So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2197: Inspiration

"Yes... it’s a good time to take a break... Yang Ming is really a little tired. He smiles bitterly at Lan Ling, stands up, and goes to his house with Xia Xue...

Lin Dongfang, after taking the nutrient solution from Yiyi, went to rest with Liu Ye.

Everyone else has also dispersed, leaving only empty space, and some ashes left before the barbecue!

When I was grilling in the past moment, everyone’s mood was still happy and full of hope, but now, it is hope that it has become disappointing...

In the next few days, Yang Ming’s mood was very low and depressed. When he ate, he didn’t say anything. When he finished eating, he went back to the room to rest... Of course, the situation of other people is not good, only Feng Tianlong and Xiao Susu is somewhat optimistic, because they are all the same everywhere. Xiao Susu has treated every day as the last day, so there is no such thing as Yang Ming in her heart...

Xia Xue and Lan Ling saw Yang Ming's depression. Although he understood his mood at the moment, he also tried to get him back!

After all, Yang Ming is the backbone of everyone. If Yang Ming has no confidence, then others will be more depressed.

Therefore, Xia Xue and Lan Ling started every day, and they all changed their way to comfort Yang Ming...

In fact, Yang Ming’s heart has already been opened, and the reason why he is still so depressed is that he cannot find the motivation to cheer himself up! If there are other ways to deal with the right elders, perhaps Yang Ming will stand up and continue to work hard without saying anything.

But not.

"Yang Ming, want to... and I will contact my grandmother again?" Basket Ling suddenly thought of a problem, that is, since the Hercules is ineffective against the right elder's vajra, then is there any way for Grandma? After all, Grandma’s experience is more abundant than herself. If you ask her, you may find a solution.

"Oh?" Yang Ming listened to Lan Ling's words, and suddenly his eyes lit up! Yeah, why didn't you think about it before? Although there is no way for myself and others, but Lan Ling’s grandmother is the authority in this respect. Maybe she and Lan Ling’s grandmother explained the situation. She really has a solution!

Thinking of this, Yang Ming couldn’t help but squint and said: "This is a good idea. Why didn’t you think about it before?"

"I just had a chance to think about how to persuade you. When I thought about it, I remembered when I was a child. When I was depressed, my grandmother tried to comfort me. So I thought of her grandmother. I think she might have a law. ......" Blue Ling said a little embarrassed: "I did not consider these before..."

"If that's the case, what are you waiting for? Let's call your grandmother and ask if she has a good idea!" Since Yang Wen found a way, he naturally couldn't stand it. He wanted to leave now. .

"Okay!" Lan Ling saw Yang Mingzhen doing it, and he was very happy, and Xia Xue, who was on the side, finally breathed a sigh of relief. Yang Ming once again restored his previous confidence, although he still did not know Lan Ling. Grandma will have a way, but it seems that this is always a good thing!

Yang Ming is a resolute and vigorous person. Since he thought of the method, he would immediately put it into action. He directly summoned Lin Dongfang, Liu Tianqi, Liu Ye, Feng Tianlong and others, and told Lan Ling’s proposal to them. After all, everyone listens, they are all beaming!

After all, what Yang Ming said, maybe it is really a solution! Everyone is immersed in a kind of frustration and helpless emotions these days. After listening to Yang Ming’s words, they are all inspired by the spirit!

"But this time I don't want to go to too many people. I want to call me and Lan Ling. You stay here. I am afraid that when the elders of the right sent people, we will find that we are not there. We will have doubts!" Suggestions.

Although the previous few departures, there was no one left in the laboratory, but it was because Yang Ming and others did not have ghosts in their hearts. They simply drove a battery car to find medicines. Even if they were discovered by the right elders, they were completely It can be said that it is going to find the medicine for refining the vajra, and it will not have any consequences for them.

But now it is different. Yang Ming is going to call Sun Sikong. If the right elders find it there, they can't say that the right elders will destroy the flying saucer directly, and then destroy the equipment in the cave. That is a real loss. Big!

So Yang Ming had to be careful.

Everyone agrees with Yang Ming’s proposal. After all, everyone just spoke to the family and didn’t have to go again. So this time, Yang Ming and Lan Ling and Xia Xue three people drove together to find a battery car. Sun Sikong calls, while others, it is normal to stay here!

The right elders even sent people to come and see someone there, even if Yang Ming is not there, he will not think much.

Since the decision was made, it was no longer delayed. Yang Ming drove a battery car, carrying Xia Xue and Lan Ling, and whistling to the position of the cave where Sun Sikong was located. The battery car that had been transformed was incredibly fast. There are no pregnant women on this car anymore. Yang Ming drives the car naturally and does not need to be so careful before, and the speed is much faster!

Therefore, Yang Ming and the three quickly arrived at the cave where Sun Sikong stopped the flying saucer. This time, the time spent was much less than the time of the last time.

For the appearance of Yang Ming and others, Sun Sikong seems to have known the same. When Yang Ming was not close, the stone gate of the cave slowly rose.

This kind of scene Yang Ming did not have the slightest strange meaning. After all, Sun Sikong said that he could receive the information sent by the glasses. Although he could not see the specific image, Yang Ming saw the information of the flying saucer and passed it on. of.

What's more, Sun Sikong has been monitoring the movement outside this cave. There are electric cars coming here, they can't find it.

"Yang Ming, it didn't take long for you to come here again?" Sun Sikong was a bit strange about Yang Ming's reappearance.

And Mo Kongwen, this time also appeared in the doorway of the cave, looked at Yang Ming, but said: "Is it afraid to return without success?"

Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse, and immediately thought of the powerful fortune-telling ability of Mo Kongwen, so he smiled and said: "Mr. Mo is really for God, this time, I really did nothing!"

"Your strong god, no effect?" Sun Sikong asked with some surprise.

"Grandpa, grandfather, can't you receive the information from my glasses?" Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse. (To be continued)

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