So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2228: Never

Therefore, the right elders will repeatedly forgive them after Yang Ming and others have repeatedly provocative, not how to treat them!

Otherwise, with the right temper of the elders, even if Yang Ming took Jin Gang, he couldn't be like him, but he could kill a few people around Yang Ming to kill a hundred! .

At the very least, Xia Xue, Lan Ling, you can kill first!

But the right elders did not dare, not afraid of 10,000, but they were afraid of things. This threatened people’s affairs, and Yang Mingwan’s role in the opposite direction was to kill the people around Yang Ming. Yang Ming simply did not do it, then he I don’t want to refine the diamonds.

This has always been depressing to the right elders. These people, Yang Ming, can only squat, use other methods to destroy their self-confidence, let them reluctantly refine their own, but can not be forced too tight, he is afraid that things will be reversed.

But in the end, he still didn't get the full version of King Kong. If he didn't have a full version of King Kong, he couldn't integrate his revised version of King Kong, so he was very reluctant to watch people go to the medicine valley.

The elders of the right elders looked at everything in the medicine valley, and the expression on the face was uncertain...

After a while, the small think tank saw that the right elder did not speak, and suddenly had some doubts. The temptation asked: "Right elder, what should we do now?"

"Ah?" The right elder glimpsed and turned to look at the small think tank and said, "What do you do? What do you say?"

"Ah?" The small think tank is also a glimpse: "Right elders, I said, people here are going to the building, what should we do next?"

"Where is the person going to the building? Hey? How am I here?" The right elder finished this sentence and was very surprised to see the environment around him: "Is this not a drug valley? Small think tank, how do we come to the medicine valley?" What about it?"

"Right elders... What's wrong with you?" The small think tank looked at the right elder, and some fear in his heart: "Right elders, we are in Medicine Valley, you are not letting me take you to see, Dong Jun, etc. Not in the medicine valley..."

"Right, Dong Jun, I remembered it!" The right elder was reminded by a small think tank, suddenly remembered the previous things, and patted the thighs: "This Dong Jun, too unsophisticated, actually lied to me, I stole my helicopter! Let's go, go back first, they must go to Lan Miao Village!"

"Well..." The little brains nodded and went to the helicopter with the right elder. After the two men got on the helicopter, they flew in the direction of the right old Miao Village again...

However, when the helicopter flew to the Blue Miao Village, when the right elders got off the plane, the tragedy happened again: "Small think tank, what are we doing here? How to take a helicopter?"

"We just got back from the drug valley!" answered the small think tank.

"Pharmaceutical Valley? What have we gone to the medicine valley?" The right elder frowned. "Let's go see Yang Ming?"

"Oh... no, things are like this..." The little brain was sweating and had to say what happened before to the right elder again: "Yong Jun was driving a helicopter to the medicine valley...and then we ......"

"Yes, it is like this, I think of it!" The right elder listened to the explanation of the small think tank and suddenly nodded and said: "Dong Jun is the bastard..."

"Right elders... There is a saying, I don't know if I should say it..." Xiao Zhibao bitter ~~-laughed, asked carefully.

"What? You are my little brain, can you tell me anything? Let's talk about it!" said the right elder.

"Yes!" The little brains nodded and asked carefully: "Right elders, your memory, is it like something wrong?"

"My memory?" After the right elders glimpsed, they frowned! Before he doubted whether his memory was a little bit problematic, how to forget **** so much? Many things have been forgotten in the blink of an eye, and the reason why the right elder did not continue to study his memory is because he forgot to continue research!

"Yeah, right elder, how do I feel that your memory seems to be very poor?" said the small think tank.

"Mom, it must be what Dong Jun has given me!" The right elder once said a thigh: "It must be like this, this guy is harming me..."

"Right elders... You said that your memory is a problem, is Dong Jun doing it?" The small think tank was surprised and asked quickly.

"It's not clear yet... but it should be..." The right elder nodded in a hurry and said, "I have to shut down for a few days, check the condition in my body and see if there is a problem... Anything Don't bother me..."

"Yes! Right elder!" The little think tank nodded. He still doesn't know what the right elder is doing. If he knows that the elder is being swift, he has no medicine to solve. He doesn't know what to do. Feelings.

However, the small think tank at the moment has a near-blind self-confidence for the right elder. In his view, the right elder can certainly solve the problem easily. Even if it is poisoned, the right elder can detoxify, because the right elder is a master of martial arts. And it is also a master of poison, it is very good for detoxification.

As a result, the right elders have no signs of retreat, and the entire right elder Miao Village does not know that the right elders have actually had problems. Everyone is still in a methodical manner to continue their own affairs...

Blue Miao Village.

After Yang Yang, Lan Ling, Xia Xue, Feng Tianlong, Xiao Susu, Lin Dongfang, Liu Tianqi, Chen Xiaojing, Liu Ye, Yi Yi and Dong Jun, after a period of rest, they were full of spirits in the Chamber of the Blue Miao Village. in.

"You are all awake? Great, now you can talk about your experience in this period in detail!" Grandma Blue was very curious about the experience of everyone during this period. I wanted to ask before.

"Oh, okay, let me know!" Lan Ling volunteered to talk about all the things that happened in Medicine Valley since this time, including everyone trying to find a way to deal with the right elders together and study the great gods together. King Kong’s embarrassment, even the matter of getting married, was told to Blue Grandma...

"I didn't expect that you have had so many things happening during this time, and these two kinds of anti-drugs are so difficult to study. However, I didn't expect it to be successful..." Blue grandma smiled. nod.

"Ling Ling, I really admire you. After you left, I have been studying the gods, but I haven’t made progress..." It’s a beautiful young boy, the one Yang Ming saw at the airport. .

Seeing who this person is, Yang Ming is awkward...

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