So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2236: Be careful

~ Date: ~ November 02~

"Yeah, finally came, I think this, this right Miaozhai does not have a rebellious person!" left elder nodded and said.

"Ready, although there is no right elder to take the lead, but we should not underestimate the enemy!" Blue grandma shouted: "Remember, be careful not to be wrong! The right elders lost this time because of careless mistakes, so we don't make the same Wrong!"

"Yes!" left elders and others quickly nodded and said yes!

After a while, I saw that Hei Gao and Kun inch ran with a group of people, and Blue Grandma naturally knew who these two people were: "Black high and Kun inch, it really has two of them, it seems this The two people are not reconciled. Just when they were on the agenda, the elders were brought to us and wanted to fight hard with us!"

"Only by the two of them? I really don't look down on them!" The left elder sighed: "On these two people, I can get it myself. Both Mrs. Blue and Ling Ling are redundant..."

Although Mrs. Blue does not want to let the old man to be underestimated, but there is no reason not to underestimate the enemy, because these two people are indeed too weak, and they do not want to be underestimated.

Seeing this situation, Yang Ming decisively flashed aside, now do not have to shoot himself, although Yang Ming is not afraid of these people's low-level martial arts, but did not win their grasp, handed over to the left elders and blue grandma to deal with it. .

"Kun inch, black high, you two small characters, actually become an elder? It is so ridiculous!" The left elder looked at the two people in front of him, gave a disdainful sneer!

However, it is not to be blamed for the left elders to look down on them. Hei Gao and Kun inch were once the men of the right elders who took away from Lan Miao Village. At that time, the black high and the Kun inch were just two small ones that could no longer be small. Nowadays I also want to be a preacher of Miao Village, I am really crazy!

"Left elders, who can't say big words? You are a left elder, now I am also an elder, everyone is the same, who is afraid of who?" Black snorted.

"Oh? Not afraid? Then try to know who is afraid of who!" The left elder smiled § hand in the air ☆ Ming although I don't understand, but I also know that he is performing some kind of martial arts, this is from black A high face can be seen as a change.

The black high and the Kun inch, at this moment is also waiting, the two people are doing strange gestures in the air, as if they want to use the martial arts and the left elders to compete, just like the comparison between Lan Ling and the right elders.

However, there are obviously some opponents of the black and Kun inch who are not the opponents of the left elders. There are still not a few minutes, and the two men have already had cold sweat on their foreheads!

At this moment, the talents are really clear-headed!

Before, they just became elders of the right Miao Village, self-confidence bloat, that they have reached the same status as the left elders, but really wait for them to bring people, only to know that many people simply useless!

These people are nothing in front of the left elders. They both have a hard time fighting against the elders of the left elders. They are just barely able to do the battle to shield the left elders from the water. . But letting them fight back is absolutely impossible!

"How? How can you two people be able to withstand this? This is not the same as the other small leaders of our Blue Miao Village. Do you dare to come out and be disgusting?" The elder left was very disdainful: "I have not shown any stunts yet. You are no longer able to do it. I am still struggling to support it. I don’t want to waste my energy and time!"

"Hey!" Kun inch and black high snorted, but the two did not surrender immediately, after all, they are very satisfied with their current status and status, do not want to lose. So they are imagining that there is still the possibility of reversal...that is, a small think tank to invite the right elders!

As long as the right grows old, everything will be fine, only the right elders can resist the attack of the left elders!

In fact, the little think tank has no confidence in being able to ask the right elders! Although he is the most loyal, he is also the most visible person!

The current situation is obviously one-sided, and nothing can stop the pace of the Blue Miao Village. The right elders will not work!

At this moment, the right elder is almost indistinguishable from the waste. Perhaps, he remembers that only Yang Ming is his enemies. He wants to revenge Yang Ming, and other things have nothing to do with him!

What right Miaozhai, what status, he has given up, this little think tank is very clear.

Therefore, the small think tank did not agree with the decision of Kunming and Heigao before, but the two of them insisted that there is no way for the small think tank. Until now, the small think tank has no room for revolving, and can only sigh, the right Miaozhai has gone!

Standing in the place where the right elders retreat, the small think tank knocked on the door and said: "Right elder, are you there?"

"Who? Who? What?" The right elder's memory is getting more and more backward, but he has not relaxed his vigilance. The only thing he forces himself to remember every day is that Yang Ming is his enemy. He must retaliate against Yang Ming! Be sure to retaliate against Yang Ming! Even if you are dead, you have to pull a back! Can't let Yang Ming be better!

"Right elder, it is me, a small think tank..." The little think tank smiled and pushed the door and went in...

"Small think tank? Who is the small think tank? Yang Ming? Does Yang Ming come?" The right elder knows that his time is running out, so he also refuses to confirm the identity of the small think tank, just want to know where Yang Ming is!

"I am your man... Yang Ming... Yang Ming, he is outside the stockade, he brought people to attack, you..." The little think tank had already lost to the right elder, but suddenly heard the right elder asked Yang Ming’s business, a small think tank, if you can lead the right elder to the gate of the stockade, can you use his hand to deal with Yang Ming?

Thinking of this, the small think tank is full of expectations and looks to the right elder.

Sure enough, the right elders nodded and thought about it and nodded. "Go, take me to see Yang Ming, I want to see Yang Ming!"

"Well, right elder, please here!" said the small thinker!

Just as the small elders found the right elders, this scene was also clearly seen by Yang Ming, who was far from the gate of the right Miao Village!

However, for the situation of the right elders, Yang Ming has some doubts. The right elders are not even aware of the small think tanks. They can still remember the name of Yang Ming, and they still say that they are looking for Yang Ming. This is really Yang. Ming feels a bit strange!

However, although strange, Yang Ming reminded Blue Grandma and the left elders and Lan Ling: "Attention! The small think tank brought the right elders out, everyone must be careful!"


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