So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 2199: Jing Xiaoying's birthday (on)

"How do you want to inform?" Yang Ming wondered, so far, is there any other contact method for Sun Sikong?

"Oh, since I can receive the signal from your glasses, you can naturally receive the signal I sent you, but I have never used this function!" Sun Sikong said with a smile: "There is a phone call." Come, I will inform you and send a flying saucer to pick you up and answer the call."

“Ah?” Yang Ming said with a slight glimpse, and he was very grateful to say: “That’s so thankful to Grandpa Sun!”

"Nothing, in fact, it is also what I should do to assist you, but my previous research direction is on these application-oriented technology products. If I am working with Dr. Benjamin, I will specifically study the potential of the human body. Then it is estimated that it is not a problem for you to deal with the right elders!" Sun Sikong said with some regrets.

Yang Ming nodded. With the ability of Sun Sikong, it is really not difficult to study these things, but it is not a result of one day, so Yang Ming did not ask him to switch to study these.

Of course, even if it is required, the equipment of Sun Sikong is limited here, and there is no way to start research.

"Sun Grandpa, then we will leave." Yang Ming hesitated for a moment, did not call home again, after all, just played before, there is no important thing, Yang Ming will naturally not play again, even in the heart miss.

"Okay, if there is news, I will inform you the first time!" said Sun Sikong.

After the call, Yang Ming and Lan Ling and Xia Xue resigned. The longer they stayed here, the more likely they were to be vigilant and suspicious of the right elders. So after Yang Ming finished the matter, he drove back.

In the past few days, Yang Ming and Lan Ling are waiting for the news of Blue Grandma. Although they know that there is news that it is impossible to do things overnight, but there is still some anxiety in my heart...

Songjiang City, Huashang Community, Yang Ming's villa, Jing Xiaoyu came home from work, but it was a little anxious and nervous because today is her birthday!

After Jing Xiaoyu became the chairman of the company, it is naturally impossible to celebrate the birthday of Jing Xiaoyu with his colleagues. It is just a few people who used to be better than Jing Xiaoyu. Other people do not know Jing Xiaoyu. Birthday things.

And Xiaorui, who is a colleague who knows Jing Xiaoying’s birthday, when Jing Xiaozhen came to the company, he took care of her. If there is something I don’t understand, Jing Xiaoyu often consults her, so in the company, Jing Xiaoyu will still have this. A friend.

Of course, since Jing Xiaozhen became the deputy general, he also transferred Xiaoruo to his own office and was responsible for his secretarial work. He used to do similar secretarial work to help Jing Xiaoyu, and he was also familiar with the road.

However, today Jing Xiaoyu’s birthday, Xiao Xiaoru wants to celebrate Jing Xiaoyu’s birthday and say good to Jing Xiao’s home, but Jing Xiaoyu now lives in Yang Ming’s home. Although she is the chairman of the company, she is only small at home. Little little wife, with Chen Mengxi and Sun Jie as the masters, she did not dare to bring her colleagues home!

However, if you go out to celebrate, you can't do it because you said it before. At home, Chen Mengyu and others gave Jing Xiaoyu a birthday. Therefore, Jing Xiaoyu has no choice but to take Xiaoruru home, but please ask Chen Mengxi and Sun Jiecai...

"Oh, what's wrong with you? Today, how do you look unhappy when you have a birthday?" Chen Mengyu asked a strange look at Jing Xiaoyu, who was somewhat uneasy.

"Dream sister... I..." Jing Xiaoyu wants to stop, she can be said to be careful at home, not at all before the publicity and confidence in the company, she feels that can get the recognition of Sun Jie and Chen Mengyu, already Very good, she never thought about what could be said at home.

"What's wrong?" Chen Mengyan frowned. "If you have anything to say, mother-in-law?"

"Actually... things are like this... I have a better colleague who wants to celebrate my birthday, but today my sisters are ready for me. I can't go out to eat, but she wants to come home to help. I celebrate my birthday, I don't know if she should be allowed to come?" Jing Xiaoyan said cautiously.

"What about this?" Chen Mengyu couldn't help but smile: "This is a big deal. Since it is a good colleague, let her come to the house!"

"Their your identity..." Jing Xiaoyu did not know how to introduce the identity of Chen Mengqi and others with Qi Xiaoru. After all, Xiao Xiaoru should not know the relationship between Yang Ming and Chen Mengyu! Although Xiao Xiaoru already knows that Yang Ming is the actual chairman of the famous entertainment industry, this is something that has been publicly disclosed before. Therefore, for Jing Xiaoyu to take over as chairman of the board, there is no accident in Xiao Xiaoru, because in her opinion, Jing Xiaoying is Yang Ming’s girlfriend. That company will give her business, it is also reasonable.

However, the relationship between Chen Mengyu and Yang Ming is not easy to explain...

"You said this, anyway, Yang Ming is not here, you will tell us that we are also your good friends!" Chen Mengxi said without a smile: "We also pretend to be guests, to accompany you at home for birthday!"

"This... thank you, dream sister!" Jing Xiaoyu said very moved. She did not expect Chen Mengxi to agree to her request so refreshedly, and she was willing to be a foil to make her very surprised...

All the time, Jing Xiaoyu was a little cautious in front of Chen Mengyu. After all, she had a bad track first. She had already offended Chen Mengyu in the cafeteria before, and she had already handed over other boyfriends, although she could not be said to be a boyfriend. However, the quality is not always good, so Jing Xiaoyu is not afraid to raise anything in front of Chen Mengyu.

"What is thankful, all are family, and then, today, you have a birthday, you are the biggest!" Chen Mengxi said with a smile: "You call a colleague, let me talk to other people, then we will It’s all your friends!”

"Okay!" Jing Xiaoyu nodded happily.

"You, don't look like a chairman, don't know how you serve in the company?" Chen Mengxi shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Look at Sun Jie, it looks like a chairman..."

Jing Xiaoyu was a little embarrassed: "Isn't there two Yang Ming's men to help? If Leopard and Hou Ge are not here to help, how can I live in the market? Oh, this day is busy, or a nightmare. Sister, you and Sun Jiejie said, let her help me? Anyway, her company in the East China Sea is also handed over to Tian Donghua, she has nothing to do?"

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