So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2242: Returning Grandpa Blue

Moreover, not only know, the relationship between the two people is still very good, so Yang Ming is also deeply ingrained in the name of Grandpa Ma!

Blue Ocean came back, and the whole blue Miao Village was immediately jubilant!

This is the core figure of Lan Miao Village. Although the blue sea is not in the blue sea, the blue grandmother has hosted the overall situation, but everyone’s thoughts on the blue sea have never been reduced!

Especially the left elders, deputy villagers and other people, even miss him!

Although the two men did not have any objections to Blue Grandma’s presiding over the blue Miaozhai, they would also question some of Grandma’s orders, such as opposing Lan Ling to help Yang Ming, etc. If the Blue Ocean is here, they Who will obey unconditionally!

This is the authority of the owner!

"Grandpa!" Seeing the blue ocean, Lan Ling was very excited and excited. He ran quickly and threw himself in the arms of the blue sea!

"Haha, Ling Ling, I haven't seen it in some days. You have grown up, are you going to let Grandpa do Grandpa soon?" Blue Sea laughed and said. Www.binhuo.com冰火中文

"Grandpa..." Blue Ling was bold in front of Yang Ming, but he twisted a lot in front of Grandpa, and some shyly bowed his head.

"Haha, Xiao Ling Ling, still shy!" Blue Sea laughed.

"Grandpa Ma, see you again, I am so happy!" Yang Ming also smiled and walked over, and said hello to the Blue Ocean.

"Yes, Yang Ming, I heard that this time against the right elder, you are the first effort! I am very pleased!" Blue Sea looked at Yang Ming. I am very pleased to say: "Kid. You and I have known each other for so many years, I am very happy to see you grow step by step!"

"Ma Grandpa, I did not expect that the original guardian grandfather, is Lingling's grandfather, or the owner of this blue Miaozhai!" Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "But why do you always hide outside, why not Go back to Lan Miao Village?"

This is a question Yang Ming always wanted to ask. Although I knew that the right elders wanted to kill the blue ocean. However, the right elders are not sure about attacking the Blue Miao Village. Is there any need to hide in the Blue Ocean?

"I don't want to come back, but I can't come back!" Blue Sea said with a bitter smile: "If I can come back, I have already returned to Lan Miao Village. As long as I am in Lan Miao Village, the right elder gives him 10,000. I am afraid to kill the door!"

"Oh? What is going on here?" Yang Ming suddenly stunned, but it was normal for Yang Ming to live, but here he was stunned with Lan Ling, Blue Grandma, Zuo Elder and the deputy. Somehow looked at the blue sea inexplicably!

"Haha, this is actually a secret, but the right elder has now lost, this secret can be made public!" Blue Ocean said: "In fact. In the blue Miao Village, there is a very powerful inheritance energy, this inheritance energy is justice The symbol of the traitors of the Blue Miao Village, especially those evil traitors, is even more devastating! The right elders sacred evil and poisonous, just made this kind of inheritance energy taboo, if he dares to step into the blue Miao Village One step, then he will be bound by this inheritance force, stay here forever!"

"Oh? I said how the right elder has not attacked the Blue Miao Village. It turned out to be this reason!" Blue Grandma listened to the explanation of the Blue Ocean, suddenly realized that it is no wonder that the right elder has not attacked the Blue Miao Village, it is not that he does not want to, and Can't. Or don't dare!

"That... what does this have to do with you?" Yang Ming asked strangely: "If this is the case, then you don't have to hide. If you go back to Lan Miao Village, can you sit back and relax?"

"That said, but I can't come back!" Blue Sea said with a bitter smile: "My body is actually related to the mysterious inheritance power. Every village owner of Lan Miao Village, before taking office. Will be accepted in the sacrificial hall of our blue Miaozhai, so that the inheritance will divide a part into my body! And when I am in the blue Miao Village, I can mobilize this part of the mysterious power, with the help of This part of the mysterious power will easily kill the enemies of the invading Blue Miao Village!"

"But, what does this have to do with returning?" Yang Ming's explanation of the Blue Ocean is surprising, but it is even more doubtful.

"This is what I want to say next time!" Blue Ocean said: "After this inheritance power enters my body, if I accidentally die, this mysterious power will disappear, and the mystery of the Lan Miaozhai sacrifice hall The power will also disappear, until the next owner of the village appears, and re-acceptance in the Sacrifice Hall! However, it is not so easy for a Zhaizhu to accept the inheritance, and the inheritance can be passed down. This is a kind of blue Miaozhai. Resonance of the ancestors of the past dynasties, only after resonance, can accept the inheritance under their own sentiments! Generally, before the main fall of the Shangzhai village, the next housekeeper will be cultivated, and then he will be self-sense and accept the inheritance. The death of the next owner, then the owner of the previous owner and the long-term feelings and resonance, it is easy to accept the inheritance, but there will be a blank period of time... If the right elder Invading the Blue Miao Village during this time, no one can be defeated!"

"Ah! It turns out!" After Yang Ming listened to the words of the Blue Ocean, he suddenly understood why the Blue Ocean was hiding. The reason was that he was not. He didn't matter if he died, but as long as he died, Lan Miao Village was finished!

"Oh, it seems that Yang Ming also understands that if I appear near this Miaojiang, I will be seen by the right elder's eyeliner. The right elder will definitely not let me return to the blue Miao Village safely. I will definitely hesitate." All the costs will kill me. At that time, Lan Miaozhai is really dangerous!" Blue Ocean said: "And I am not the opponent of the right elder, so I did not let Blue Miaozhai hurt, I directly hid I am not dead, the right elders are nothing to the blue Miao Village!"

"That... why don't you tell us in advance, we are wary of the invasion of the right elders every day, trying to get rid of the right elders..." Lan Ling asked with some doubts.

"If I tell the truth, can you still have a sense of crisis? Without a sense of crisis, how can you go all out to find a way to deal with the right elders?" Blue Sea shook his head and said: "I don't say, Because of this, I am afraid that you are worried! I am outside, although dangerous, but your grandmother has already prepared the thoughts I might sacrifice, so I am dead, she will only avenge me, and will not worry about anything... ..." (to be continued...)

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