So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2198: Call again

"You don't have the ability to use glasses, how do I receive it?" Sun Sikong shook his head and said: "Under the circumstances, I have completely trusted you now. If it is not for you to send a warning signal, I will not be right again. The signal from your glasses is analyzed...".

"It turned out to be like this..." Yang Ming nodded and said: "Don't marry Grandpa Sun, the strong god, did not play its due effect, we failed!"

"If it fails, it is no problem. Failure is the mother of success!" Sun Sikong did not feel that there was anything wrong. After all, he was a scientist. When he was studying scientific experiments, he often fell into trouble. Failure was as common as usual. He will be so calm.

“What?” Yang Ming shrugged after shouting helplessly: “We are here to borrow your phone and use it. I don’t know if I can?”

"Nature, I said, when you want to get in touch with the outside world, you can come over at any time!" Sun Sikong nodded unabashedly and said: "But, you haven’t just called before?"

"This time, Lan Ling is going to make a phone call to her grandmother. Maybe, on her grandmother, there is a way to deal with the right elders!" Yang Ming said.

"Okay, then let's fight." Sun Sikong said.

Yang Ming and Lan Ling are also welcome, directly into the cave, and Xia Xue is waiting for aside, here is temporarily not used for her, she came here, is to accompany Yang Ming and Lan Ling as a companion, look at the scenery .

Next to the phone, Lan Ling dialed a phone number. After a while, the phone was finally connected. Last time, Lan Ling did not call the home because she left the blue Miao Village and did not get the blue seedling. Most of the support of the village, so before the matter was resolved, Lan Ling did not want to contact her grandmother, which is why she has some small reluctance in her heart.

But now there is no way, so Lan Ling dialed the phone of Grandma.

"Hey?" On the other side of the phone, there was a voice from Grandma Lan Ling. In the past, there was no cell phone signal near Lan Miao Village. Therefore, it is rarely used after the satellite phone is used. Lan Ling’s grandmother’s phone is not very useful.

So she is a bit strange, who will call her at this time.

"Grandma is me..., Ling Ling...", Lan Ling heard the voice of her grandmother, and suddenly her heart was filled with a deep thought of missing and...

"Ling Ling? It's you!" Blue Grandma heard the sound of Lan Ling suddenly and was shocked and happy: "Ling Ling, how are you, there is nothing? Since you left, there is no news, Grandma is worried." Very, there is no way...".

"Grandma, I am fine, there is no danger at the moment...", Lan Ling said: "You can rest assured, I am with Yang Ming...".

"That's good, nothing is and the right elders..." Recently, Lan Miaozhai has not received any news about the right elders. Of course, the right elders are not likely to disclose the news of Yang Ming and others. To the people except his confidant, after all, the right elders are not a piece of iron, which must be mixed with the blue Miao Village, this is the same as the blue elders also have the right elders.

Therefore, the right elder wants to show off, and only finds his partner Dong Jun to show off, and other people, he really dare not say anything.

As a result, Lan Ling’s grandmother has not received any useful news until now.

"The thing of the right elder is exactly what I want to tell you!" said Lan Ling, and he gave all the details of what he had experienced to his grandmother in detail, including the original version of the Hercules. Dealing with the right elders, to the present, using the full version of Hercules to deal with the elders, neither can cause any harm to the right elders, this is the reason why Lan Ling is in a hurry.

"Hercules, the full version has no effect on him? And you have already succeeded in refining?" Blue grandma was a little surprised after listening to Lan Ling’s words. I have to know that this time, Lan Miaozhai also insisted. Unremitting research and vigorous devotion, but there is no result, I did not expect the blue Ling side, not only the research of the great gods, but also the success of the diamonds! However, the most depressing thing is that the full version of Hercules has been ineffective for the right elder's variant King Kong!

"Yes, there is no effect." Lan Ling said truthfully: "The right elders use ordinary methods, it is impossible to deal with... So, Yang Ming and I want to ask you to think of a solution, otherwise we are trapped here, how can we can not go out……".

Of course, Lan Ling did not say that the UFO thing, they want to go, they can still escape, just escape, Yang Ming's mission will certainly not be completed, and Yang Ming can not leave, after all, the hatred of the right elder has been formed. Even if Yang Ming is gone, it is estimated that the right elder will also seek revenge, so it is necessary to make a break!

What's more, the right elder wants to return to the blue Miao Village, and the ambition to control the blue Miao Village has always existed. How can Lan Ling make him succeed?

"I have to think about it, but now I have no choice." Grandma Blue said: "But give me some time, let me think about other solutions!"

"Okay, then we will contact you later?" asked Lan Ling.

"I can call back on this call? When I call this phone, can I find you?" asked Blue Grandma.

"Grandma, you wait, I ask." Lan Ling did not know whether she could find her by calling this phone, so she turned to look at Sun Sikong and asked: "Grandpa, grandson, can you call back?" ?"

"Nature, there should be a caller ID. There is also a number on this phone." Sun Sikong said that although this phone can establish contact with aliens, since it can make ordinary calls, it naturally has a transfer. Number.

"Okay, Grandma, if you think of a solution, just call me on this call?" Lan Ling said.

"Okay, Ling Ling, you and Yang Ming also pay attention to safety, protect yourself!" Blue grandma shouted.

The phone is over. Although Lan Ling’s grandmother has not thought of any good methods for the time being, she is a veteran experienced veteran. She should be able to think of some countermeasures, or she can upgrade her to become a super Hercules?

"Grandpa, if my grandmother calls, can you tell us something?" Lan Ling turned to ask Sun Sikong.

"Of course this can be, when there is news, I will inform you!" Sun Sikong nodded without hesitation. (To be continued)

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