So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2227: secret

The second two hundred and twenty-seventh chapter secret

After listening to the words of the right elder, the small think tank ran into the townhouse, and then looked at the situation inside, but found that there was no one inside, and suddenly it was a white face: "Right elder, no one inside!" ”

"What! No one?" The face of the right elder was suddenly black. He walked quickly to the front of a townhouse and looked at the inside. The look on his face was even worse!

Because, it is obviously a rush in the way, even the quilt is not stacked, and the clothes are thrown here without taking away, but there is no one...

The elders of the right know that this is definitely not the person in this room to work, because if you go to work, you can't even stack the quilt, and the door will not open like this!

Although there are only a few of them here, it is impossible to have thieves and the like, so they will not lock the door, but at the very least, the door must be closed. This is a matter of etiquette.

However, the right elder still did not give up, frowned and said: "Go, let's go somewhere else to see if they are in the workplace!"

"Good!" The small think tank also realized that it was not right, but he saw that the right elder's face was not good and he didn't dare to say anything more.

With the right elders out of the townhouse, they both went to the side of the work room...

Inside the workplace, it is also very messy, and it is also empty. The most annoying thing for the right elders is that the poisonous petri dishes are taken away!

Of course, when Lan Ling and others leave, other luggage will not be taken, but the petri dishes about the gods and the vajraps will be taken away. These things are definitely not left to the right elders!

The elders of the right still expected to find something in the workplace, but they found nothing.

As for other things like culture fluids, there are many right elders themselves, and there are some things that are useless.

"I x his mother!" The right elder finally couldn't help but burst into a foul language. He was too angry. These people actually ran away with Dong Jun!

Now, the right elder has not realized that he was squatted by Dong Jun. Although he has some forgetfulness, he feels that there is something wrong with his body. However, he has not thought about it in that direction. He just thinks that Dong Jun secretly and Yang Mingli should cooperate and obtain After his own trust, he lied to a helicopter and left it with a helicopter and Yang Ming and others!

After all, the right elder does not know, in fact, Yang Ming and others want to leave, they can leave the drug valley at any time, and do not need to cooperate with Dong Junli to deceive him.

"Right elders are angry and blame me. If you don't let the Falcons before... leave!" Since the Falcon is a traitor, then naturally it can no longer be called a predecessor.

"Do not blame you, even myself, are friends who are careless, I have been cheated by him, let alone you?" The right elder does not blame the small think tank, after all, the small think tank does not know that Dong Jun is a traitor, he The elders of the right have not seen themselves, let alone others?

"Hey, what should I do now?" asked the small think tank.

"Forget it, let's go back to the government first. It is estimated that they will leave. They will not come back again in a short while. They may have gone to Lan Miao Village. We can't go to Lan Miao Village to catch them?" Shaking his head, some helpless said.

"Right elders, what I don't understand is that your current vajra is more than the ordinary vajra, and it is even worse than the ordinary vajra. Why not attack the blue Miao Village? Even if you are a vajra In the absence of the original version of King Kong, there is a need for blood to sacrifice, but it does not affect us to deal with the Blue Miao Village?" The little think tank asked strangely.

"Some things, you don't understand." The right elders waved their hands and didn't say much.

He is a vajraper, although he is many times more powerful than the ordinary vajra, and there is no other defect besides the constant use of blood, but it is not, because the right elder knows a big secret!

This is why he dare not go to Lan Miao Village easily!

Lan Miao Village, there is a sacrificial ancestral hall, which has a mysterious experience that can resist the revision of the right elders. The vajrapana of the right elder is an evil witchcraft that has been banned for thousands of years. In order to gain strength, the right elder used a witchcraft-like ritual method to create a revised version of the vajra, but the vajra in the body, after meeting the mysterious power of the Lan Miaozhai sacrifice hall, Unconscious swaying will happen, as if you want to fight back!

This was also discovered by chance when the right elders went to Lan Miao Village many years ago, but he did not say to anyone, this is his weakness, but as long as he does not go to Lan Miao Village, there will be no danger!

Later, the elders of the right examined a lot of ancient books and materials, and finally found a reasonable solution. One is to destroy the blue sea. The reason is that he has the inheritance of the sacrificial hall, and the body of the villagers of the blue Miao village There is a heritage of the sacrificial ancestral hall. As long as the owner of the ancestral hall is destroyed, the mysterious power of the ritual hall will vanish and will not pose a threat to the right elder.

This is also why the right elder has been looking for the blue ocean and wants to destroy him. Otherwise, the blue sea's martial arts is powerful, but it is also comparable to the right elder, and the right elder has a revised version of the vajra, and it is a breeze to destroy the blue sea!

But the Blue Ocean is too embarrassing, and the East hides **, so that the right elder can not find his trace, as long as it does not destroy him, you can not attack the Blue Miao Village! This is also why the right elders dragged on and did not attack the Blue Miao Village.

What is the timing of his immaturity is actually his excuse, the most important thing is that he is afraid of the mysterious power!

But this is his ultimate secret. He can't say it. He can't say anything to anyone, including the people around him and his men, even the closest ones who can't be a small think tank!

Because this is a big secret about his weakness, he can't let anyone know!

If Lan Miaozhai knows this news, it will become fearless, because they don't worry that Lan Miaozhai will be attacked by the right elders, so they will concentrate on studying other things, so that the right elders can't drag on the defense. The energy of the blue Miao Village.

The other solution is actually very simple, that is, take a full version of King Kong 蛊, use the full version of King Kong 蛊 to mix this revised version of King Kong 蛊, after mixing, not only will retain the power of the revised version of King Kong 蛊At the same time, it is also possible to make the revised version of King Kong 蛊 蛊 蛊 鲜 鲜 鲜 鲜 鲜 鲜 鲜 鲜 鲜 鲜 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 蛊 改 改 改 改 改

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