relationship between her daughter and Ling Yi. Will the two eventually develop into a couple Yang Ming? I don't know, but when I was young, there was a childhood, it was a very happy and nostalgic thing!

After a few years, even if two people can't be lovers, it is an experience to recall the things of childhood!

Xiaoqi flatned his mouth, but he did not refute his father's words, and she did not dare to refute.

"The sky in the sky is so beautiful... It's hard to imagine that such a beautiful starry sky contains such a beautiful love story." Ling Yi is older and more sensible, perhaps because he was an orphan at an early age. For the sake of it, Ling Yi often said something sad.

"Yes! Actually, the stars in the sky seem beautiful, but what you don't know is that every day, there are almost all stars and stars, and new stars appear, constantly alternating, just like human beings are sick and dead..." Yang Ming said here, paused and continued: "I mean, do you understand?"

"No..." Xiaoqi looked at his father with some doubts.

Ling Yi, however, is thoughtful, but his age is too small, even if he is smart, he can't appreciate the meaning of Yang Ming's words.

"The stars in the sky, in fact, are like the people on the ground, old and sick, and alternately impermanent." Yang Ming said: "One day, I will leave you, and you will grow up, ** prop up a sky !"

Ling Yi was silent, and Xiao Qi was silent. He was born in such a family and let them know things very early. At this moment, Yang Ming explained this. They naturally understood the truth. Yang Ming told them through the stars in the sky. Don't generate ideas that depend on others...

"However, how many years have you been with the Altair and the Vega, and haven't fallen?" Ling Yi raised his head and asked.

"Oh, yes, there are accidents in everything. I just made an analogy..." Yang Ming smiled and said: "I mean, you can understand it. I said that leaving, it may not be dead, maybe there is still other things?"

Having said that, Yang Ming looked up into the distance involuntarily, and there was a faint worry in his eyes...

(For the things of Ling Yi and Xiao Qi, you can read "The Master of School Flowers".)


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