So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2180: T12 Tanabata special

The second two hundred and eighty chapters t12 Tanabata special chapter 2

At the middle of the night last year, the flower market was like a lamp, and the moon was on the tip of the willow. At the end of the year, the moon and the lights are still there. I don’t see people last year, tears full of spring sleeves.

In this poem, although it is the scene of the Yuan Dynasty, and the poetry tells the separation between a pair of lovers, but this poem, but this is not the mood of Ling Yi and Xiao Qi at this moment?

This year, Ling was six years old and seven or five years old.

The grape vine is still the grape vine at the Tanabata last year, and the time is also the seventh eve of the year, but the majestic middle-aged man is no longer there.

Today, Yang Ming has been away for a whole year, and there is no news.

On the second day of Tanabata last year, Yang Ming left in a hurry. Ling Yi still remembers the entrustment of Master when he left. The scene at the time was still vivid!

"Xiao Yi, Master has to go, the future road, you must rely on yourself!" Yang Ming called Ling Yi to the secret room of a manor in the island, and made the final entrustment to him!

In this uninhabited place, Yang Ming does not call "Ling Yi" as "Ling Yi", but instead calls his real name "Xiao Yi".

"Master, you... Where are you going?" Ling Yi is an ignorant age, but because of the tutor's sake, he also let him know something. I remembered that Yang Ming told him and Xiao Qi last night. Those words, and the last bit of worry in his eyes, Ling Yi knows that there must be something big that he does not understand!

"You don't ask, I won't explain it to you. Your strength has not reached that level. Telling you in advance is not conducive to your growth!" Yang Ming said: "If there is always a way in your heart, Reading, will affect your mood..."

"But, there is a hope, isn't it better?" Ling Yi asked some people who did not understand: "You have not said before, do you have a goal in your heart?"

"There is nothing wrong with the goal, but if this goal is too far from your current situation, it is not a goal, but a dream that is out of reach!" Yang Ming said: "This will affect your cultivation. Let you think that the goal is too far away to be able to reach, and self-destruction becomes a kind of demon!"

"I understand..." Ling nodded. He knew that Master must be doing something big, but this thing, I don’t know it at this stage. I know that it will not help, but it will cause myself. Troubled.

"You are a smart child, I believe you can understand this!" Yang Ming nodded. "As for Xiaoqi, don't explain it to her. Although you are only one year old, she is not mature. Still a child, wait until she really grows up, and tell her not too late!"

"I understand!" Ling nodded, solemnly said: "Master, then when you go, when will you come back?"

"Less a year and a half, more than ten years and eight years, or more..." Yang Ming smiled a bit, and he did not care about it at the moment, he could only take a step and see one step!

"This way... Master, what task are you going to perform?" Ling asked.

"Okay..." Yang Ming nodded and admitted.

"That... and when you went to Miaojiang to perform tasks, which one is more difficult?" Ling Yi asked.

"Oh... little guy, are you setting my words?" Yang Ming did not answer Ling Yi’s words positively, but said: "Remember, Master is a free person. These years are really comfortable, and have already let Master The bones on the body are rusted and must do something..."

"Is there any danger?" Ling Yi changed a question.

"Danger... Oh, maybe there will be, but, never, there will be life-threatening worry." Yang Ming smiled and he was quite relieved about his physique. Since taking King Kong, he has become invulnerable. Not invading, even if it is the master of the martial arts, it is not half his points!

Even those who are big men of the golden bell can't stand shoulder to shoulder with Yang Ming!

Therefore, Yang Ming has this confidence.

"That's good..." Ling Yi breathed a sigh of relief after listening to Yang Ming's words.

"Xiao Yi, don't be confused. After I left, I went back to Lin Da Ge and concentrated on cultivation. When you have reached that height one day, I will send someone to pick you up..." Yang Ming smiled. At that time, perhaps it was the day when our masters and apprentices reunited!"

"Well, I understand!" Ling Yi shook his fist and said with a firm nod.

"But if you don't work hard, maybe I will come back one step at a time, then I will be very disappointed." Yang Ming said.

"Reassured, Master, I will not let you down." Ling Yi said solemnly.

"Oh, it's time, I should go too..." Yang Ming smiled slightly, took a shot of Ling Yi's shoulder, and walked out of the secret room with him...


Master left, really gone, Xiaoqi here, he just said to visit an old friend, and then to do a big thing, let her not worry, but did not like Ling Yi here, said so many words.

However, even if Ling Yi himself is in the fog, I don’t know what Master is going to do.

Of course, he will not deliberately ponder over his thoughts, because Master has already said that when he reaches a certain height, some things will naturally understand, and now he has no use for it.

"A brother, this year, where did you go? You don't like Xiaoqi? Why didn't you see it in a year? Dad is gone, you are gone..." Xiaoqi was not happy looking at Ling One……

"I went to practice, and I have already graduated. I will rarely come here again in the future. Xiaoqi, you have to take care!" Ling Yi smiled and said: "I came here this year, but I don't trust you, so look. Look at you...but see you are not in the room, not in the training ground, I guess, you are under this grape rack..."

"Yeah, you are all gone. Xiaoqi is a lonely person. If there is no Xiaojiu sister to accompany me, I don't know what to do..." Xiaoqi said unhappy.

"Small nine... Princess? How is her illness?" Ling Yi couldn't help but sigh when he heard the name. Xiaojiu in the small seven is the second daughter of Master. He is actually an orphan. He was taken over by Master and recognized as She is a daughter, and she is ranked ninth among Master’s disciples. However, her main direction is not to practice martial arts. Her natural physical defects have made her unable to practice martial arts. Her body is weak, but at a very young age, she is acting. Out of a strong computer talent, so everyone likes to call her hacker princess.


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