So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2235: finally come

~.-~ The 2,235 chapters finally came to the point of force, and who is the opponent of Lin Dongfang, Yang Ming, Liu Ye and others?

The small incense, black high, and Kun-inch three people were sleeping, and they were awakened by the emergency horn outside Miao Village. This is the horn of Miao Village’s invasion. It has not been heard for a long time, only training. I heard it, so the three responded for a long time, only to understand the meaning of the horn, quickly dressed, ran out!

"Not good! Not good, Blue Miao Village attacked!"

"Help, there are too many people, what should we do?"

"Don't kill us, where is the right elder, please come out and fight!"

When the small think tank, the black high and the Kun inch three came out, they heard a lot of people from the right Miao Village screaming in panic...

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" The small think tank looked at the messy Miao Village crowd, forced to suppress the inner panic, asked.

"The people in the blue Miao Village attacked, they really attacked it! How to do it?" An ordinary person from the right Miao Village screamed and explained.

"What? The people of Lan Miao Village are coming?" The small think tank frowned. I didn't expect it to calm down for so many days. Blue Miao Village finally came!

Before, the small think tank guessed that the right elder was moved by Dong Jun and actually knew that it was a matter of time before Lan Miaozhai came to trouble, and these people, under the protection of the right elders, were not right elders. opponent!

From the ordinary people in these villages, they can see that they are just a group of rabble. They have no fighting power at all, only knowing how to escape and calling for help.

The small think tank heard these sounds, and Hei Gao and Kun inch naturally heard these sounds.

Both of them also ran out quickly, saw the small think tank, and quickly ran over and asked: "What happened to the think tank brother? What mess?"

"Blue Miaozhai brought people to fight!" Xiao Zhibao sighed and said: "Black high, Kun inch, we are not the opponent of Lan Miaozhai, now there are only two roads, or the surrender of surrender, or die In the end, the right elder can't mean it. Can you look at him and come out for us?"

The words of the small think tank suddenly changed the face of Kun inch and black high! However, although they were panicked, they had to admit that the words of the small think tank were very reasonable. After all, none of them had more than the right elders.

However, the right elder can make the right Miao Village stand up, relying on not only his martial arts, but also his vajra! Only King Kong, you can make the people of Lan Miao Village always jealous!

Under the circumstance that the martial arts are comparable, the tyranny of the body plays a key role, but now it has become the past and become a cloud!

It’s been this time, the right elders haven’t come out yet, naturally explaining some problems.

Both Black and Kun are not reconciled. They just became the elders of the right Miao Village. It’s only a night, is it going to be a past tense?

"Small think tank, all three of us are the confidants of the right elders. Do you think that even if you surrender at this time, may the people of Lan Miao Village let us go?" Kun said: "We are almost dead now!"

"Yeah, Kun inch is right, even if we surrender, there is no good treatment, so it is better to fight, and die in the end..." Black high also nodded.

"Well, I can't do it. You two people take people to confront. I will ask the right elder to see if I can ask him to go out. As long as the right elder is willing to go out, then we can basically avoid it. Otherwise, even if Hard to fight, it is also difficult to reverse the situation." Small think tank said.

"Okay, then trouble the brains!" The eyes of Black and Kun are suddenly bright, and the help of the right elders, then they do have a great chance of winning, as long as they can move the right elders, then this time After the difficulty, I will believe that Lan Miao Village will not be able to attack again in a short time. Therefore, the three of them can continue to do the three middle and right elders of You Miao Village with peace of mind. .

"Hey!" The small think tank sighed and walked toward the right elders retreat, and Kun inch and Hei Gao were quickly gathered together, ready to fight with the people of Lan Miao Village!

The door to the right Miao Village.

Blue grandma looked at the messy Miaozhai people, frowning!

Even the guards who blew the horns before the ran away, the chaos of the right Miao Village is really to a certain extent!

"Don't it... I was too tall to see this right Miao Village? The people inside are too timid?" Blue Grandma looked at the situation very silent.

"Yeah, how do I feel that our people have come more?" The left elder also didn't know what to say. It is reasonable to say that (the fastest update) he and others have stood here for so long, how the right elders still Not coming out?

It will not be that these days, the right Miao Village is too comfortable, has forgotten the danger?

"Yang Ming, can you see the situation of the right elder?" Blue grandma turned and asked Yang Mingdao.

Yang Ming’s special ability, Blue Grandma has already learned, of course, only a few important figures in the blue Miao Village know that other people still do not know.

"I look!" Yang Ming nodded and began to search inside the right Miao Village.

In fact, at the time of Lan Miao Village, Yang Ming could also use the perspective and farsightedness to check the situation of the right Miao Village at any time, but one is because the distance is too far, Yang Ming is more energy-intensive to search, and secondly, It's easy to relax, and Lan Ling and others are relaxing in Lan Miao Village for a few days, and they don't want to waste any other energy.

What's more, there is a spy in the blue Miao Village in You Miao Village. You don't have to use it, Yang Ming is also happy.

However, when the real door is coming, Yang Ming can't relax. At this time, the situation is very strange. Yang Ming naturally wants to find out where the right elder is!

Although, Yang Ming’s heart also feels that the right elder is actually not enough, but at first glance, there is always a sense of confidence.

However, when Yang Ming was looking for the right elder, there was a sudden shouting from afar...

Wouldn't it be the right elders? Yang Ming immediately followed the precepts, but he saw two people who did not know. It seems that the people of the right elders are rushing over with a group of people in the direction of the right Miaozhai door!

"The two right elders are coming, with a group of people coming, there are probably hundreds of people!" Yang Ming said to Grandma Blue.

"It's finally here!" Blue grandma nodded! But not the right elders took the lead, Blue Grandma did not have the slightest concern.


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