So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2226: People go to the building

"You just finished talking to me? Yes, it seems to be said in the morning!" The right elder was reminded by a small think tank, only to think about things before...

"Yeah, I just finished talking to you!" The little think tank also nodded.

"He left in the early hours of the morning? Not quite right, this is not in line with his style?" The right elder frowned. He was not an idiot. Dong Jun’s approach was obviously abnormal, which made him feel that things were not so simple. !

Why did Dong Jun go to the medicine valley in the early morning? Is this not a problem? He can't wait until he is awake before going to the medicine valley? And, even if he goes to Yao Valley, don't you go in the middle of the night? Not to mention that Yang Ming and others are sleeping in the middle of the night, even if he is woken up, he will certainly doubt the purpose of going to the drug valley in the middle of the night!

Even if Dong Jun said that he was anxious to help Yang Ming to find a way to deal with his right elder, it is not reasonable to reason, using reverse reverse thinking to reason, then, this way, he Dongjun started this morning, right elders here Do you doubt him?

The right elders feel that they are not right. Yang Ming is not a fool. How can he not notice the problem?

Thinking of this, the right elder suddenly frowned!

Because he found that things seem a little simple!

"Small think tank, you immediately send people to Yao Valley, check out, Dong Jun, what are they doing there... No, we personally passed!" The right elders waved and said.

"Good!" The little think tank nodded, and realized that something was wrong, and quickly ran out to prepare for the helicopter...

After the small think tank left, the right elders thought more and more problems! Indeed, Dong Jun’s approach is a bit unusual... and, as if he himself has a problem, he seems to be very forgetful. I just remembered what I just finished or just happened yesterday. Only when I was reminded, can I think about it?

Intuition tells the right elder, his body has some problems, but he has not thought of any specific problems...

I hope only because I drink too much. Don't make any other situation!

Now, the right elder only wants to determine a problem, that is, where is Dong Jun, in the end, not in Medicine Valley, if not in Medicine Valley, then where is he? I think that Dong Jun may have a little problem, and the right elder is in a hurry...

After half an hour, the small think tank finally prepared the helicopter. The helicopter was relatively easy to prepare before, but it was driven away by Dong Jun. It is not easy to re-prepare, overhaul, and refuel a new helicopter. So most of the hours are already very Fast!

After the completion, the small think tank quickly ran back and the right elders reported the progress: "Right elders, the helicopter is ready, we can take off at any time..."

"Helicopter? What do you do with the helicopter?" The right elder had forgotten the previous thing...

"Right elders, aren't you going to go to the medicine valley? Go see the Falcon seniors?" The little think tank said with some doubts. He also saw that today's right elder seems to be wrong. But when it’s not right, he can’t say it...

"Oh... yes. It’s going to Yaou, we hurry!" The right elder was reminded by a small think tank, but he also remembered the matter of going to Yaogu before, and nodded quickly.

"Well, the helicopter has been arranged, we are leaving now?" asked the small think tank.

"Yes, go now!" The right elder couldn't wait to stand up. Then quickly go with the little brains and go outside...

On the apron of the right elder Miao Village, a helicopter was ready. Getting ready to take off...

The right elder and the small think tank got on the plane, and then the small think tank quickly maneuvered the helicopter and flew in the direction of the medicine valley...

The right elders can be described as extremely nervous. On the way to the drug valley, he is constantly urging, making the small think tank faster, and the small think tank is also raising the speed of the helicopter to the extreme...

However, the helicopter is a helicopter, after all, it is impossible to be faster than the rocket. Even if the right elders urged, they still took a long time to reach the medicine valley...

However, when the plane just arrived in the sky above the drug valley, the right elders felt that something was not quite right!

This is an intuition. He can't say what is wrong in the end, but it is really not quite right. This medicine valley seems to lack the previous anger! Moreover, it is already in the morning, how is it that there is no one in the medicine valley?

Generally, when a helicopter arrives, even if Yang Ming and others do not come out, they will always come out to see it alone, but this time, the helicopter will land, and no one will appear!

The right elder's brow wrinkled and felt that something was not quite right, but even then, he waited for the helicopter to stop before he got off the plane! He is a cautious person, although he is anxious but will not take risks!

"Small think tank, how can there be no one here?" The right elder now is not only a problem without people. The key question is: Where did the helicopter from Dong Jun go? He finally wondered why he didn't feel right before, because there are no people and no helicopters here!

So big things, at a glance, can't be seen or hidden, and there is no need to hide them...

Now, the helicopter is gone, there is only one possibility, that is, the helicopter is not in the medicine valley at the moment!

Where is it in the drug valley?

Thinking of this, the face of the right elder is ugly!

He felt that he seemed to be fooled, and he had a big fortune. He was cheated by Dong Jun! This kid seems to be not so authentic. Is he really rebellious, and Yang Ming is a group?

Thinking of this possibility, the right elder felt that his skin was shaking, he was too angry!

"I don't you want me to check it out?" The little think tank is also somewhat puzzled. How is this drug valley no one? And the Falcons’ predecessors’ helicopters don’t know where to go!

"Go and see!" the right elder immediately said: "No, let's go together, go!"

Said, the right elders and the small think tank, walked in the direction of those townhouses...

However, when they walked to the townhouses, their hearts suddenly swelled, because the few townhouses that Yang Ming lived in, even the doors did not close...

"Look at anyone in there!" The right elder suddenly hurried.

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